The ritual.

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Barely any sun light remained as the clocktower from the church located in paradise city ran it's 7 hours from its bells. Even from afar Gili could hear them as she entered the now empty high school of paradise city. A swift autumn breeze was blowing all around her and made the blue haired girl shutter rather scared. It didn't help that this was on Halloween eve, the day spirit and supernatural entity entered the human realm more frequently. She read up on its history. Especially, since it was a day like this Regina wanted to try out her luck with the occult and thereby dragging her along with her. Just as she always would. Gili sighed deeply. All she had wanted from this girl was becoming friends. Her intentions were just to hang out with them in order to soften her. Not being tormented endlessly, because they found her blue hair color and kind nature weird. Or something around the lines. Gili had never had the courage to ask or even tell them off. She was a coward after all. Just like Regina told her.

"Ah so you did show" he could hear the mocking tone of her tormentor say, as she found the red-haired girl at the school's main entrance. She was sending her an evil smirk now "I was about to send Tohma out looking for you". 

Gili shuttered at the thought. The short black haired Tohma. He out of both boys here were the most vicious, while Kenta was sort of okay hanging out with on his own. The short blond-haired boy was just crushing big time on Regina. They both were.

"Please, can't we do this another time" Gili shuttered as she looked scared up at well everything. Here in the darkness, everything did frighten her a lot.

"You are such a wuss Gili" Regina sneered as she walked over and pulled her forward by her hair of all things. It hurt like crazy. "Besides, we might never get a chance like this ever again. On Halloween eve is where it is easiest to summon a familiar. You do want me to succeed don't you Gili?".

"Of... of course I do" Gili uttered out. More because if Regina didn't succeed, she would take her frustrations out on her. "It is just... demonology is very dangerous. Something might happen...". Regina sneered as she pulled in her hair again.

"Are you saying I am not up for the task Gili?" Regina sneered. She let her go only to push her to the ground seconds later "Who is the demon expert out of us two? Certainly not you Gili! I know it takes a lot of time to prepare a ritual like this. Why do you think we arrived here before midnight? To get all the preparations ready. If anything, bad happens we will high tail it out of there or sacrifice You in the process. Have I made myself clear?!". 

Gili nodded quickly. All so Regina's focus was not on her any longer, and they soon entered the school. Gili turned her gaze to the blue sky, hoping, praying that she would see it soon again, without being dead.

To say that Gili was surprised over how prepared Regina was, was an understatement. She had pulled several items, that being all from books to weapons really, out of the bags they had with them. Gili even saw Tohma pull out a dead animal who Gili figured was a half rotten wolf as sacrificial offering to this familiar. They had even chosen their locations to be one of the old classrooms, where they had tables and hinder nesses if anything would go wrong. Not that it made Gili more relieved. Quite the opposite in fact. There was no say in that Regina was prepared to summon a demon familiar to their ritual, but who said it was a familiar that would appear. Demons were tricky. Gili did do her homework on that ever since she knew Regina wanted to do this at Halloween eve. She knew about the dangers and that one misstep could lead them to their soon to be dead. Demons were after all not considered kind and caring as angels or god were. Not that Gili knew of that. She just believed in god and angels more than demons. She pulled at her cross underneath her shirt. One of the few items given by her mother before she died, and one of the reasons she believed her mother was in heaven.

"Okay clear out the room" Regina ordered firmly, making Kenta and Gili pull out the chair and tables to create the space for the ritual. 

Gili noticed Tohma were already cutting a circle in the floor, as he intended to create a hexagram in the middle of room. Candlesticks were placed on the few tables in the room, lit up by Gili herself, while Regina was looking through the endless books they were having for the perfect spell. Kenta even placed the dead wolf at the center of the star symbol, Tohma had craved and he was now creating wards, to protect them from the creature they were about to summon. They were doing a good job, but Gili still felt it was not enough. She had this nagging feeling that if they went through with this, some major and maybe even deadly consequences may await them.

"Shouldn't... shouldn't the wards be... more powerful?" Gili then questioned slowly and winched slightly at the glaring look Regina sent her.

"What?! Why should we do that?!" she demanded and snort coldly "We are just summoning a little familiar. Not Satan himself. Get real".

"I... I know that. But just as a precaution. In case something goes wrong..." Gili muttered out in a scared tone, which only made Regina hiss.

"Just shut up will you!" Regina sneered "And let's get to work!". Gili nodded slightly and kept herself in the background as Regina finally began the ritual.

To say that everything went wrong was an understatement. Everything went as planned at first though. Regina resigned the enchantment and Gili was sure she heard thunder roaring in the sky outside. Wind even blew even though they were inside. However, Regina never even finished the enchantment when a powerful force crashed into the symbol with a loud BOOM. Nothing, not even the school got damaged in the process, but at the same time it felt like an earthquake had just hit the place. That was how forceful this entity was. Gili and the crew got send flying back into the wall by the sheer force of power that emitted and Gili's nagging feeling came to life as soon as she looked into the hexagram. Because in front of them was clearly not a familiar or any demon sized animal. No in front of them was a teenage boy, properly around the same age as Gili which was 16. His grey short hair stood out like crazy. Dressed in a blue pullover and maybe gray pants. It was difficult seeing since long black boots covered his legs all the way past his knee cap. A long red scarf wrapped around his neck and hang loosely down his chest, almost hitting the floor beneath him, while a green long cape was wrapped around his shoulders. What got Gili's interest the most was the glowing crest mark clicked on his green cape. An eye placed by a diamond shaped rhombus surrounded an 8-sided star in blue and dark colors. It made Gili shiver uncontrollable. In front of her one of Regina's books were lying, showing of a page with exactly that mark. This was a family crest for a demon lord of the pride clan. They had summoned a demon noble. A stoic look followed as the demon boy turned his gaze around to view his surroundings.

"Who summoned me?" he then questioned in a cold but firm voice.

"I... I did" Regina stuttered out. She was as scared as Gili felt and clearly taken back that they had summoned a real demon. The boy's gaze fell on her and Gili could feel purple irises glare them all down now.

"Hmm I see, and what is it you want from me?" he asked as his face twisted into a diabolic smile "Not that it matters. I don't do deals with newbies. You offended my pride by summoning me. Prepare to die!".

A,N: Well that was that chapter. The first of its kind. I feel proud of myself that I kept my update schedule up until now. A chapter a day. Or so I hope. Hope you liked this chapter though. Regina and her minions clearly messed up. Summoning a noble from the pride clan of all people. They get offended easily. They are the pride clan after all, and I am sure he is not happy about being summoned by school children lol. In the next chapter we actually get a glimpse into the demon's life before the summoning. Not to feel sympathy for him, never, he is going on a killing spree soon, but some other arc v characters might show. Hope that sounds interesting. 

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