Chapter 1: "Rise of the Snakes"

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Long before time had a name, the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago using four elemental weapons. But when he passed, a dark presence sought out to collect them all - Lord Garmadon. So I, Sensei Wu, his brother, sought out to find four ninja to collect them first.
Sensei Wu sat alone in his room. He had taken the pleasure of meditating with his Spirit Smoke. He felt completely at peace. Unfortunately, he was pulled out if his peace, thanks to his students making a bunch of racket. After trying to go back to his peaceful state, and failing, Wu decided to go see what his students felt the need to be so loud about.
He went outside to the training course, only to see that his students were not there. Realization hit him and he walked into the living/gaming room. He was unsurprised to see 4 of his 5 students sitting in the floor playing a video game.
"Fire strike! Oh my gosh, is that the greatest move you've ever seen?" Kai, a boy with brown hair and red gi, exclaimed.
"Stop trying to do it yourself, we need to attack as a team!"Cole, a boy with black hair and a black gi, told him.
"Zane! Why are you wasting your special attack on me?! You have to save it!" Jay, ginger with a blue gi, said."Fantastic! I'm out of lives!" He groaned
"But the lesson lives on, and I'm getting the hang of it." Zane a blonde boy in a white gi informed.
As the Ninja continued with their game, Wu snuck over and unplugged the television. This earned groans from the Ninja.
"Aw, man!"
"What?! What happened?!"
"It took us three hours to get there."
"Why would you do that?! Why?!"
"Just because Lord Garmadon escaped through a vortex doesn't mean he won't return one day for the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu!" Wu said, scolding his students.
"But Sensei Wu, ever since he's been gone, Ninjago has had nothing but peace." Zane said.
"Yeah. Peace is boring. There's no one to save, there's nothing to do." Jay added.
"We can train tomorrow." Cole replied, laying on his back with his hands behind is head.
"Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today." Wu advised. Cole picked up a slice of pizza."Well, I was gonna eat this pizza tomorrow. So if that's the case-" before he could take a bite, Wu kicked the pizza out of his hand."-Ow!" He cried, more from shock than pain.
"No pizza for you! In order to reach your full potential, you must train!" Wu said, returning to his spot in the room.
"Uh...remember when we did a little thing called the Tornado of Creation? I thought that was pretty insane."Kai said, a smug smirk painted in his face.Wu sighed.
"You four have merely scratched the surface of your full potential. There are still so many secrets you have yet to unlock! You haven't even begun to tap into what powers your Golden Weapons hold."He explained, as Kai's sword heated up a piece of pizza. Cole sat up, picking up his Scythe.
"You wanna talk secret powers? Check this out." He said, using his Scythe to plug the TV back in. The Ninja then resumed their game. Sensei pulled his long beard in frustration.
"Don't worry, master. We will be ready when Lord Garmadon returns." Zane said, attempting to cheer up his Sensei. All of a sudden, a black haired girl in a red kimono and a brown haired girl in a yellow gi ran into the room.
"Guys! Lord Garmadon! He's returned!" Nya, the black haired girl, said frantically.
"He was spotted approaching Jamanakai Village! Come on!"
(Y/N) said, running to the dragon stables. Struggling to get ready for their mission, the ninja follow her. Nya handed Jay his Nun-Chucks.
"Er-th-thanks-uh--uh-uh-" He stuttered.
"Hurry!"Nya pleaded."Okay!" Jay said, pulling down his mask and running to catch up with his friends. The Ninja rushed to the dragon stables to mount their dragons, but were unfortunately not as fit as they think they are. One of the stall doors hit Zane's head. Cole dropped his weapon when mounting his dragon, and Jay attempted a stunt to mount his dragon, but overshot it a little, landing on the ground instead. Thanks to her training with Nya instead of gaming with the Ninja, (Y/N) is able to easily and successfully mount her dragon.
"Uh...can I help?" Nya asked hopefully, as she watched Kai mount his dragon.
"Sorry, sis. Where we go, danger abounds. This is a job for the Ninja." Kai replied with a cocky voice. He then went to grab his dragon's reins, but failed to do so."Uh...uh...a little help?" He asked sheepishly, letting out a nervous laugh. Nya shook her head as she handed her brother the reins. The Ninja then proceeded to fly off to Jamanakai Village on their dragons. Nya walked up to Sensei Wu, who was waving goodbye to his students.
"Will they ever reach their full potential?" She asked him, doubtfully.
"In time. Maybe a long time, but in time." Wu replied, watching his students fly off.
As the ninja flew through the sky on their dragons, they began small talk with eachother.
"Just like old times, eh Rocky?" Cole asked his dragon, giving him a pet on the head.
"...You guys believe what Sensei said about unlocking our full potential?" Kai asked his friends. (Y/N)'s dragon flew next to Zane.
"I take it you guys got the 'Full Potential' speach from Wu?" She asked.
"He may be onto something. I mean since we got these Golden Weapons, it's not like we've ever had to use them. I wonder what they do." Jay said, looking at his Nun-Chucks.
"I for one look forward to the future. If there's more for us to accomplish, let it be." Zane replied.
"Don't know about you, but is anyone else a little excited about battling Lord Garmadon? I've been looking forward to trying out some new Spinjitzu moves." Cole commented, doing jumping out of his saddle, before landing back in it.
"Yeah pebble brain. This could be the perfect opportunity."(Y/N) said, her dragon flying past Cole's dragon, allowing (Y/N) to playfully smack Cole's head.
"Haha, race you there?" Jay challenged. The Ninja then started racing to Jamanakai village.
"Jamanakai Village...." Kai said, upon seeing their destination.
"First ninja there wins!" (Y/N) said, her Dragon zooming past the others, taking the lead. The remaining Ninja all sped through the last stretch after their friend, while approaching Jamanakai Village. They all landed at the same time after (Y/N).
"Haha! I was first!"
"No! No one was faster than me!"
"Hahaha, my feet were down before yours!"
"You were all disillusioned! It was clearly me!"
"You guys do know you landed at the exact same time, right?" (Y/N) commented, earning a glare from each ot the ninja. They all turned their attention as they heard the villagers screaming. They ran into the village to see the villagers were screaming and running to their homes. An evil shadow had appeared and an evil laughter echoed through the village. The Ninja prepared for their battle, each taking out their weapons.
"Stay sharp, fellas. Whatever happens, never let your guard down." Kai said. The laughter and shadow turned out to be owned by a young boy with blonde hair and wearing a black hoodie. He let out an evil laugh.
"It is I, Lloyd Garmadon! I demand all the candy in town... or else!" The little boy, now known as Lloyd, threatened.
"Lloyd Garmadon? I thought we were gonna face Lord Garmadon." (Y/N) complained.
"It's his son." Cole said as realization struck him. Jay groaned.
"Looks like he escaped his again."(Y/N) commented.
"Yeah, and to think we could've been doing Spinjitzu already." Cole complained as he and his team walked closer to the fountain, where Lloyd stood.
"Uh...uh...gimmie your candy, or else I'll release the on you!" Lloyd warned. The villagers started booing him. He attempted the old rubber-snakes-in-a-can trick on them, but, naturally, it didn't work. In response, they started to throw vegetables at him. "No way! I asked for candy, not vegetables! I hate vegetables!" Lloyd yelled, dodging the veggies. However, due to the sheer amount being thrown at him, he inevitably falls over. Kai picked up a rubber snake and stretched it.
"He's gonna have to do a lot better than use an old bedtime story to scare people." He said, letting the snake go, causing it to fly away.
"The Serpentine are real, Kai." Zane informed.
"Zane's right.They're not exactly something to joke about."(Y/N) added.
"Serpentine? Real? We're talking about the ancient race of snake people who once ruled Ninjago and were supposedly locked underground?"Kai asked, mockingly. Jay squeal.
"Sealed in five different tombs to separate the worrying tribes and ensure they don't unify to exact their revenge upon those who put them there!" He said, voice full of fear.
"It was an old wives' tale, to teach kids not to poke our noses where they don't belong. Don't you think it's a little suspicious no one's ever found one of their tombs?" Kai retorted, still doubtful.
"Um, I think that's because you'd be a fool to look for one."(Y)N) replied.
"If there was anything I hated more than dragons, it was snakes. Rubber or not." Cole added, as the ninja approached Lloyd. The guys picked him up and carried him away while (Y/N) cleared a path.
"Don't worry, folks, we'll take care of this. Nothing to see here." She said, as people backed out of the way.
"Bow down to me, or, suffer my wrath! I'll give you the count of three! One! Two!" Lloyd said, warningly.
"What are we supposed to do? Spank him?" Kai asked jokingly, earning a slap at the back of the head from (Y/N).
"Two and a half!" Lloyd continued, slightly fearful of his current situation. The ninja decided to hang Lloyd from a sign with the food still all over him. Lloyd let out a scream.
"You just made me your nemesis! Mark my words, you'll pay for this!" Lloyd threatened. The villagers all laughed at him as Zane and (Y/N) both bought candy for them and their friends.
"Next time, try paying for your candy." (Y/N) said.
"Crime doesn't pay, muchacho. You can take that to the bank." Kai added.
"Mmm...cotton candy." Jay said, just for the need to lock Lloyd, who let out a frustrated scream. After the Ninja dealt with Lloyd, they went back to their dragons and got ready to head back to the monastery. While mounting his dragon, Kai accidentally kicked one of his bags. This caused a scroll to fall out. Zane and (Y/N) walked over, (Y/N) picking up the scroll as Kai jumped back down.
"Huh? I don't remember putting this here." He said, taking the scroll from (Y/N).
"That Sensei's bag." (Y/N) said as Kai unrolled the scroll.
"You must've accidentally took it in the rush." Zane added.
"What is it?" Jay asked, walking over.
"It's a scroll, windbag." Kai answered, rolling his eyes.
"I know it's a scroll, but what does it say? It's written in chicken scratch." Jay commented.
"Not chicken scratch. The ancient language of our ancestors." Zane corrected.
"Uh, Can you read it?" Kai asked, eager t know what the scroll said.
"Well, I can try. This symbol means prophecy." Zane read, pointing toa symbol on the scroll.
"Prophecy?" Jay asked confused.
"It means it tells the future."
(Y/N) clarified, from her dragon.
"'Course. Haha. I knew that." He replied, letting out a nervous laugh.
"One ninja.. will rise above the others... and become the . The ninja destined... to defeat the Dark Lord. Another ninja... will also rise above the other... and become the Silver ninja... the ninja destined to protect the Green Ninja." Zane continued reading.
"Oooh look, a picture!" Jay said, gasping when he saw it.
"Dark Lord?"(Y/N) asked.
"Hold think they mean Lord Garmadon?" Cole asked (Y/N) in realization.
"Wait a minute! Is that us? Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?"Kai asked
"Like how good I'm gonna look in green or silver?"
"Ha! Isn't it obvious I'm gonna be the one of them?"
"The colors both obviously suits me!"
"Technically, I am the best."
Cole and (Y/N), who had noticed the aurguing arising, shared a look of concern/annoyance, before rushing over infront of their friends.
"Everyone, stop it!" They both yelled, gaining the others' attention.
"Remember why Sensei brought us together in the first place. We're a team." Cole said.
"We weren't meant to see this and probably for good reason." (Y/N) added, taking the scroll from Kai and rolling it up. "Come on, let's head back home. We have training to do." She said, mounting her dragon.
"It's about time I added some finesse to my routine." Jay said, walking to his dragon.
"Well, I could use some exercise." Zane replied, mounting his dragon.
"You all could use some exercise." (Y/N) commented, referring to how they had preformed earlier.
"Yeah. I've gotta work on some new moves." Cole said. Everyone but Kai then headed home.
"Could I be one of them?" He wondered to himself.
Lloyd wandered aimlessly around through some snow, kicking a stone.
"Stupid Ninja. I'll show them who they're dealing with." He grumbled. Lloyd kicked the stone again, and it landed somewhere, making a clanging sound. Lloyd looked up in confusion, before rushing over to where the stone landed."Hey, what is-"He started, brushing the snow away to get a better look; what he found, was a large stone platform that looked like a snake's face. Lloyd looked beside him and saw a lever.For whatever reason he decided to pull it, which caused the floor to fall out from beneath him. He screamed as he fell.
He landed inside an icy cave, letting out an "Oof!" as he hit the ground. As it turned out, Lloyd had stumbled upon a serpentine tomb. This one belong to the Hypnobrai. Suddenly, one of the Snakes came over to him.
"You are out of your mind to venture so far away from home, little one." He said. Lloyd backed away as the snake, known as Slitheraa, attempted to hypnotize him. "Look into my eyes. Give up your mind. I will control you." He continued. Before he could hypnotize him, however, Lloyd accidentally slipped on some ice. Upon seeing his own reflection in the ice, Slitheraa hypnotized himself. Lloyd put two and two together before chuckling evilly.
"Heh, heh... No. I will control you from now on." He said.
"What shall you have us do, master?" Bowing to Lloyd. This surprised Lloyd.
"Us?" He asked, voice full of confusion. At this moment, the whole Hypnobrai army appeared out of the depths of the cave.
"My own army of snakes!" Lloyd said, letting out an evil laugh.
The ninja made it back to the Monastery. They flew their dragons into their respective stalls, before closing them up.
"So then we all agree. The prophecy states that two of us will become the Green and Silver Ninja, and the issue will not rest until it is decided." Jay said.
"When did we decide that?"
(Y/N) asked.
"May I suggest a tournament? Last ninja standing is the best. The second to last is the second best." Zane suggest
"And we'll be declared the Green and Silver Ninja! I love it!"
Kai exclaimed. (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
"This won't end well...." She muttered.When they entered the Monastery, they were welcomed by the sight of Nya training on the training course. She was doing pretty good, until an axe swung by and hit her in the face on it's broad side. This send her falling to the ground.
Jay walked over and helped her up.
"Hey, Nya. Closer to beating your brother's speed record?" He asked her, letting out a shy laugh.
"I'm getting there. Heard what happened in town. Just a false alarm?" She replied, as Kai and (Y/N) walked over to them.
"Yeah. Uh, but we're gonna need the space. Sorry, sis." Kai said. Cole made his way over to a cabinet and began pulling armor out of it. He tossed a helmet to Jay, which accidentally hit him in the back of the head.
"Two matches. Then the winners of each face off for the title. Armors for our own protection. It's time to see what these babies can do." Cole explained.
"Hey girls, wanna stay and watch me mop the floor with them?" Kai asked, looking over his shoulder at his sister and friend.
"No, thanks. I think I'll just visit Jamanakai Village. Knock yourselves out." Nya said, leaving the monastery. (Y/N) sent a few glances between the ninja and Nya, before running after Nya.
"Hey!Nya! Wait for me!" She yelled, catching up with her.
"Alright! First up: Kai versus Jay! Ninja Go!-" Cole said, starting the first match, only t be knocked to the ground as Jay and Kai ran at each other. Jay used his Nun-Chucks to try and shoot a lightning blast at Kai, but he ended up accidentally zipping himself instead. As the fight went on, it seemed as though both sides were evenly matched. Both ninja were fishing will all their might and neither looked like they were going to back down. However, this ended when Kai used his Sword to blast a fireball at Jay. Jay was knocked over, and this gave Kai the victory. The two took off their armor as Cole and Zane got ready to fight.
"Next up: Cole versus Zane!" Kai said. Jay, who was sitting on a step, sighed disappointedly. "Ninja Go!" Kai yelled, starting the second match. The second fight seemed as evenly balanced as the first... at the start atleast. Zane used one of his Shurikens to freeze Cole's legs. This caused Cole to only be able to move from the hips up. Zane moved around Cole, trying to attack him with the other Shuriken, but Cole still managed to deflect each shot. Cole then managed to trip Zane with his Scythe, which gave him the victory. Jay, who was now sitting next to a defeated Zane, started the final match, which was between Kai and Cole.
"For the prize and the title of best ninja, blah blah, Ninja Go." Jay said, unenthusiastically. Kai and Cole then proceeded their fight. Once again, the fight was even on both sides, until Cole used his Scythe, and knocked Kai onto the ground. Jay and Zane celebrated while Cole cheered, "Yes!"
Kai let out a frustrated groan as he quickly got back up. He picked up his weapon but started to loose control of it.
"It's to h-hot!" He said, struggling to hold his sword.
"It's burning!"
Kai lot so much control over his weapon to the point here he had to throw it on the ground. Fire then started to spread from the Sword, causing the Monastery to burn. The ninja desperately tried to put the fire out, but it was to no avail. Wu, who had heard the commotion from inside, ran outside to see what was going on. When he saw the fire, he picked u the Shurikens and used their powers to put out the fire. He then looked at his students, furiously.
"What were you thinking?!" He yelled.
"Uh, we were tryna figure out who are the Green and Silver Ninja." Jay said in a panic, causing Zane to slap him."Ow! Aheh, did I say Green and Silver Ninja? No, sorry." Jay cleared his throat. "What I-what I said was.. lean and clever! Uh..." Jay tried to correct his mistake, but ultimately failed.
"You were not supposed to see this." Wu said, turning around.
"But Sensei, we wanna know. Which one of us are the chosen ones?" Kai asked, desperately.
"None of you, if you don't unlock your full potential!" Wu scolded."But my sword, It was so bright! Is this what you meant by unlocking our Golden Weapons?" Kai's asked in realization."You are only at the beginning. And the road is long and winding, but yes, this is what I meant." Wu answered, walking back towards the Monastery. "If this is what it must take for you to train, then so be it. But none of you are near the level of what it takes to be the Green or Silver Ninja." He continued, walking back into the Monastery.
Back in Jamanakai Village,
(Y/N) and Nya were walking to a fruit stand, when they notice the villagers screaming and running in fear again.
"What now?" Nya asked, looking around. (Y/N) spotted something, and pushed Nya behind the stand. "Nya! Look!" She said, pulling her mask down over her face. The two saw Lloyd coming out of the candy store with a wheel barrow.
"Take the candy! Take it all!" He ordered, letting out an evil laugh. Nya nd (Y/N) were shocked to see that the Hypnobrai were with Lloyd. Slitheraa hypnotized some villagers, while his army hypnotized the rest of the village. The girls easvedropped on the conversation Slitheraa an his second in command.
"This makes no sense, General. Raiding an entire town... for sweets?" Skales asked.
"You will do as I command, because I hold the staff!" Slitheraa said.
"Boy is Kai gonna love this." (Y/N) muttered, before turning to Nya. "I'm gonna hold them off, so you can get to safety." She said.
"What? No! I wanna help not hide!" Nya protested. "I know you do, but if I get hypnotized, or something happens to to me, I nee to to let the guys know what's going on when they get here." (Y/N) said. She and Nya saw a Hypnobrai soldier get to close to their hideout, so they move to a better one. Once they were hidden better, (Y/N) continued. "Make sure that the boys know that the Snake with the staff is the general and that he holds the antivenin. I'm counting on you Nya." She said. Nya nodded, and hugged (Y/N).
"Ninja go!" (Y/N) yelled, doing spinjitzu to draw the Hypnobrais' attention away from Nya.
Back at the Monastery, wu's Spirit Smoke revealed to him that the Hypnobrai were in Jamanakai Village. Worried, he hurried outside, where the guys were properly practicing their weapons.
"The Serpentine are back! Everyone in Jamanakai Village is in danger!" Wu said frantically.
"Calm down, Sensei, we were just there! It was some kid who says he's-" Cole replied, but was interrupted by Wu.
"The Spirit Smoke does not lie! An ancient evil has been released!"
"The girls there right now!" Kai said.
"Nya?" Jay asked.The guys went to the dragon stables and mounted their respective dragons, managing to do it properly this time.
"Stay close. Stay together." Kai said as they took off.
"Would we do it any other way?" Cole asked sarcastically. When the guys arrived at Jamanakai Village, the villagers were still running away in an attempt to avoid the Serpentine.
Lloyd was shaking from all the sugar he had with a smile.
"I'm never coming down from this sugar high! Woooo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" He cheered. The guys then jumped into the air an landed in front of him.
"Sorry to bust your buzz, little Garmadon," Cole started.
"But it's already past your bedtime!" Jay continued. Lloyd turned to the Hypnobrai.
"Get them!" He ordered. Slithraa rattle his tale. "Seize them!" He yelled, and his army then started to approach the guys, who took on defensive stances.
"The Serpentine? They're real!?" Kai said in shock, upon seeing what they were up against.
"It's not just them we have to worry about." Cole said as he noticed that both the Hypnobrai and the villagers were surrounding them."The whole village has been hypnotized!" He said. Jay tried to use his weapon, but Zane stopped him.
"No! Our weapons are too unstable. We could do more harm than good!" Zane said.
"I guess that leaves us with RUN!" Jay replied. The Ninja ran away, finding refuge behind a building. Suddenly, Nya jumped down from a nearby rooftop.
"Nya? You're okay!" Jay said, relieved.
"Barely. They've hypnotized everyone in town. (Y/N) has been fighting them. She's been distracting them so I could find you guys." Nya replied.
"Mind control... How is this possible?" Jay asked.
"When you hear them rattle their tails, don't look 'em in the eyes. That's how they get you." She warned.
"Well, what are we supposed to do? We can't use our weapons, and now we gotta fight with our eyes closed? Huh, perfect." Jay said, sarcastically.
"(Y/N) said that the snake with the staff is the General. He's the one in charge. If we can get the staff from him, it holds the anti-venom. If we get that, we can save everyone." Nya told them.
"Look, guys. Forget about the whole Green and Silver Ninja thing. Let's make Sensei proud. The four of us and (Y/N). We're a team." Kai said.
"Now you're talking." Cole commented.
"Oh, and Nya, you can be our honorary member." Jay said with a smirk.
"Gee, thanks." Nya said sarcastically, crossing her arms. The guys and Nya returned to the village center, to see (Y/N) still managing to fend off the Hypnobrai, but struggling a little.
Kai jumped down to help her.
He turned to see some snakes coming up behind them.
"You wanna play? How about a little Spinjitzu? Ninjaaa Go!" Kai said. He did spinjitzu, managing to knock down two of the Snakes, but quickly lost control and fell to the ground out of dizzyness. (Y/N) told her eyes and face palmed.
"Okay, you guys arereally out of shape." She said. She looked and saw Lloyd escaping with "his" candy.
"Ha.... Consider this a warning, Ninja!" He yelled, laughing crazily.Zane stoped him with his shurikens, throwing them infront of Lloyd making two piles of ice. This caused the wheel barrow to tip when Lloyd ran into it.
"Ninjaa Go!" Zane and (Y/N) yelled, approached him with their spinjitzu.
"Sensei was right. Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today." Zane said.
"We should've dealt with you the first time around." (Y/N) added. Lloyd shrieked.
"Retreat!" He yelled.
"Retreat!" Slithraa ordered. As the Hypnobrai started to Yun away, Cole stopped Slithraa by giving him a few good kicks to the chest. This made Slithraa drop the staff.
"Go ahead. Give me a reason." He said, before Slithraa could pick up the staff. Slithraa slithered away in fear as Cole picked up the staff. Skales saw this and went over to attempt to hypnotize him.
"Look into my eyes. I control you." He said.
"You... control..." Cole repeated.
"Cole!" (Y/N), who had seen what was going on, ran over to the two. She gave Scales a quick jump kick to the face, causing him to lose control of Cole.
"You have the anti-venom!" She said. Cole snapped out of his daze.
"By golly, you're right!" He said in realization.
"Quick, the fountain!" (Y/N) told him, pointing to the fountain.
"Good idea!" Cole ran to the fountain where he set the staff. The staff then releases a must, which runs through the whole village, releasing the villagers from their hypnosis. The ninja and Nya grabbed the staff and walked over to Wu, who seemed to have appeared out of no where.
" We're sorry, Sensei. If we dealt with Lloyd before he became a problem, none of this would've been necessary." Kai said remorsefully.
"Even lessons learned the hard way, are lessons learned. Hmm...a great evil has been released. I fear troubling times will come. This is only the beginning." Wu informed.
"Then we will train, and be ready for the Serpentine." Zane said.
"It may not be Lord Garmadon,"(Y/N) commented.
"but that doesn't mean we won't bring our A-game." Cole added.
"Help us train. Help us realize our potential." Kai asked, putting his hand on Wu's shoulder.
"Yeah. Teach us the secrets behind the weapons of Spinjitzu." Jay added.
"Hmm...there is much to teach. We must return to the monastery." Wu informed, as he, his students, and Nya all turned to go back to their dragons. Nya sighed.
"When am I gonna get my own dragon?" She asked Wu.
"Patience, Nya. Your time will come." Wu told the sad girl.
Lloyd and the Hypnobrai made back at the Hypnobrai Tomb. Scales and Slithraa were talking while Lloyd was mopping.
"Ugh....candy. I need... candy! ugh..." He groaned.
"The boy set us free." Slithraa reasoned.
"He is a child! He's not one of us!" Skales argued.
"I may not have the staff, but I am still your General! Stand down!" Slithraa ordered, before going to talk to another soldier.
Skales walked away aswell; then a Hypnobrai soldier named Mezmo confronted him.
"You coward. We all know he is under Lloyd's spell. You are second in command, and still you do nothing?" He complained.
"Now was not the time. I still hold the key to destroy the Ninja. And when I do that, everyone will see it is I who should be in control." Skales said, letting out a wicked laugh as he used a partially hypnotized Cole to spy on the ninja.

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