City of Walls and Secrets

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"If we're gonna be here for a month," Aang says, "We should spend that time looking for Appa."

Joo Dee bows, "I'd be happy to escort you anywhere you'd like to go."

"To the king?" you ask, sarcastically. She ignores you.

"Look lady, we don't need a babysitter." Toph says.

"Oh, I won't get in the way, and to leave you alone would make me a bad host." Toph has walked up to her and you see a touch of fear in Joo Dee's eyes, "Where shall we start?"

You all start at a pet store. "Why hello, Y/N! It's been a while. What could I interest you in today?"

You tap the counter twice, "Just a couple answers, Bo. Have you seen or heard anything about a flying bison?" he taps the counter three times to let you know that he's playing along.

"I'm sorry, but I haven't heard anything about a flying bison. I didn't even know there were any." He taps the counter once. Truth.

"If someone wanted to sell a stolen animal, where would they go?" Aang demands.

"Where's the black market? Who runs it? Come on, you know." Sokka interrogates, you push his pointed finger down.

Bo starts sweating, he taps six times, looking past the group at Joo Dee. I can't answer that. "That would be illegal." He looks at Momo who is stealing seeds from some sparrowkeets, and they're trying to fend him off. "I must ask you to leave. Your lemur is harassing my sparrowkeets."

"Have you heard anything about an unusually large animal being shipped around here?"

"No." he taps the table twice. He's lying.

"Alrighty then. Thank you for your time, sorry about your birds." You tap the table three times to end the game and place down a silver piece.

Next, you try the university. You meet Cheng out front, "Oh hey, Y/N! Who's this?"

"Friends." you state, simply. After two pats on the back following a quick hug, he taps the concrete three times and you smile, "So, when we were in the desert, our bison was stolen by sandbenders. Have you seen any sandbenders in town in the last week?"

"No." He taps twice before going off on a tangent, "In fact, I don't think that I've ever seen any sandbenders around here. You should ask professor Zei, he teaches a class on desert cultures." You look down slightly and feel Toph's fingers brush your forearm.

"Right. And which of your professors should I ask about the war with the fire nation?" Sokka asks. Cheng also looks at Joo Dee.

"I don't know!" he taps twice, "I'm not a political science major." He taps twice more, "I have to get to class." he taps two more times. You discreetly hold a silver piece in your hand and pass it off in a handshake, you also tap his wrist three times with your index and he calms down with a smile. "It was good to see you again, Y/N." he says.

"We'll get together sometime." You say, "Over a cup of tea." He nods and trips as he walks away, dropping his scrolls. He quickly picks them up and continues forward.

You go to three more places before being dropped off at Aang's place. "I'm terribly sorry that no one has seen your bison." Joo Dee says, "Why don't you go get some rest? Someone will be over with dinner later." Then she's pulled off.

Everyone spots an old man spying on them and Sokka leads the way to his house. He looks familiar, but you don't necessarily know him well, you decide after he opens his door. He has a fake smile plastered on his face. "You're the Avatar! I heard you were in town. I'm Pong."

I Won't Leave You (Toph Beifong x Male! Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt