Updates Announcement

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Hey Everyone!

First of all, I apologize for not posting for so long. Trust me, I wanted to, but life got in the way. Basically, I spent the past few months finishing my undergraduate degree, which given that classes were online, was a bit of a challenge.

But anyways, now that I've graduated (Yayy!) I'm free from studies for a while. Therefore, I've decided to finish writing this book. But before I tell you when the next update is going to be, let me just talk about the Pandemic for a second.

This year was quite possibly the most bizarre year in all of our lives. Many people lost loved ones and many others have family and close ones fighting on the front lines. I just hope that you all and your close ones are healthy and safe, and I hope that we all wake up to a better tomorrow.

With that said, I promised updates. Chapter.11 will be up on Monday and I'm not joking when I say it's one of the longest I've written for this book till now. Do let me know if you think that the length is fine or if I should shorten it a bit. Also, if you guys want a recap for the previous chapters, let me know in the comments and I'll write one for the update on Monday.

Finally, if you've read the book this far, thank you for sticking around and stay tuned for more chapters!

Best wishes,


Irah of the Seven DominionsWhere stories live. Discover now