Bedtime in the Renouf Household

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It was cold December night in Plano, Texas and Selena was in her grandma's room helping her grandma for the night. Sonic was in the hallway waiting for his pregnant wife to come out, he had already did his nightly routine, it look a little longer for her to help her grandma since she got pregnant one August.

Sonic let out a yawn and said, "Well, it's that time of day once again" he rubbed his eye "bedtime." Finally, Selena came out of her grandma's room holding her pregnant belly saying, "Welp, see you in the a.m, Mom!" She looked over to her sleepy husband, "Oh, hello Blue boy!" Selena chirped, "Hey blondie, or should I say brunette" the blue blur replied, "you getting ready for bed too?" Selena brushed her teeth and answered as she spits out the toothpaste, "Yeah! You excited for the story I'm about to tell you, I wrote it myself?"

"Sure, what's tonight's story?"
"A Christmas Carol, a modern day American version!"
"*yawn* I'm excited!"
"Me too!"

Selena opens the door for Sonic and called, "Come on in, Blue!" Sonic came in Selena's room as she blocked the door with her chair and grabbed her peppermint kisses bear, "Come here, Patty," She said cuddling her build a bear, "We're gonna read a bedtime story." She let out a high-pitched "Yay," providing a voice for her bear as she laid on her bed while Sonic took off his shoes and let out a yawn. "I could use a good nights sleep" he mentioned, "After all, it is the weekend." Selena agreed and replied, "Yup, it sure is the weekend alright!" Before she began to lay down she suddenly realizes, "Oh yeah, I just remembered, I have a story to read to you." "What is it, Princess" Sonic asked.

"This is the story I'm going to tell you!"
"A Christmas Carol, isn't it the one written by Charles Dickens?"
"It is, but this is a lot different compared to his version, trust me, blue, you're literally gonna love this!"

Selena opened her book and began to read.

A Sonelena Christmas CarolWhere stories live. Discover now