Chapter 2: The New Beginning

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One week since Roy death:

I live my ordinary life. Nothing interesting since then. Hmm.. I felt empty. He's dead, nothing can change it. And Im turning 8 tomorrow. Hm? Im just a child you say? Yea thats right im just a kid. And as a kid, people always says that we can see many things adult can't. For real? Does that mean I can see Roy again?

"Yukie! Dinner time!" Oh yeah, my mom took a one week breaks to support me. But not my father, he was nowhere to be seen. I wonder why is it so hard for him to come home?

"Yukie, stop staring the food. Eat it before it cold." I nod in silence.

"Yukie, I wanted to ask you something. Are you really.." Mom didn't finish her words. It seems hard for her to finish her sentence. I wonder why.
"Mom?" Mom smiled, then she shook her head. "No nothing. Eat." I ask no more. I eat obediently. My mom keeps staring at me. I think my mom worried about me, that's why she even took a week leave. How kind of her. "Mom, when will dad come back?" I never complaint when my parent busy working, but for the first time, I did a complaint a bit. The expression on my mom's face was hard to interpret. Mad? Shock? Happy? Worried? I felt slightly dumb with my question. "Forget it mom." "No darling, you right. We should pay more attention to you. You're growing up alone. I never realise it. Sorry sweetie." Mom pat my shoulder gently.

The next day..

Mind over matter. Mom have started working today. I am alone again. Usually I have no problem with being alone. I don't why I felt a little weird today. No to be precise, since Roy's dead. Well today supposed to be my birthday. But with no one home, I don't feel like to celebrate it anyway. 'Oh Roy! I miss you!' I almost cried.


Voice? Where did it come from? Eh? Where does that light coming from? What's happening?!

'Yukie, run!'

My leg shaking. I wanted to run, but it seemed some powerful force is stoping me from doing so. I can't breathe! Its so suffocating. 'Someone! Help me!'

'Yukie, help yourself.'
Eh? Roy's voice??

"ugh.." I fell. I just want everything to stop. Stop. Stop stop STOPPPP!!!


Everything stay static. The clock stops ticking. The rain stops pouring. The light stops expanding. Everything stop. Eh?

'Good job Yukie. I know you can do it. Wait for me. Im coming to you soon.'

Roy? He's still alive? How come? Darn I'm a mess. I don't understand anything. What's happening? Please please someone tell me what to do! I cried, I was terrified with my own power. My hands won't stops trembling.

"Its okey Yukie. You've done great."

I felt the warmness lurking all over my body. Someone hugs me. This hug, I know this hug very well. ROY! I turned around and found it was really Roy. He was in an armored suit. Even though he was covered by steels, he still smells good and warm. I hugged him and said

"Don't leave me again! Don't ever again!!"

"Yes, you're my precious princess now." Roy whispered in my ears. I don't know, for a normal girl, they will be scared to see a dead person coming back alive. But, I don't feel scared, why? Because I am expecting this? I don't understand, so many questions I wanted to ask but, not in this situation. No..


That night..

"Roy, stop pretending that nothing happen. You owe an explanation." Roy stops stirring the porridge. It is a very awkward situation. Someone who's dead, come back to you. With this unknown power of mine.

"Yukie, hear me. You're 8 years old right now. And that age is your reincarnation age. Which mean, starting from now, you will activate the ability inside you. One by one."

"And why, why I have that ability and why are you still alive?"

Roy finished stirring his porridge. He explained to me from A to Z. Now I understand.

Roy is one of my knights. He said the corpse that my mother found at the outskirt of the town wasn't his body. It was just a lie, because it's a knight rules that every knights need to pretend to be dead. And me, I am the reincarnation of Julia also known as Lukewarm Kingdom's Goddess. Wow.. Really? So now, I couldn't live my life like others? I need to protect the kingdom? Then who's aftering me this morning?


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