“Awww! Katie! That was precious.” I squealed. “Niall! QUIT POKING ME! It’s bad enough Lou TOLD you all I was tickl-ish!” I exclaimed, smacking his arm.

“Sorry Lex… you were just so serious.” He laughed, “It was perfect timing!” Lou gave Niall this look. Shit, that was kinda obvious… even though, I’ve been getting poked all night. Damnit, why does Niall have to freaking tease me! He’s just too damn perfect! I thought, as Niall sat up, and crossed his legs.

“Katie, your turn.” He spoke up, serious now.

“Uhm.. Lou, truth-or-dare?” He looked at her, he was vacant, thinking about something that was driving him crazy.

“Dare?” He said a little unsure.

“Okay, I dare you to kiss Harry.” An instant smiled appeared on his face.

“Come here Babe!” He grabbed Harry by the back of his neck, and kissed his cheek, then gave him a LoveBite on the neck. 

“Ouch! Louis! That HURT!” Harry exclaimed, grabbing his neck. “but the kiss was kind of hot.” He winked at Lou, who winked back.


“I always knew my brother would end up gay… The day I walked in on him with one of mum’s bras on, make-up all over his face, and in a pair of her heels. I just knew it!” I said, before Lou lunged for me and covered my mouth.

“Ignore her, she’s a bit tired.” I bit him. “What the Hell Lexie! That hurt!” He exclaimed.

“Do NOT put you hand on my face again. Much less over my mouth.” I answered him.

“Geez! I’m surprised you didn’t draw blood!” He exclaimed, holding onto his hand.

“Oh quit being a Drama Queen!” I told him. “Lou, your turn!” I said as he sent me one of his goofy grins, oh wait…

“Lexie.” Damnit, I’m beginning to hate this game. “Truth-or-dare?” 

“Dare. Louis. Make it a good one!” I laughed as he started to think.

“Describe everyone in this room, using one of our songs titles, and why?!” My face instantly changed.

“Shit… uhmm… okay. Louis, yours is Tell Me A Lie, because we’re siblings so we fight, and we tell each other lies about how we hate each other, or get pissed at each other, but deep down we know they’re only lies, and we love each other. Katie, What Makes You Beautiful, because you don’t think you’re beautiful and you totally are. You’re gorgeous! Liam, yours is Everything About You, because you’re so insightful and you’re like my go-to guy for any advice I might need, not that all of you are amazing with advice. Zayn, Up All Night because you bring the party with you, and you’re always ready to have fun, and giving the guys ideas. Harry, yours is Save You Tonight, because you’re the baby of the group, and I see you as a little brother, and if anyone ever thinks of breaking your heart, I’ll save you, I’ll be there to catch you.” Harry, just smiled at me and, “Awe”-ed. “And Niall, yours would be—”

“Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy. Grab my— Hello? Oh Taylor! OhMyGod! It’s been too long! Yea, just a second,” I covered the receiver, “Hey Katie, you take my turn, and ask Liam. I’ve got to take this, be right back.” I got up and went into the kitchen. “Okay, so Taylor. What’s been happening?”

“Not much Lex, other then I saw your face plastered all over the internet tonight, and I wanted to know what’s up?” Oh goodness.

“Well, I went shopping with Zayn and Niall, and the paparazzi just kind of stalked us.” I replied, leaning against the countertop.

“You sound so American!” She laughed, “Yea, I figured that, what about the picture where it looked like you were kissing Niall Horan from One Direction.” Might as well tell her now I guess.

“Well, Taylor, we’re sort of dating… secretly. Lou doesn’t know, and I intend to keep it that way for a little while longer.”

“You and WHO are dating?” Liam asked coming around the corner, making me drop my phone and squeal.

“LIAM!? DON’T DO THAT!” I grabbed my heart, then picked up my phone. The called had ended.

I’ll explain more later. txt me -Lexiee:)

“Liam, seriously. Don’t say that loudly.”

“Who?” He asked, ignoring me.

“Niall…” I can’t believed I just answered him like that.

“I knew it. Gosh, y’all are just too cute!” His face bunched up and he smiled.

“Wait, you knew?” I asked him. Dumbstruck.

“Yes, it’s quite obvious. I’m surprised Lou hasn’t caught on, but then again, it’s Lou, and he likes to ignore things like that.” I just looked at him. “C’mon, I’m bout to do my dare, then we’re gonna watch a movie.”

Liam ended up having to strip-tease Harry. THAT my friend was HILARIOUS. Thanks to Harry playing along, we all ended up choking on air, and some of us, water.

After we finished, we all moved back to furniture and found a movie we could agree on, Bruce Almighty. I sat on the couch between Harry and Niall. I sat leaning on Niall, who out of habit had his arm around the back of the chair. Harry, under the blanket thrown on the three of us, had his hand right beside my thigh. He’d ever so lightly brush he pinky against my thigh every now and then, and I’d look at out of the corner of my eye. He’d just kind of smirk. Niall, held my hand under the blanket. Our fingers interlocked, and his thumb rubbing my clasped hand. It sent tingles throughout my body.

Once the movie ended, I noticed there were only three of us still awake. Harry, Zayn, and me.

Zayn was texting, and fell asleep the moment he sent his last text. Leaving Harry and me. I tried to fake being asleep, the best I could, my head rested in the crook of Niall’s shoulder and side.

“Lex?” Harry whispered.

“Hm.” I mumbled.

“I was wondering something.”

“What Harry?” I whispered back, my eyes still closed, as I snugged up to Niall.

His head moved a little, I heard him sigh. “Nevermind.”

“What Harry?” I asked, sitting up and facing him.

“Well, just…” He paused, he leant forward and kissed me.

“Why did you do that Harry!” I whisper yelled once he pulled away.

“I just… I don’t know… Act like I didn’t. Go back and lay against Niall and go to bed.” He answered me frantically.

But I couldn’t, I sat there, leaning against Niall for hours it seemed. Thinking about what Harry did. It did NOT compare to how Niall’s kisses made me feel… but I felt something… something that scared me.

“Lexie?” He mumbled again.

“What?” I snapped, not meaning too. “Sorry… Harry.”

“No Lex, I’m sorry.” He grabbed my hand, and kissed it. With that, we both fell asleep, around three hours after he had kissed me, out of freaking NOWHERE. Oh Good LORD! This does NOT make me feel good.



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