Part 2

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Harry POV

When I come down for my run the next morning Hermione is sitting in the common room, waiting for me. She was yawning and rubbing her eyes as I walked down the stairs and didn't look up at me until I sat down next to her. She just stared at me for a long time. I wave my hand in front of her face.

"Hermione, are you awake?" I ask her, waving my hand again. She brushes my hand away and keeps looking at me. I blush and look down. I'm wearing my practice shorts. And my new hair is up in a somewhat bun, to keep the hair from sticking to my neck.

"Harry..." she says. I nod, remembering the changing I went through.

"Look I know. Its a lot. Dumbledore was hiding who my real father was, he had blocks on my magic and a glamour over how I look." I say quickly. She gasps a little.

"Well you look really good Harry, like older." she says admiring me. I blush and mumble he said the same thing.

"He? You already told Ron?" she asks. I shake my head quickly. She tilts her head in question but I don't give her a name.

"Look everyone is going to be up soon and the train leaves right after breakfast. I have to hurry on my run." I say quickly. She nods.

"Wait, about last night? Are you okay..." she said. I sigh.

"Oh right. I just.... I know he will come back. I'm tired of fighting him though. I wish it could have been anybody else and I would have been able to live a somewhat normal life." I say quietly. Hermione nods and rubs my back. I accept it for a while, before I remember that I must hurry. I stand quickly. I kiss Hermione's forehead and wave her goodbye before leaving the common room quickly.

As I exit the school, I start on the worn path that I run everyday. Running helps keep me in shape for quidditch but it also keeps me away from my thoughts. I had started having panic attacks and sleepless nights from all the stress and fear that I go through during the year. Madame Pomfrey decided that it would be good for me. So I ran 3 miles in the morning and 2 in afternoon. It was really helping, my head was clear most of the day. I jog past the lake, looking over to see if I saw any sign of the giant squid. I then follow my path around Hagrid's hut and around the quidditch pitch. The loop I usually ran was about a mile and a half, so I ran around it twice.

I quickly made my way upstairs so I could take a shower before going to breakfast. I had stopped to talk with Hagrid on my second lap and it made me a little late. I was going to be late for breakfast. I ran up the stairs, not looking where I was going when I slam into someone. Ginny.

"Oh sorry Gin" I say steading her. She glares at me and moves past me. I shrug and keep moving. I hurry, not bumping into anybody else. I rush up to my room, grabbing the clothes left out for me by the school elfs. Since its the last day, we get to wear muggle clothes. Instead of my usual jeans and sweatshirt I see a nice green blazer and a black tee, with dark slightly ripped jeans. I don't question it and quickly take a shower and then put the clothes on. I stop in the mirror and check my hair. I decide that I liked it in a bun, so I fix it into a better bun, and then leave the room. It's when I get to the Great Hall, I remember the blazer and where it had came from. I grinned as I made my way over to my friends.

Draco POV

You can see most of Harry's running route from the tower. I sit up there with my morning cig and watch him run. He looks so much hotter since his transformation last night. His hair is longer and better styled, I like the bun he is wearing. His clothes fit him better, no more oversized shit. Though he wasn't as tan as he used to be, he still looks good. I love watching him run because he looks so relaxed, like he didn't have a care in the world.

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