Part 4

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Draco POV

Its been a few weeks since the start of summer and it was already nothing like I thought it would be. Harry is very quiet, not speaking unless spoken to, most days he has his head in a book. He doesn't wear is glasses at all any more, they sit forgotten on his desk in the study. He smiles and laughs when I speak with him but I can tell that he is uncomfortable. He has started getting into a routine, spending most of his time by himself except nights, when he joins me outside while I smoke. He still doesn't smoke that often but he listens to what I have to say and chimes in on occasion.

Right now, I am sitting with my friends in the pool, relaxing under the umbrella while leaning back on  the cool, underwater seats. Pansy is making fun of Blaise because he can't swim, when I see him. He runs by, completely unaware they were are all sitting here. He is wearing black shorts and a pair of running shoes, his hair in a ponytail. I watch him as he runs by, not noticing my friends watching him as well.

"Whats he doing here?" Pansy asks. I blanch. I had forgotten that I hadn't told her yet.

"He lives here." I say. Her jaw drops.

"You're joking?" Felix asks. Hmm... guess I forgot to tell him too.

"You really have to remind me to tell the others when I tell you shit." I say over to Blaise, he laughs and nods. Harry reaches the side of the pool and he slows down. He stops, resting his hands on his head, taking slow deep breaths. He kicks off his shoes and socks, leaving them in a pile near a chair. Then runs and flawlessly dives into the pool, swimming underwater until reaching the other side of the pool, where we were sitting. He pops his head and shakes his long hair out. Pansy almost faints at the sight of him, staring at him. He glances up at her and winks. She flushes and turns back around. Something irks me about him winking at her but I try to ignore it.

"Tone down the jealous look" Felix whispers to me. I immediately do and look down at my drink. Harry swims over to the back of the chairs and pushes himself, up and over, slipping into our little seating place. He swims over to the bar and grabs a water bottle, before placing himself next to me. He gulps down the whole bottle and then tosses it out of the pool. He stretch's out placing his arms on the back of the seats next to him. One of them being the seat I was sitting in. The conversation continues as if nothing is going on. Blaise and Felix are now arguing over something, but I can't focus on anything that is going on. Not with him sitting so close to me. Eventually he brings his arms back down, letting them float in the water, he begins playing with the water, cupping his hands and making water squirt up. He grins and then squirts me. I glare over and at him but he just smiles. I place my hands in the water trying to copy him. He just keeps squirting me. By the time that I figure it out, he has squirt me about 5 times and a huge grin plasters his face. I finally figure it out and squirt him, I seem to squirt more water though, this makes him laugh and just splashes me back. I grin and splash him more. He glares and dunks me. When I pop back up, I flip him over the side of the chairs, back into the main pool. He quickly gets back up and pulls me in with him. We continue to fight, splash and dunk each other until I hear Pansy yelling.

"BOYS!" she yells. Harry stops as he's about to dunk me and looks over. I have my arm wrapped around his waist, about to flip him but I stop as well.

"What in the bloody hell is going on?" Blaise asks. Felix just raises his brows at me and grins suggestively. I let go of Harry and he lets go of me.

"Just a bit of fun" Harry says with a small grin. I shove him away with a laugh. She points over to the door and Severus is standing there. I scoot away from him, as he raises his eyebrows at us.

"Harry I need you in my study" he says and then turns to go.

"Yes sir," He swims over to the side of the pool and climbs out. He takes my towel, thanking me over his shoulder. I flip him off but he can't see it as he goes inside.

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