when he/you get2 jealou2/overprotective

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This is when he  and you, get jealous,, and there will be a similar one but when someone else has a crush on you ahhakshwj

karkat vantas💕
It's honestly so cute when he does it, he gets so overprotective over you. He'd literally threaten to shoot someone in the asshole for you, it's honestly almost hilarious. Like if someone were to tell you "Hey babes wanna hang( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" and he would lose his shit "CANT YOU SEE THAT THIS FINE PIECE OF ASS IS MINE? THIS IS MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND SO FUCK OFF" Youd probably be proud of him and smother him with love and kisses
now when you get jealous its a different thing,
Someone had once said to him, "Hey cutie want to have a fun time~" KarKat literally gagged at her as she caressed his shoulder, but you literally went insane. "DONT EVEE LOOK IN HIS DIRECTION AGAIN, YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING SHIT FOR BRAINS DICK FACE"
You said as you were literally ready to punch her, but KarKat grabbed your arm, trying to pull you down. He didn't really want to get kicked out but mentally he was so proud of you for that. "hOLY SHIT BABE NO- nO Y/N NO WE ARE NOT GOING TO DO THAT"
You then sat down and pouted at him "But she,, she" "It's okay," he gave you a kiss and said "flushed for you y/n"

gamzee makara💕
"Y/nNnN" Gamzee whined at you cause he needed help with his shoes. He was adorable in your eyes, and handsome too.
"I nEeD sOmE mOtHeRfUcKiN HeLp I... I cAnT dO tHaT" he frowned as you helped him. You two went out and got icecream together. He got chocolate and you got mint chocolate chip. You two were giggling and leaning on eachother. Some people were frightened by him, but one person kept making comments about you. You didn't know why. But this guy was making vulgar comments about you.
"Look at this slut she's probably only with that clown for sex" you thought maybe he was saying that because you were wearing a shirt that had a v neck. Or that you were actually wearing a skirt. You stood up and told Gamzee that you wanted to go home. And once you stood up one guy literally grabbed your ass. You instinctively started to cry. And now people were staring. And you heard things like "Oh that poor girl.." "Wait that high blood looks mad..." "wait that's Gamzee..... he's the son of the grand high blood.."
"Oh no... That high blood IS mad.."
Gamzee knelt down in front of you and wiped your tears and said "HeY bAbY iLl bE rIgHt bAcK" and then he got up and went over to that guy. You got worried cause, well Gamzee never got mad. He was always a sweet heart.
He quite literally growled at the guy and said "YoU bEtTeR gO aPoLoGiSe tO hEr, nOw" His eyes even tinted red. But not to much.
That guy was scared shitless. He quickly said sorry and ran away. Gamzee went over to you and said "yOuRe oKaY rIgHt LiL mAmA?"
"Y-Yeah,, but Gamzee are you mad"
"NoT aT yOu bAbE iTs oKaY :o)"
He smiled and held your hand as you enjoyed the rest of your day.
Now when you get 'jealous' you really just get over protective and pouty. But one day a random guy went up to you two, and honestly you didn't know why anyone even messed with you two anymore because he could easily kill em. But today you got angry. The guy went up to him and said "Look at this troll he probably didn't even brush his hair today"
"fUcK oFf" he hissed.
"Aww really or what? You think cause your the son of Grand High Blood I'm scared of ya?" Gamzee growled at him but he didn't get to do anything. The guy then shoved his shoulder.
Something in your head snapped.
"DO NOT TOUCH HIM" you shouted. Your face was red because you were infuriated.
"Get your disgusting hands off of him you filthy  shit bag"
"Oh hey princess, want to ditch the clown and hang out with some actual men?" He said to seductively to even be anywhere near attractive.
"No." You said firmly
"I. Said. No! And get your filthy hands off of my boyfriend or I'll make you!" You screamed.
Gamzee was just sitting there wide eyed.
"Really? I'd like to see you tr-" you didn't even let him finish you kicked that fucker right in the balls.
He fell onto the floor and cried as you went over to Gamzee and said "Let's go home!!! I wanna watch movies"
"HoLy mOtHeRfUcKiN sHiT"

sollux captor💕
"Hold still!!!"
"iim tryiing two y/nnnn"
"ok ok.....annnnnddd done!!"
You had been drawing a picture of him, all morning and you two were out at the cafe and you proudly showed him your very detailed and accurate drawing.
"woah!!! holy 2hiit y/n!" He leaned over and gave you a quick kiss.
"Thii2 ha2 two go on my wall"
You smiled all giddy cause he liked it. He even wanted to put it on the wall of other drawings you made him. You took a sip of your coffee and he did as well. "Heeeey that's my coffee >:3" you teased "Well ii wanted two know what iit ta2ted liike!" He smiled.
Your date was going well until he had to use the bathroom. And as soon as he was gone, some ugly dude with brown hair sat down in front of you taking Sollux's seat.
"Uh sir that's my boyfriends seat" you said
"Well I don't see em"
"Anyways I seem to have lost my number, could I have yours instead?"
" oh god no-" you gagged as you took your coffee and you tried to grab your art stuff but that guy decided to break all of your pencils and as he was about to rip the drawing. Sollux came out of the bathroom. And when he saw you crying and asking that guy to stop begging him to not rip your art. He used his psiionics
To take the art away from him. "What the fuck do you thiink youre doiing" he hissed. The manager walked over to see what all the commotion was and when he saw you crying, he immediately asked was was going on. "T-that guy broke all my pencils and was going to rip my art cause i- didn't want to give him my phone number.."
"you. what." Sollux was pissed like really pissed.
"Alright sir please leave the couple alone before I have to call the authorities."
That guy grumbled something rude and stomped away. You two ended up getting two free coffees and sollux held your hand for the rest of the day, which was so cute watching him get all overprotective like that.
Now when you get jealous, it gets messy. He was at an arcade with you. And this blonde girl with really long curly hair, well it looked more like a cheap wig, walked over and attempted to flirt with him. "Hey cutie~" he was to concentrated in the arcade game thing to notice her yet. He was trying to win you a plushie to surprise you cause he loved surprising you with gifts. "Hey Sol!" You said running over and you said "look!! I won you a bee plushie!!!" His heart melted, he found you adorable. You then saw that random girl behind him, and said "w-who are you :0"
She scared the shit out of him, he didn't even see her he fell backward onto you and you obviously caught him. "Who- whA HOLY 2HIIT- waiit- lady how long were you 2tandiing there?" He found her creepy and something just didn't sit right. "For a while now~"
You scrunched your face and whined, annoyed that people tried messing with him.
"Yeah long enough to see that he's got a girlfriend so scram >:((" you hissed at her. She quickly walked away and Sollux gave you a kiss, and you watched him win you a plush.

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