Part 3

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Draco POV

We step through the floo into the living room, which was downstairs near the front entrance. I look around and see happily that nothing has changed. It was the same. I wait for Potter to come through and then we head upstairs so I can show him his room. We go up the grand staircase and turn left, this used to be my wing, but I was sharing it now. I had never had to share something so I was curious. I lead him to his old room. He would stay there sometimes, when we were younger. Our rooms were right next to each other and then across the hall was our shared study and a potions lab. At the end of the hall was a large bathroom. I stop at the end of the hall and turn to him.

"So this first room on the left is my room. Yours is the next one on the left. The first door on your right is the potions lab and the second door on your right is our study. The room at the end of the hall is our bathroom." I say showing him everything. He nods and walks over to his room. He opens the door with a smile, then walks in. I had never been allowed to go into Harry's room. We used to share everything but we never had a sleepover. I went over and stood by the door, looking in. His room was very similar to mine, except he didn't have many decorations on his walls. He had a shelf full of books, and one full of action figures, pranks and model quidditch players. He had a large bed and a large closet. He had a fireplace and two armchairs. He smiled as he looked around and placed his trunk at the end of the bed. As he walked away, the clothes began to put their selves away. I watched in fascination.

"How did you do that?" I ask him. He looks over his shoulder at me.

"Do what?" he asked, I pointed over to his clothes as they folded themselves and flew into the closet. He watched in amazement as well.

"It was a spell that Molly used to use. I have never been able to do it thought, I said it out of spite really." he says with a small grin. I smirk and nod. I notice that Harry's room colors are the same as mine. Green and black. I don't say anything, I just leave and go to put my stuff away.

My room looks the same as I left it. I start to put my clothes away and put away all my school supplies. Most of which belongs in my desk in the study. I put away all that I can then take my stuff over to the study, I find that Harry is already in the study, sitting behind his desk, spinning slightly around in his chair. He is reading a book and his glasses are on the desk. I clear my throat and he starts as he looks up.

"What are you doing?" I ask him. He holds up the book. It was a charms book, the one for next year.

"I thought I would get a head start on homework, I've never had time to work on it at home, so I'm taking my time on it." he says. I raise my eyebrows in confusion. He shakes his head though and goes back to reading. I shrug to myself and go over to my desk, to put my stuff away. I take out a transfiguration book and begin on my homework as well. We sit in silence together, working on homework for a long time.


After working on homework for 5 hours, we realize that we needed to eat dinner. We decided to go into to town to a little pub. Severus lived near a small muggle town. Sev had given us muggle money to get dinner and I was lucky that Harry knew what he was doing. We sat near the back and ordered giant burgers and fries.

"Do you stay with Sev every summer?" he asked while we waited for our food. I nod.

"My parents are always super busy. My father works a lot out of the country during the summer and my mother, has so many events to plan, that I kind of get forgotten. My first year, they forgot to come and pick me up at the train station, I sat on a bench for 3 hours." I say messing with straw. Harry shakes is head, clearly angry.

"Well I'm glad that Sev takes care of you." he says clenching his jaw.

"You know he wanted to have you all this time, but Dumbledore wouldn't let him. Whenever you came to visit, we had to take you memory afterwards, so that you wouldn't try and run from the Dursleys to find him." I say sadly. Harry shakes his head.

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