Chapter 11: YAAAAAAAAAAY :3

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Daring's POV:

It's been a month since Lizzie has been gone. When I go to sleep at night, I can still hear her sweet, sweet voice.. singing a lullaby. 


a/n) BTW This is a FAIRY short chapter!! Like seriously... K, so.. ya.. sorry...


I walk into the room where  they have her laying. They are going to bury her tomorrow.


Lizzie's POV:

It has been ages since I have been here. It has been the exact same. But one thing has changed, My heart.

It is less broken.

Yet more aching.


For him.


Daring's POV:

I look at Lizzie's face.. Tears start streaming down my cheeks. I kiss her one last time. I wonder why I am not her true love.. then I think of all the stupid thing's I have done. "I love you, You are the queen of my heart.." I whisper as I walk off. Then I hear an uncomfortable voice. "And you-r m-my.. Prince.. Ch-armm...inggg.." Lizzie says and then coughs. I run over to her beautiful self and kiss her. Tears of joy are here now. Then I feel blood. She is whipped and scratched all over! "Lizzie! We gotta find you help!" I say and pick her up. I run with her down the empty corridors. Past the girls dorms, where I spot Kitty. "OMGM!! Liz?!" She yells with tears of joy. "H-hey.. C-at..w-urr-m" She coughs and smiles. We get her  to the nurse.

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