Chapter 13: "The Rise of the Great Devourer"

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      The Destiny's Bounty was flying through a storm; in his cabin, Wu used the Spirit Smoke and saw the Ninja being surrounded by the Serpentine before seeing himself being eaten by the and let out a gasp. In the dining room, Kai, Nya and Jay and (Y/n) were keeping watch over the four silver Fangblades.
      "Why is it that Torch Fire Mountain  is the only place we can destroy the Fangblades?" Nya asked, looking at (Y/n). "The Fangblades are made from the original teeth of the Devourer. They're so strong they can only break down in extraordinary heat. Thus, Torch Fire Mountain is our only option." She replied, before Jay spoke up. "Uh, could someone pass the salt?" He asked. The Bounty tilted, sliding the salt shaker towards him. " Hey, thanks." He chuckled. Just then Cole came in, completely green from air sickness.  "Please. No one talk about food. How much longer until we get there?" He asked groggily. Jay smirked. "Not long. Hey, Cole, you're looking a little green over there. How'd you like a mucus salt sandwich?" He teased. Cole gagged and ran outside to vomit. Jay laughed at this before turning to face (Y/n). "Speaking of green, who would've guessed little turned out to be the Green Ninja? You fit the role of Silver Ninja just fine, but Lloyd?" He stated, causing Nya to roll her eyes.
      "I know. He was such a brat at first. It's hard to believe he's gonna become one of the greatest that ever lived." She stated, making Kai clear his throat. "Where is that little runt?" He asked. "I told him to start training on the lower deck. He should hopefully be there." (Y/n) replied, before walking outside to try and calm Cole down. She walked over to the poor boy, who was leaning over the rail of the Bounty, his face greener than before. (Y/n) calmly rubbed his back to try and calm him down.
      Meanwhile Lloyd was, in fact, in the training room. He was suited up in his Gi, and was training with the punching dummy, acting as if it was a Serpentine. "Serpentine, it's time I Spinjitzu you back into the filthy holes you came from." He said in a western drawl, before calling out some moves as he did them. "Ninja kick! Tiger claw! Ninja, go!" He attempted to do Spenjitzu, but ended up laughing. Laughter was heard, as Pythor made himself visible for a short second, showing that it was him laughing, before turning invisible again.
      "What a joke. You were always a boy who chased stupid dreams." He said with a chuckle as he picked up Lloyd by his collar. "Pythor! How did you get aboard?" Lloyd asked in fear as Pythor made himself visible again. "You think I would allow the Ninja to steal the Fangblades from me?" He asked the boy, tying him to a punching bag. "Ugh! You'll never get away with it! Hey—" Lloyd was cut off as Pythor put tape over his mouth. "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. As they say, out of sight, out of mind." He responded, laughing as he turned invisible, shoved the punching bag, and left the room.
      When morning came, the Bounty had finally reached Torchfire mountain. Nya and (Y/n) were steering the Bounty into place. Nya turned on the intercom. "Will everyone please place their seat back and tray table in the full upright and locked position? " She kindly asked in a flight attendant tone. 
      "We have reached our destination: Torchfire Mountain. Give it a minute while we settle into position." (Y/n) said, pushing a button to drop the anchor, before leaving the bridge to join her team. When she arrived at the upper deck, she saw the boys exiting the cabin, each with a Fangblade in their hands.
      "It's roasting out here." Jay said, sighing from the heat. This made Kai smirk.
      "Heh. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." Kai chuckled, boasting about the fact that the heat didn't bother him. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and face palmed.
      "Kai, it hurts to listen to you sometimes." She said, smacking him upside the head lightly. Jay looked over to Sensei Wu, who was staring into the Volcano. "Hey, what's with Sensei?" He asked as he and the rest of the team gave their master a concerned look.
      "I do not know. He's been distant all morning." Zane replied. "We better go check on him." (Y/n) said as she began to walk over to her Uncle, the boys right behind her.
      "Ah, it is beautiful, is it not?" Wu asked as he heard the five Ninja approach, still loking into the lava. "Uncle, we are ready for the destruction of the Fangblades, but you look like you are disinterested. Is something the matter?" (Y/n) asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You do not need my approval to finish the task." Wu replied, still not looking at them. "Uh, but Sensei—" "Butts are for sitting. And besides, there will come a time when you will have to go on without me." He continued, cutting Jay off.
      "Sensei, you're talking crazy. You've been alive for, like, forever." Kai said, leading Cole to nudge him, and (Y/n) to send him a sharp glare. "What he is trying to say is you are like the sunrise. We cannot begin a day without you." Zane said with a smile, attempting to cheer his master up. This, however, didn't work. "Ah, but even the sun must go down so a new day begins." Wu said, solemnly.  "I don't like metaphors. What are you trying to say?" Cole asked, moving to stand next to (Y/n), who also had a confused look. "Are you leaving us again?" She asked in a soft tone. "In meditation, my smoke visions have come to an end, and tomorrow, I cannot see. This worries me." Wu said, looking back at the lava beneath them. "But it could be a good omen, you know. We destroy the Fangblades, then everything's gravy." Jay said, trying to hide the fact that he was also nervous.
      "Let's just get rid of them, for good." Wu said. As Kai was about to move to throw the first fangblade into the lava, Pythor got indie the generator room and destroyed a machine, making the Bounty unstable. Wu was knocked over and held onto the wooden plank. "Sensei! Hang on. We're coming." Cole informed, as he and the boys dropped the Fangblades. All five of the Ninja inched towards Wu. He fell, but Cole jumped off the dock and caught him. Zane held Cole's feet, Jay held Zane's feet, Kai held Jay's feet, while (Y/n) stood on the dock and held Kai's feet. "Unh! You're not going anywhere, old friend." Cole said, smiling at Wu. "Thank you, Cole." Wu said, his voice full of relief. Argh! Nya, what's going on?" (Y/n) yelled, looking up at the bridge as she struggled to hold the weight of all 5 men.
      "Ah! Someone or something has overridden the system." Nya called out, trying to get the computer to work. At this point, Lloyd had managed to escape and uncover the tape from his mouth. He reached the intercom and turned it on. "Pythor's on board!" He yelled into it. As his message echoed over the ship, the Ninja looked back to find the with the Fangblades in his hands. "Sorry if I don't lend a hand, but I'm really in a rush. Got this whole Devourer thing going on." He chuckled. "Toodaloo." He taunted, letting out a laugh as he turned to leave, only to find Lloyd there with a Bo staff. "Where do you think you're going?" Lloyd asked, glaring at the snake.
      "Ah. A little cliché, don't you think?" Pythor asked, shaking his head. "Uh, cliché?"Lloyd asked in confusion. "I wouldn't expect a child to understand." Pythor muttered. "Hey, I've grown up a lot!" Lloyd responded, clearly offended. He went to attack Pythor, but Pythor dodged every attack. "Hm, puny strength, no fundamentals, sloppy footwork. I mean really, (Y/n). Aren't you training him? You think you can defeat me?" Pythor commented, glaring at Lloyd, who only smirked. "I'm not trying to defeat you. I'm just trying to keep you busy until the cavalry arrives." He stated. Just then, Nya, in her Samurai X mech, walked up to Pythor. While Pythor was cowering in fear, Lloyd managed to land a kick on him. "Haha, I hit him. I hit him, guys!" He cheered. "Oh, as much as I would like to play with your overgrown toys, I have a ride to catch." Pythor said, as he jumped off the Bounty and landed on a Rattlecopter. "No!" Lloyd yelled as and Nya watched him escape. However, there were bigger problems at hand. (Y/n) was losing her footing.
      "Don't let go!" Jay called out to her, as she struggled to stay on the dock. "You think I don't know that?!" (Y/n) yelled back, not appreciating the commentary. Suddenly, she slipped and they all fell, before Nya caught them. "Gotcha!" She said, flying them back up the the Bounty. "I don't think I've ever been more glad to see you." Jay said, sighing in relief. "Feel the same. Come on, he's getting away." Nya replied, dropping them on the Bounty deck. Once they spotted where Pythor was heading, the ninja prepared to go after the Serpentine. Lloyd brought them their weapons. "If Pythor returns the Fangblades to the City of Ouroboros, he'll awaken the Great Devourer." Wu stated. "Well, we're not gonna let that happen." (Y/n) responded, picking up her sword and sheathing it. "Oh, what about me?" Lloyd asked, looking up at his sister. (Y/n) kneeled down to his level. "We need someone to stay with the Bounty." She said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "But did you see me kick him in the face? I'm an asset. I kick butt. And face." Lloyd said, trying to get her to agree on letting him go with them. Kai stepped in for (Y/n). "Patience, kid. You're too important now that you're the chosen one." He stated, as (Y/n) stood up. Wu smirked at this.
      "Patience, hmm? Ah, the student has become the teacher." He chuckled. Jay smirked as he walked over to (Y/n). "What do you say we play a little catch-up?" He asked her. "I like the sound of that!" She replied, walking over to Cole. "It's my favorite game." Cole added. The team then jumped off the Bounty, and the boys summoned their vehicles. (Y/n) stayed close to Cole, so that when he summoned his vehicle, she was inside it. Jay used his jet to fly ahead of them. "I've got him in my sights." He said through the radio. When they got closer, they saw that the bus no longer looked like a bus. "What is that? A truck?" Kai asked in confusion. "That is no truck. It is a moving fortress." Wu informed. Cole tried to get closer to the fortress, but at every attempt, the tail of the fortress whipped at him. "Watch out! How are we supposed to get close to this thing?" (Y/n) asked in frustration. Just then, Some Serpentine in guns began shooting at Nya, Wu, and Jay, scattering them. Meanwhile, some more Serpentine on bikes started chasing after Kai.
      "Bring it on." Kai said. He managed to beat one of the snakes, but the other sneaked up on him. (Y/n) saw this. "Oh no you don't!" She said, before hoping out of Cole's vehicle and on top of it. She looked to see how much help Kai needed, and when she saw the snake attacking him, she got mad. Her purple streak turned blue this time. "Ninja GO!" She yelled, using Spinjitzu to get from Cole's vehicle to Kai's. When she arrived, she shot lightning at the snake's bike, causing it to malfunction and crash into a rock. "Hah! I love your power!" Kai cheered, making (Y/n) smile at him as her streak turned back to purple.
      "If we have any chance at getting on that truck, we need to work together." (Y/n) said, holding onto Kai as the team regrouped. "I've got an idea. Jay, follow me. Zane, (Y/n), try to get in close and cool him off." Nya said, making (Y/n) and Zane nod as (Y/n) hopped onto Zane's vehicle. The two got closer to the fortress. "Okay, we're going in." Zane informed. "Ninja, go!" The two yelled, using Spinjitzu to get on top of the tail. (Y/n) knocked two serpentine off, while Zane used his shuriken's to ice up the chain holding the tail to the rest of the fortress. (Y/n) and Zane both jumped onto it, breaking the ice and the chain, before jumping onto the other cart. "Goodbye." (Y/n) said, waving to the tail as it slowly stopped moving. "All right. Nice one, you two. Now let's board that truck." Jay said, as the rest of the team got closer. "Let's split up. Last one to the front is a rotten Ninja." Kai challenged. Zane and (Y/n) looked at each other and nodded, before rushing to the next cart  and entering from the back. When they got there, they saw that There were three Serpentine ready for them. Zane nodded at (Y/n), who glanced at him, before her purple streak turned a light blue. She used ice to freeze the Serpentine in their spots. "Time to cool down." Zane commented, as (Y/n)'s streak went back to purple. It was at this point that (Y/n) noticed Kai dangling outside by the roof. "Kai?" She asked, unsure as to why he was like that.
      "What? You try fighting up here!" He yelled, before getting back up to the roof. (Y/n) turned back to Zane. "Let's keep moving." She said, making him nod as the two headed up further to the front. When they got there, everyone but Kai was there. "Where's Kai?" (Y/n) asked. Right as she did, Kai fell from an opening in the roof, and Zane caught him. "Heh. Nice catch, Zane." Jay said, jokingly, while (Y/n) smirked. "Last one's a rotten Ninja." She commented, making Kai roll his eyes. "Ah, so be it. But one more car to go. Pythor's in there with the four Fangblades. Who's first?" Kai asked, opening the door to the next car. Wu went in and detached the car.
"What are you doing?"
      "My destiny is to face Pythor alone. Your destiny is to look after Lloyd." Wu said as the two as got further and further apart. "This is turning into a habit with him." Kai groaned in frustration. "You think?! How do we get off this thing?" (Y/n) asked, but it was too late. Sensei and the car were already to far ahead for them to catch up. Several minutes went by, and the Ninja were now just sitting and waiting by the train. "This is really boring." Nya commented, resting her cheek in her hand. "Agreed." (Y/n) stated. Just then, Lloyd anchored the train. "Lloyd! The team cried out in excitement an relief. "Hook, line, and sinker." Lloyd said as he lifted the train up with the ninja inside. "To Ouroboros as fast as you can." Kai said, making Lloyd go in that direction. " Aye, aye, captain." Lloyd replied. After a few minutes of flying, they saw the head of the train. "Okay, Lloyd. Put us down right after that truck." (Y/n) said, when Lloyd did so, the team hopped off the train and ran to the city. "Wait up, guys!" Lloyd called out as he ran after the team. When they got inside, Wu had Pythor pinned, and the ground was both shaking and falling. "What's going on? Who's that creature underground?!" Kai asked in fear. Wu turned to his students. "You must do everything in your power to stop the Great Devourer. Go, Ninja! Go!" Wu yelled to them. (Y/n) looked at him in fear. "No, Uncle." She whispered, watching as the Devourer shot out of the ground and lunged at Wu and Pythor.

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