Day 7: Fashion Show

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It was a regular Saturday. Well, as regular as it can be when your newly attained little sister—and new favorite sibling—pleads you to model her clothes with those big, baby blue eyes.

Confused? Let's rewind for a bit.

Jason was staying at the manor more and more lately (and it definitely wasn't because of his newly discovered sister, Marinette) and today was just another day like that. Him walking around the manor and hoarding food from the kitchen (good thing he wasn't banned like his other siblings), when he comes across said sister, looking deeply in thought while surrounded by dress forms with clothes that looks like they just came out of a magazine.

"Hey, Pixie, whatcha doing sitting on the floor?" he approaches her crouches down to her eye level. She looks up at him and her eyes widen and sparkle like she just saw a miracle, which, honestly made him blush. "W-Why are you looking at me like that?" he asks as he looks and tries to get away from her, unless he wants to be pinned down by her eyes alone.

"Jay-Jay, how would you like to model?" she looks at him in the eyes and holds his hands. He honestly would've thought it was cute with how she had a nickname for him, if it weren't for the impending doom he feels on coming.

Gulping, Jason resigns to his fate. You know what they say, if you can't win against them, join them!


He honestly doesn't know why. Heck, he isn't even really sure how!

How on earth did every single person in the manor get wrapped around Marinette's little finger?! Sure, she's adorable and lovable, and she's super sweet and—okay, maybe he does know how. But the "why"?? He wasn't sure.

Like, why are they falling for her charms? Aren't they already used to other people trying to blind them with their charms? And Jason isn't saying that he's immune to Marinette's charms. No. No, he's actually one of the first people to fall for her loveliness. And that's the problem! Not

Staring at the scene in front of him, Jason wonders what happened for them to be so enamored by the ravenette. Not that he's complaining though, seeing Marinette smile and laugh feels really healing.

"Next piece, Number thirty-five, 'Green'!" Marinette calls out as both the announcer and designer of their little Fashion Show. As soon as the words left her lips, Damian walks over to their makeshift stage in a casual attire. Seeing him catwalk down the stage made Jason laugh and remember how even the great Demon Spawn got charmed by Marinette with just a single stare and the word "please".

Looking at everyone round him; he couldn't help but be amazed by Marinette's skill. The clothes she made them wear were really well made that he almost thought that they were store-bought. With how the drawstring hood that Tim was wearing looked like a professional made it, the way the short pants that she gave Dick looked like it belonged to a magazine made Jason refuse to believe that it was actually made by her dainty hands. And don't even get him started on what he's wearing right now. The leather jacket that he was wearing felt nice to the touch and so fit that it looked like second skin.

"Piece Number fifty-six, 'Bad'!" and that's his cue. Jason walks to the stage and stops at the middle making sure that Marinette could see all the good angles of the clothing.

"Whoohoo, strike a pose, Jason!" Dick cheers like they actually were in a Fashion Show.

Laughing at the older male's stupidity, he puts his hand on the back of his head and hides the other in his pocket, looking away somewhere and striking a pose like a real male model.

Just as he was about to comment on how stupid this was, the door of the manor bursts open with a slam and a familiar voice resounds the whole house. "We're home!" the familiar figures of Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain comes into view that it made the whole "show" put to a halt and all of the Wayne's (batbois?) flinch at their sight.

...Oh, shit!



Steph *smirking* Can't you pose for us again, Jay-Jay?

Jason*frowning at his book* Shut up, don't call me that; that's Marinette's nickname for me.

Steph – What's the matter? I thought you like being a model?

Jason – You would too if Marinette decides to shoot you with her baby doll eyes.


I take back what I said, this is the shortest work I've ever written.

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