Chapter 14: "Day of the Great Devourer"

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      Wu turned to his students. "You must do everything in your power to stop the Great Devourer. Go, Ninja! Go!" Wu yelled to them. (Y/n) looked at him in fear. "No, Uncle." She whispered, watching as the Devourer shot out of the ground and lunged at Wu and Pythor. It had eaten them both. "No." Jay muttered, not wanting to beilive what he had just seen. Suddenly, the Devourer spotted them, making them panic. "Oh, maybe if we stand perfectly still..." Jay muttered, but the team only ran. (Y/n) managed to get back to the Bounty before the boys, and ran inside the bridge. "Fire up the engines!" She ordered, rushing to the wheel. Lloyd, however, didn't move.  "I said fire up the engines!" (Y/n) repeated, snapping Lloyd out of his daze. He ran over to the control panel.
      "There's no wind. And we only have reserved fuel!" He announced, but (Y/n) couldn't care less. "Use it!" Nya said, noticing the aggravation and fear in her friend's eyes. The other Ninja made it to the Bounty just as Lloyd turned on the engines. Once she saw that they were all there, (Y/n) took off. Jay walked over to the computer and saw that the Devourer was close. "Uh, hate to tell you this, but objects in the mirror are closer than they appear." He said desperately. "Working on it. Blasters on full." Nya commented, pressing a button that made them use their booster fuel. Kai watched as the giant snake got smaller and smaller with distance. "Whoo-hoo! Take that, you stupid snake!" He cheered. However, right after he said that, the Devourer shot out of the ground ahead of them. "Uh, I think it heard you." Jay said nervously. The Devourer tried to bite the Bounty but missed and resorted to chasing them again.
      "(N/n), we gotta go faster. That thing is gaining on us." Kai said frantically, watching the giant snake get closer and closer. "We're going as fast as we can!" (Y/n) responded, not looking away from in front of her. Nya rushed up and stood next to her. " Try and make it to Scattered Canyon!" She said, pointing at the distant canyon ahead of them. "Probability of us making it that far is less than 8 percent!" Zane said frantically, but this only got him yelled at. "Never tell us the odds!" They yelled simultaneously. Cole looked at the Security. "It's coming in for another attack. Port side!" He yelled, making (Y/n) turn the ship slightly. The Devourer bit at the Bounty again and managed to destroy a booster. "We're losing speed. We'll drop to the ground pretty soon!" Lloyd said, watching as the speed and altitude bars dropped low. "(Y/n), what do we do?!" He asked, as he and the team turn to (Y/n). (Y/n) looked at them with a scared and concerned look, before looking ahead. She closed her eyes tightly and thought for a minute, before opening them again with a determined look. 
      "Throw everything overboard." She said, earned a confused 'What?' from everyone else. "We need to lose some weight. If we don't, we'll drop to the ground and never make it out of this alive. Now throw everything overboard!" She explained, restating her earlier command. "Port side!" Lloyd yelled, causing (Y/n) to steer the Bounty away from another attack. With that, the Ninja began throwing out many things, including a fridge only for the Devourer to eat it all and grow exponentially. "Man, he sure is hungry. Does anyone else think the Devourer looks bigger than it did before?" Jay asked, noticing the size difference. The Devourer ate another object and grew a little more. Cole noticed this. "The more it consumes, the bigger it gets. Don't throw anything else overboard!" He said frantically, as Kai threw Wu's tea pot overboard. The Great Devourer ate it, and grew a little more. By this point, the Bounty had made it to their destination. "Phew. We made it to Scattered Canyons. Hold on!" (Y/n) said, as she maneuvered the Bounty through the canyons to lose the Devourer. For a split second, it worked. "Ah, we lost him!" Cole cheered, after no longer seeing the giant snake. However, the Devourer showed up out of nowhere, and bit off the other engine, causing the Bounty to spiral out of control. "Abandon ship!" (Y/n) yelled as she and Lloyd ran out of the bridge and onto the upper deck. The team all met up at the upper deck. 
      Nya, in her mech, grabbed Lloyd, while Cole grabbed (Y/n). They jumped off the bounty and used their vehicles to land. Once they did, they turned around and watched as the Bounty crashed. They were all sad to see that it wouldn't be flying anymore. However, it wasn't over. The Devourer had appeared in front of the Bounty, making the others retreat to the safety of under a near by rock. The boys made their vehicles disappear as they hid. They could only watch as the Devourer picked up the Bounty and destroyed it with one bite. This caused the group to gasp in terror. Their home was now destroyed completely. The Devourer went into the ground and left the canyons. When it did, the team breathed out a breath of relief.
      "Unh, it's gone." Cole said, no longer seeing the giant snake. Kai panted as he sat down an pulled off his mask, the others doing the same, minus the sitting. "Oh, that was too intense. All that action makes you so thirsty." He said, trying to lighten the mood, but it wasn't working. "There's no time to rest, guys. We need to warn people before that thing becomes bigger." (Y/n) said, looking in the direction that the Devourer went. Jay wasn't having it, however. "Bigger? Bigger!? That thing, in one big bite, just crushed our entire ship!" He yelled at (Y/n), before going into a rant. "We need to save as many as we can. Uh, uh, we'll find some kind of refuge, somewhere safe to hide. Ooh, the Tombs! Yeah, they're underground. Sure, we'll be without sunlight for months, but they're perfect!" He said in fear. "And what? Just give up?" Cole asked, crossing his arms as he stood next to (Y/n). Jay glared at them. "You know as well as I do, we have no chance at stopping that thing!" Jay replied, clearly upset and defeated. (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "Either way, that thing can burrow. We'd be in just as much danger underground as we are above it!" She said, glaring back at Jay.
      "Hey, stop it! Listen to yourselves. Is this what Sensei Wu would've wanted? Us fighting? Running and hiding? Giving up?" Kai asked, disappointed that everyone was fighting instead of finding a solution. "But he's not here anymore...." Lloyd said sadly, and everyone began to mourn their master/Uncle. "But his teachings live on." Kai stated, as everyone looked at him. "Sensei once told me it's not the size of a ninja in a fight, it's the size of the fight in the ninja. All this training, all of these battles we've had with and Serpentine. We've persevered through so much, we can't just give up now." Kai said, making (Y/n) sigh and move to stand next to him. "Kai's right, guys. A ninja never admits defeat. A ninja always pick himself up when he is down. Which is exactly what Sensei Wu would want us to do right now. There is always a way to get things done. We just have to find it." She said, rising her teams spirits a little. "But how do we destroy a snake of that magnitude?" Zane asked, making (Y/n) think. "Any ideas?" She asked, looking at each of her team members. "I mean yeah, it's not like we have an extra flute lying around to charm it. Or wait, haha, how about one of our awesome dragons? Oh, I forgot. They took off and left us high and dry. Or, hey, what about out our Golden Weapons? Which will do nothing against a snake that size! Heh, oh, we are so hooped." Jay replied, lying on the ground, as (Y/n) and Nya looked at him then each other, shaking their heads.
      "(N/n), Jay's right. We would need a weapon so big." Cole said. Just then, a light bulb went off in (Y/n)'s head. "Or an idea that's even bigger! Ha! Jay, you're a genius! You thinking what I'm thinking?" She said excitedly, looking at Jay. "Probably not, but go ahead." He replied as he unenthusiastically laid on the ground with his head in his hand. "There's no time. I'll fill you guys in on the way." She said as the left the safety of the rock. "Wha—Where are we going?" Jay asked as he stood up. (Y/n) turned back to them. "We're going to destroy that snake once and for all!" She said with a determined look.
      After about an hour of traveling, the Ninja arrived at Ed and Enda's junk yard. They hopped out of their vehicles, making them disappear. "Good idea, (Y/n). If the Devourer likes to consume, this place is a full-on buffet." Cole said, as Jay walked up to knock on his parents' door. When he got no response, he sighed. "Looks like my parents are gone." He said, turning to (Y/n), who walked to a car. "Good, better for us." She said, laying down some blue prints on the car hood. Jay walked over and looked at the design. "It's so awesome." He said, staring at the design in awe. (Y/n) looked at Zane. "Zane, you still have a recording of the Sacred Flute in your memory?" She asked, and Zane nodded. "It might've been destroyed earlier, but I have its exact tone recorded and ready for playback." He replied, opening a panel in his arm to play the flute recording. "Good. And there should be enough spare parts around here to build this whopper. But we're gonna need to create our biggest Tornado of Creation  yet. This is gonna be dangerous so we can't have anyone around." (Y/n) explained, just as the postman arrived. Cole was the first to notice him, and groaned. "Ugh. What's he doing here?" He asked as he and Kai ran up to him, startling the poor man.
      "Aah! You Ninja are always sneaking around, giving people heart attacks. You're too quiet." He complained. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. But you need to get out of here, now." Kai said, rather quickly. But the Postman protested. "Uh, well, now, I too have a job to do, and that's delivering the mail, which I plan to do." He said, pulling out the Walker's mail. Jay walked up and took it from him. "Look, dude, my parents aren't even here. You really should be on your way." He said, rather annoyed with him. "Them, too? Uh, let me guess, are they at the 'Take Back Ninjago' rally too?" Asked the Postman, confusing the team. " The 'Take Back Ninjago' rally?" (Y/n) questioned as she approached the group. "What, you guys haven't heard? Everyone's getting together for a rally in the Central Park. You know, to raise awareness about all the Serpentine problems that have been surfacing lately. "Whoa, would you look at that. You guys are inspirational." Lloyd said from the hood of the car, smiling at his friends.  "Wait a minute, you know what? You guys are right." The Postman said suddenly. "Wherever you guys are, trouble is always around the corner." As he spoke, the Ninja noticed the Devourer approaching from behind him, and got into battle stances. "I think I'll be leaving now 'cause whatever you guys are up to, I want no part of it." He said. He then looked behind him to see the Devourer. "Aah! S-s-snake!" He yelled in fear, jumping into a trash can. Kai pulled his mask up.
       "Hey!" He yelled, getting the snake's attention. "It's now or never, guys! Ninja, go! Fire!"
       The boys attempted to do the Tornado of creation. (Y/n) stayed out of it because she was no longer the master of light, so she didn't think it would work with her. However, the boys were failing anyway. "(Y/n), they need you!" Nya said frantically. "But I'm not the master of light anymore. How do I know I won't screw it up if I join them?" (Y/n) asked. "They can't do this without you. It's worth a shot!" Nya responded. The Devourer roared, catching their attention. It was going to attack the boys. "No!" (Y/n) yelled, running out of hiding and to the boys. "Power!" She yelled, doing spinjitzu and joining the boys.
      They all do spinjitzu, making the tornado of creation, which they used to make their weapon. "Zane, (Y/n), now!" Kai yelled. (Y/n) took aim, and Zane fired. They played the recording, but the Devourer dodged it.  "Guys, what was that? This isn't target practice. You're supposed to hit him, not give him a haircut!" Cole stated as the Devourer roared at them. "May I remind you we just magically whipped up this heap of junk?" Zane stated in frustration. (Y/n) nodded. "Yeah, this isn't as easy as it looks, you know!" She added. "Well, I hope one of us created a reverse feature because...reverse!" Kai said in fear as the Devourer dived towards them.  Jay smirked under his mask. "How's this for reverse?" He asked, reversing them into a pile of tires. Cole drove them around, dodging all of the Devourer's attacks. Zane and (Y/n) tried to fire at it again, but the Devourer dodged yet again.
      "We need your help holding him in place!" (Y/n) said, glaring at the evasive snake. "How's this?" Jay asked, pressing another button. This time, a grappling hook shot out and grabbed the Devourer. "Got him!" Jay yelled as the Devourer was pinned down. "Before it gets away! Now, guys. now! Take the shot!" Kai yelled, watching the Devourer struggle against the grappling hook. "Charm your way out of this!" Zane said, taking aim as (Y/n) fired. The recording was a direct hit this time and the Devourer let out a roar of pain. "It's working!" Cole cheered as Kai noticed something. "It's got a weak spot!" He said, pointing to a small, glowing green spot at the base of the Devourer's head. However, because of the noise, no one could hear him clearly. "What?!" Cole asked, yelling to counteract the noise. On its forehead. It's got a—" Kai was cut off as the Devourer used its tail to strike (Y/n)'s and Zane's cockpit from behind, before slithering away. "Zane! (Y/n)!" The boys yelled, worried for their friends. "Is everybody okay?" Cole asked as they exited their vehicle.
      "Where's Zane and (Y/n)?" Lloyd asked as he and Nya ran up to them. "We're right here." Zane said, turning the team's attention to the destroyed cockpit. He emerged from the damaged cockpit, (Y/n) underneath him, now missing the left side of his face, which revealed the robotics underneath. "That was close." (Y/n) muttered as Zane helped her stand up and exit the vehicle. "Too close." Kai said, agreeing with her. "Perfect. Now that was a total failure!" Jay complained, making Kai remember. "Not total. Did you guys notice on his forehead? It has a weak spot." He stated. "Oh, great, let me make a note of that. Giant snake has wee, itty-bitty weak spot that'll be totally impossible to get at because the thing is too ridiculously huge to do anything to stop it!" Jay said, yelling after he said 'be'. Nya shook her head and looked up at him. "Are you done?" She asked unenthused, making Jay take a deep breath. "Ah, yes." He said, looking at her. (Y/n) hopped down from the Vehicle next to Lloyd. "Good, because things just got a lot worse. Look." She said, pointing to the retreating snake.
      "It's heading toward Ninjago City!" Zane said fearfully. Jay's eyes widened. "That's where my parents are!" He stated, remembering what the mailman had said earlier. "So is everybody else." Cole added. "If it consumes the biggest city in all of Ninjago, there will be no stopping it." Kai muttered, fearing what could happen. (Y/n) glared at the snake. "Well we're not gonna let that happen. Come on!" She said. The boys nodded and used their vehicles to get to the City. By the time they got there, the Devourer was already there and had Ed and Edna cornered. "Mom? Dad?" Jay asked, seeing his parents in trouble. (Y/n) saw this too and looked over to Jay, going into her leader mode. "Jay! Help your parents! Kai, Cole, Zane, you guys find a way to stop that thing. Jay, you help them when your parents are safe!" She said, looking at her team with a determined look. Jay nodded, sharing that look. "Copy that!" He said, rushing off to help his parents. "What are you going to do?" Cole asked, turning to (Y/n) with a confused look. "Someone has to help any of the citizens who might be trapped. I'll join you as soon as I can." She stated, looking at the boys. Cole gave her a trusting, yet worried stare. "Be safe." He said, looking into her eyes. "I will, I promise!" She responded, pulling her mask off. Kai walked over to her. You better, otherwise you're officially no longer the leader." He joked, punching her shoulder as he smirked. "Dually noted." (Y/n) responded, smiling at him, which was hidden behind her mask as she ran off. She jumped from rooftop to rooftop, looking for anyone who needed help. She so far had seen no one, when suddenly, she heard something.
      "Silver Ninja! Help us!" A man cried. (Y/n) looked around until she spotted a family of three on a fire escape of a soon to collapse building. The ladder was destroyed and the family had no way down. She hopped over to them and landed on the ledge in front of them. "Is everyone alright? Let me get you guys out of here!" She said, reaching for the father, who shook his head and backed up. "Please, take our daughter! Get her to safety!" He said, begging (Y/n) as he pushed his daughter towards her. The little girl was resilient, however, and fought against her father, crying. "No! I wanna stay with you! Please!" She said, turning towards her mother with pleading eyes. The mother gave her a sad reassuring smile. "We'll go through the elevator! We'll meet you down!" She said, hugging her daughter before shoving her towards (Y/n). (Y/n) picked the little girl up and put her on her back. She then hopped onto another roof and carried the little girl to safety. Noticing the child's fear, she gave her a sideways look of reassurance as she ran. "You got a name, sweetie?" She asked, her voice surprisingly calm despite the situation. The little girl looked at her with fearful eyes and nodded. "Ha-Harumi." She stuttered. "Nice to meet you Harumi, I'm (Y/n)." She said. She ran a few more steps before hearing a rumble. She slid to a stop and looked behind them to see the building collapse. "Oh no!" She muttered as Harumi began to scream, reaching towards the crumbled building. 
      "No, Momma! Papa!" She cried, burying her face into (Y/n)'s back. "It's going to be okay, Harumi. Let me get you to safety, and then I can go help my friends okay?" (Y/n) said, looking at the crying girl. Harumi nodded and continued to cling to (Y/n) as she ran to a group of people.
"It's the Silver Ninja!"
"She'll protect us!"
"We're saved!"
      "My friends and I will do everything in our power to save you all, but right now I need you to look after this little one here." (Y/n) said to the group as she took Harumi off her back and handed her to the crowd. Before she ran off, she took her mask off and made eye contact with Harumi. "It's going to be okay, I promise." She said, giving he child a hug, before pulling her mask up and leaving to help her friends. When she got to them, she saw that the dragons were back, and were attacking the Devourer. "Looks like we aren't the only ones who've found their true potentials." She said, hopping down next to Cole. Shard's head froze the Devourer.
Flame's head used fire breath on it.
" Fire!"
Wisp's head shocked the Devourer.
Ray's head blinded it with light.
The dragon then slammed itself into the Devourer, knocking it over.
"Earth! Can Dragons get any cooler? Seriously." Cole commented, as they watched the dragons attack the Devourer. However, the Devourer stuck Ultra-dragon with its tail. "No!" The Ninja yelled as the Ultra-Dragon crashed into the ground. They ran to their respective dragon to check on them. "What now?" Nya asked, looking at (Y/n) with a worried expression. (Y/n) looked at Ray with fear in her eyes. She had no idea what to do, or how to stop the Great Devourer. Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her and turned around. "Dad?" She asked, surprised to see her father. "You came back!" Lloyd exclaimed, also surprised. "Give me the weapons. I am the only one who can handle the power of all four weapons at once. It's the only thing that'll defeat the Devourer." Garmadon demanded, not looking at anyone but his daughter.
       "What?" (Y/n) said, her eyes widening at her father's demands. "Uh, I thought we were supposed to do everything in our power not to let him possess the weapons?" Jay asked, as he and the boys all stood in front of (Y/n), who looked at the ground as she thought. "I've ran every other scenario through my servers. It appears to be the only way." Zane said, clearly not happy with their choice. "Give me the weapons." Garmadon repeated, still looking at only (Y/n). The Silver Ninja knew what she had to do, but she also knew part of her would regret it. "(Y/n)?" Zane questioned as he and the boys awaited her orders. Garmadon began to speak again. "Only I can destroy it. Or prepare to watch—" "Shut up and just do it. Boys, give him the weapons." (Y/n) said, finally looking up. "You're agreeing with him?!" Jay questioned in shock, making (Y/n) glare at him. "Do you guys have any ideas?" She asked as Kai tossed Garmadon the Sword of Fire. "When you have a chance to make the blow, it has a weak spot near his forehead." He stated as Cole and Zane handed Garmadon their weapons. Jay glared at the man as he handed him the Nunchuks of Lightning. "Uh, I don't think this needs to be said, but we're gonna need these back." He stated, standing next to (Y/n), who was crossing her arms. "Yeah, so don't get any ideas." She said, making Garmadon let out an evil chuckle. "I'll do my part. You just make sure he stays in one spot." He said, his chuckle turning into a laugh as he ran away. "Stays in one spot? Stays in one spot!? How are we supposed to do that?" Jay yelled in frustration. "Don't forget: we're ninja." He said, as the team came up with a plan. Kai had gotten the Devourer's attention and ran around the city, until he reached Cole and (Y/n).  "Nice run. Now we'll take it from here. Whoo-hoo!" Cole said, leaping over to buildings and into a construction site with (Y/n) not far behind. 
      "Come on boy, come get us!" (Y/n) taunted, begore ducking and hiding with Cole in the construction site. Jay took over for them and (Y/n) and Cole watched as he led the devourer away. "Okay, now what?" Cole asked, looking at (Y/n), who walked over to the middle if the site. She whistled loudly, and Ray appeared. (Y/n) hopped on as Ray flew by and grabbed Cole as they flew around to meet up with Ultra Dragon, who had Kai, Nya, and Lloyd on its' back. "Kai, as soon as you see Jay and Zane, and the Devourer is trapped, grab them." (Y/n) called out to Kai. "You got it!" Kai responded. They looked and waited for the two remaining ninja, and when they spotted them,  Kai had Ultra Dragon dive down and save them. "You think it's working?" Jay asked as (Y/n) had Ray fly up to them. "We're about to find out." She said. They flew along side the Devourer's body and saw that he had bitten his own tail. This made them cheer. "We did it! Now, where's Garmadon? He's not gonna hold on for much longer!" Cole explained, as the group began to look around for Garmadon. "Look!" Lloyd said, pointing to the rook of a skyscraper, where the sky had become engulfed with dark clouds. "Dad..." The Garmadon siblings muttered. They watched as he unleashed a purple energy around him and jumped. He his the weak spot and destroyed the Devourer, it's venom spreading everywhere.
      The ninja had the dragons land as they dismounted. "He did it." Jay exclaimed in shock. Cole shook his head. "No, we did it!" He said, wrapping an arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders. The girl smiled. "Woo-hoo!" She cheered. The ninja then walked over to Ed and Edna, who gave Jay a big hug. "Ooh, our little ninja." Edna gushed. Cole ran over to Ultra Dragon. "Hey, there you are, you big lug!" He said, petting Ultra Dragon. " It's good to have you guys back." (Y/n) added, holding Ray's head while giving it a scratch. Lloyd walked over to (Y/n) and grabbed her sleeve. "I don't see our dad." He said, looking around slightly before looking up at her in confusion and worry. "Odd. He should be around here somewhere." (Y/n) said, letting go of Ray's head. Zane scanned the area. "Your analysis is incorrect. He is not here." Zane said, making Cole groan in annoyance. "Then our Golden Weapons are gone too. Well, isn't that convenient?" He asked, clearly ticked off.  Nya looked off to the side, and her eyes widened. "Look, his footsteps." She said, pointing to some footsteps made from the venom. Kai put a hand on Lloyd's and (Y/n)'s shoulders. "I have a feeling you'll see your father again soon." He said, making the siblings frown. "I know, but that's what I'm afraid of." Lloyd said, looking down. "Me too." (Y/n) agreed. Cole gasped in excitement as he looked beneath them. "Ah, Sensei Wu!" He shouted, seeing their Master emerge from the venom. "Uncle!" (Y/n) yelled, jumping off the ledge and running towards him, the others not far behind. "I can't tell you how glad I am to see you." Wu said, passing his pupils to pick up his tea pot. "The Devourer left a bad taste in my mouth." He continued, pouring himself a cup and drinking it. "Ah. Much better. And still hot." He said, letting out a laugh.
      "It's good to have you back, uncle. But our father left and he took the Golden Weapons." Lloyd informed, looking  very worried. "Ah, very true. The ability of the weapon is truly great, but the ability to better oneself makes you limitless." Wu stated, putting a hand on Lloyd's shoulder. (Y/n) smiled. "I couldn't have said it any better myself." She said, leaning on Cole's shoulder. Kai smirked. "Besides, we have what is most important: you two." He said, punching (Y/n)'s shoulder. "The pupils have become the masters." Wu said, smiling with pride at his students. Lloyd's frown remained, however. "Am I really gonna have to fight my father one day?" He asked, looking up at Wu. "One day. But today we can feel good that Ninjago is saved, for tomorrow you will train for the day. Good will finally face evil and a final outcome will be decided for all of time." Wu informed. Lloyd's frown widened and he looked at the ground. Kai saw this and tried to cheer him up. "Uh, but don't worry. We're gonna teach you everything we know." He informed. "And make sure you're prepared for that fight." Jay added. (Y/n) bent down on one knee and put a hand on her brother's shoulder. "And when the fight is here, you'll have me to help you. You won't be alone." She said, making him smile. Cole put a hand on (Y/n) shoulder. "Because as we all know, good will always stand up to evil."  He said. "And ninja will always stand up for what is right." Zane added, making (Y/n) nod in agreement. The group smiled at each other. "Go, Ninja. Go!" They all shouted, looking up at the sunset.

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