fiir2t kii22

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karkat vantas💕
the two of you were watching a romcom, you ended up falling asleep in your matesprits arms. Karkat wanted to get up after the movie ended, so instead he picked you up and brought you to his bed, and tucked you in. You slowly woke up and quietly said "Karkatttttt please sleep with meee" he pulled you into a long kiss which you returned and he smirked at you and said "Fine, but only cause your so gog damn adorable." He then climbed in bed and snuggled up against you.
gamzee makara💕
Surprise surprise he was passed out on the couch, and you wanted to wake him up, since you were starving. But he looked so adorable, but you were indeed starving so you gently poked him "Gamz wake up!" He then slowly sat up and said "hUh WhAt,,, oH wAiT hEy LiL mAmA" he smiled lazily at you. "Hey, I'm sorry I woke you up but we can sleep together later! I'm starving right now Gamz!!" He chuckled as you whined like a child. He sat up and said "I cAn aLl uP aNd gEt gHb tO gEt uS sOmE pIzZa aNd fAyGo" you smiled at him and said "yessss!!!!!" You then jumped up and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. But then he quickly pulled you back into a loving kiss, "NoW lEtS gEt oUr mOtHeRfUcKiN fOoD LiL mAmA"
sollux captor💕
You were almost done with a huge boss battle in your new video game, but Sol wanted your attention. He dramatically threw himself onto the couch next to you and pouted. "y/n plea2e ii want your love" He said dramatically as he pulled on your arm. "Hold on a second babe! I'm almost done here!!!" It was silent for 60 more seconds until you finished the battle and won. "Yes!!! I won!!" Your face was so happy, you looked at your pouting matesprit and hugged him tightly rubbing his back, then when you pulled away from he hug he thought you were going to walk away but instead you kissed him right in the lips. When you pulled away from that his face was covered in his blush. "Waiit,, no ii waiited two hour2 for your love and affectiion giimiie another kii22" he said quietly as you giggled and kissed him once more.
aradia megido💕
She was so straightforward with it but she was so cute your heart practically melted.
"Y/n darling c0me here f0r a m0ment please!" She said nervously. You walked over quickly and said "What's up hun?" She smiled at you and said "please cl0se y0ur eyes." You did as told and then she then kissed you, it was short and sweet. You blushed a dark red, and kissed her again.
tavros nitram💕
You invited Tav over to sleep over! You planned on making food and watching movies together, he hoped to do all that as well but one more thing. You were oblivious to what he wanted but you immediately found out as he opened the door and cut you off when you said "Hey Tav h-" that's when he kissed you. Right on the lips, you were so shocked you didn't kiss back. And when he pulled away "o-oH iM sORRY y/N I- I SHOULDNT hAVE DONE t-tHAT.." you smiled at him and kissed him again.
nepeta leijon💕
Nepeta and you had a sleepover together and in the morning you woke up to her playing with your hair. "Oh!! Mew purrfect matesprit is awake!! :3" she smiled as she gave you a quick kiss. "Aww! Hi sweetie!" You said as you kissed her as you sat up.
eridan ampora💕
He was having a bad day, there was a thunder storm which scared the shit out of him, and he and Sollux got into a huge fight again. You were passed out on the couch as sadly went over to your house. He knocked on the door and that woke you up. You sped to the door and when you opened it your heart broke. There stood Eridan, tears in his eyes, ripped shirt and a bloody lip. "Aw no baby come here" you held his hand as he had a mental breakdown telling you what happened. You helped clean him up and after you were done you gave him a kiss. "Y-Y/n wwas that a kiss" "yes to make you feel better!" "Oh I'm sorry babe it didn't wwork I think you havve to kiss me again"
kankri vantas
"Y/n Darling  c9uld y9u c9me here for a m9ment?" You heard kankri say from the kitchen. You scurried over as he was cooking some food for the two of you. "I want t9 try s9mething c9uld y9u cl9se y9ur eyes?" "Yes! But what do you want to t-" you were cut off by him connecting the space between the two of you. He felt bad and went to pull away after a second but you then wrapped your hands around his head and continued to make out with him. He then pulled away for air when you did his face a dark red. "Y-Y/n can I d9 that again, with y9ur c9nsent?..." he asked you nodded quickly as he pulled you into another make out session.
kurloz makara
You walked into his room, and then he immediately signed "could you undo my stitches lil mama?"  You nodded and did that, and as soon as you undid the last one, he gently grabbed your face with a smile and kissed you on the lips. You immediately kissed him back and wrapped your arms around his neck and head. You two ended up in a severe makeout session and grand high blood walked in on it. "hey motherfu- OH AW MOTHERFUCKIN SHIT-" he shouted as he ran out and slammed the door and locked it. You couldn't help but pull away and burst out laughing, Kurolz smiled widely as if he was proud of that.
mituna captor
Mituna tried his best to set up a cute romantic date for the two of you at his house. He even set the table it was a bit sloppy but it totally worked. He only had to get plates cause he ordered pizza but he patiently sat on the floor in front of the front door to his house waiting for you. He saw you from outside and he started to get all jumpy and exited which you found adorable, he ran to grab the flowers he got you and then opened the door. "H1 Y/N !!!" "Hi Tuna!!" You both said he handed you flowers and said "1-1 G07 7H353 F0R Y0U!!" He nervously smiled. You blushed as you said "thank you so much sweetie!!" He blushed and went closer to you and gave you a quick kiss. You giggled and said "oh I don't think so babe come back I want more kisses!!" Smiling he gave you so much love and affection for the rest of the night, he treated you like the only girl in the world.
cronus ampora
You have been waiting forever to kiss Cronus, he didn't know how to bring it up but he was waiting for long as well. You invited him over for a sleepover and when he got there he said "Hey doll I wwanna do somethin,,,,, I wwanna kiss ya,,, if you let me,," You smiled so brightly as you grabbed him and pulled him into a loving passionate kiss, that he happily and quickly returned.

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