Chapter.7: The Birthday Ball

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"We're standing here, broadcasting live from the scene at the gates of the Queen's palace, as the Kings of the other Dominions arrive for Queen Irah's Birthday Ball tonight. I'm told that King Jasper of the Kingdom of Vesper and King Matias of the Kingdom of Occidentum, the two kings from the Western Dominion, arrived an hour ago and are currently in audience with Her Majesty the Queen. King Lee of Orientem and King Malik of Esta, the two rulers from the Eastern Dominion are landing at the airport as we speak and are due to arrive at the palace shortly. According to news reports from the Kingdom of Austellus in the Southern Dominion, King Abioye has just taken off and will land here soon. As for King Gregorovich of the Kingdom of Aquilo in the Northern Dominion, his ailing health has led many to speculate that he won't be attending tonight and his son, Crown Prince Nicholas, will be coming in his stead. Rumors that..."

As the news lady droned on, Haynes muted the television and continued to sign the documents in front of him. It had been a boring morning and a boring afternoon, but Haynes didn't seem to have a problem with that as he sat in his leather chair, in the large rectangular room that was his office. His peace and quiet however, was soon disturbed by Rodrick, who waltzed in through the automatic glass door that connected their offices.

"What in Dominia are you doing still sitting there? You should be going home and getting some rest, we have an important party to attend today.", Rodrick spoke in his usual cheery voice.

"You have an important party to attend today. I have important work to do." Haynes replied without looking up, acutely aware of the cream-colored invitation envelope lying in the drawers of his desk, that had arrived from the palace two days after he had run into the Queen at the café.

"You dare not attend?", Rodrick said incredulously, "Her Majesty will be furious!"

"Her Majesty is always furious." Haynes muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Eh? Oh nothing." Haynes responded looking up at him, "I was just saying that I don't care if she is furious."

Rodrick didn't look convinced but shrugged nonetheless.

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you.", Rodrick replied, waving as he left the room.

Haynes turned his attention back to the documents in front of him, ready to continue working, but he paused, thinking. Queen Irah was a very different person from how he'd thought she'd be. She wasn't kind and humble, she was arrogant and rude, and she enjoyed making fun of him. If anything, Haynes was in no mood to be laughed at when the entire elite class of Dominia were in one place. Especially since he wouldn't be able to fire insults back given the formal nature of the gathering and of course, Irah's elevated status.

Rodrick and Erica were also invited to the party but no amount of convincing from their side would force him to come. Having decided strongly against going with not even a little worry of the consequences of such a blatant refusal to come, Haynes spent the better part of that day in his office, retiring home only an hour before sunset.

As Haynes entered his driveway, he found a large, black limousine parked at the end, a stone-faced chauffer standing in front of it.

"Excuse me? Um, what, may I ask, are you doing on my driveway?", Haynes asked as he stepped out of the car, eyeing the chauffer suspiciously.

"I am under instructions from the palace that I am to ensure your attendance at tonight's event." He replied in a monotone voice.

Haynes sighed, "And if I refuse to come?"

"Disobeying orders from the palace is considered treason and will be dealt accordingly."

Haynes raised his eyebrows at the man, completely unconvinced, the chauffer however just gave him a blank look as if he was oblivious to the threat he had just given.

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