what he doe2 when youre 2iick

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Karkat Vantas:

He will literally be on your ass asking you for your symptoms, he just cares so much that he needs to know what hurts and how you feel, so he can get the proper medicine for you.
Such as if your stomach hurts it will put his hand over it, and since his hands are warm it is usually soothing to some pain. He would also lay in bed with you and give you all the blankets, but you'd normally snuggle up against him to sleep.

Gamzee Makara:

He literally holds you, if you have a cold he will actually hold you close to him and he wraps a blanket around you. And he even just plays with your hair, petting you and just comforting you in general. He literally treats you like your his queen

Sollux Captor:

He will help you, of course but he always tries to make food for you, but he only has succeeded with making ramen and french toast. You don't really know how he managed to NOT burn the house down, maybe it's just because you were sick and he wanted to make his player 2 happy.

Eridan Ampora:

This boy. THIS BABY BOY. He gets so worried and scared the you might die or get seriously hurt even though when you only have a cold or the flu. He will get you ANYTHING you want, like if you asked for anything at all it's automatically yours. But you would only ask for chocolate and for him to lay with you. Which he could never say no to, he lays and snuggles with you all the time, but with a ton of blankets because sea dwellers are just naturally cold

Kankri Vantas:

He actually knows exactly what to do, and what medicine you need usually before you even tell him what's up. He just knows, and then he lays with you and rubs your back at night

Mituna Captor:

He seemed so innocent with it,, he looked at you and told you that you are his pretty matesprit and that there was no time to be sick! But he then saw you were feeling awful and then he asked for help from Kankri and he said and I quite "KANKRRRRIIII!! Hi I need help becauth you are thmart and I need the thmartneth to help my matethprit" Mituna also holds you close at night or whenever your just laying around

Cronus Ampora:

This boy acted a lot like Eridan but he freaked out WAY more,, and after he went out to get you medicine he also came back with your favorite kind of flowers and some chocolate,, and you got all happy but then you sneezed so hard you accidentally smacked your own face-

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