The Southern Raiders

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(I have literally no ideas for The Boiling Rock we're just skipping to the end.)

You watch with a face of shock one of the giant Fire Nation balloons descend. "What should we do?" Katara asks.

"Wait." you say, "I don't sense any evil." When it stops, out comes Zuko and Sokka. They've been gone all day. "Well look what the cat dragged in."

"Hey, Y/N." They both say.

"What are you doing in this thing?" Katara asks, "What happened to the war balloon?!"

"It kinda got destroyed." Zuko explains.

"Sounds like one hell of a fishing trip." You say.

"Did you at least get some good meat?" Toph asks.

"I did." Sokka says, "The best meat of all-- the meat of friendship and fatherhood."

"Did someone sneak some cactus juice?" You ask, before three people come from the ship: Hakoda, ...Suki you wanna say, and some big guy.

"I'm new." He says, "What's up everybody?"

"Dad." Katara whispers, tears in her eyes before she runs forwards and embraces him.

"Hi, Katara." He says.

"How are you here? What's going on? Where did you go?"

"We kind of went to a Fire Nation prison." Sokka admits before Katara grabs him by his arm and pulls him into the hug.

When he's done hugging them, his eyes fall on you. He gets to your level before putting his hand on your shoulder. "Where's Shuku?" You ask.

Hakoda bows his head, "I saw what they did to him. They forced me to watch as they tortured him. They beat him and burned him until he couldn't move. He stayed loyal. He endured, he fought so hard and they never got a word out of him." He looks you in the eyes, "Shuku died from his wounds as I held onto him, I promised that he'd be alright. I told him that he'd feel better soon. He didn't." He hugs you, "Shuku was a good friend to me. He gained my trust. It's strange, I only knew him for two months, yet it feels like forever."

You hug him back. "His kids will know his efforts when we win this war." you growl.

(Back to your program as scheduled)

You snap awake at the sound of an explosion, nearly knocking Toph over. As you spring to your feet and see those gigantic Fire Nation war blimps and Aang standing in a fighter's stance as he closes the blast doors. "The fucking roof's about to come down!" You shout. Toph and Haru earthbend a large tunnel away as Zuko tackles Katara away from some rubble. You stand cautiously, waiting for what's next. "This place ain't gonna hold much longer." You note.

"No shit, Sherlock!" Toph replies. You smile at her and she smirks before returning to being serious, "Come on, we can get out through here!" The blind earthbender shouts.

Aang struggles, trying to pull Appa and you join him. "What are you doing?" He asks Zuko.

"Go ahead, I'll hold them off." He replies, I think this is a family visit.

"Zuko, no!" Aang yells. A door gets knocked down and the firebender leaps out. Toph creates a rock cover surrounding everyone, to shield from the rubble as the building collapses.

"Come on, we've gotta get out of here!" Sokka exclaims, him and Katara joining the effort in pulling the flying bison.

After a long time pulling, you give up, "It's no use." You broadcast, "He hates tunnels. Unless muscle-guy over there can bench over two tons, we're fucked."

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