Day 3: Siblings

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 I won't be doing days 4 and 5 so yeahhhh hope you enjoy this!


Ever since Marinette was little, she had always wished to have little brothers and sisters of her own; wondering how it would feel to not be the only child anymore, to not feel so lonely. So, when she found out that she did have some (from her biological father's side), she wanted to jump for joy.

Who would've thought that the very same man who she has never met before, yet had always given her gifts for whichever occasion there is, is the only person who would grant her wish; who would give her the siblings she longed to have?

Although, that joy didn't last long. Not because she regrets wishing for it only for it to become granted. No. It was because when she had finally met the guy (her biological father) and had stayed for quite a few days in his house already, she still hasn't seen any of her siblings!

M. Wayne had said that they come and go from the Manor so she'll eventually see them, but still! She has still not seen any of them! M. Alfred had said that two of his sons are currently staying in the Manor but he still hasn't seen any of them! He said that one is somewhere in the Manor, tiring himself out and not getting any sleep (it sounded suspiciously like how she is), and the other always goes to school early so she might have just missed him.

It was sad to not be able to meet her siblings yet. And it was also lonely, so incredibly lonely. Not that spending time with MM. Wayne and Alfred was unpleasant, it's just that she wants to spend time with people who are the same age as her, people who are the same generation(?) as her.

Letting out a sigh, Marinette slumps down the couch and groans. Maybe fate really doesn't want her to meet/have siblings.

Just as she was cursing the world, she hears a loud bang as the front door of the manor opens. Revealing a smiling man with black hair that has a shock of white in the front and blue eyes that roam around the living room, seemingly searching for something. With a smaller man (yet Marinette was sure that he was way taller than her still) with also black hair and blue eyes behind him.

"C-Can I help you?" she peaks over the couch and looks at them warily.

As soon as the words left her lips, the male with the shock of white in his hair's eyes sparkle and his grin widens. "Found ya." he marches over to her and drags her by the arm (and if she weren't so physically skilled, she was sure she would've toppled over and fell) to who knows where. Somehow, even if she doesn't know who they are, she doesn't feel any need to retaliate.

In just a blink of an eye, she was already seated in a ranger car with the two men she saw previously and with two more males she doesn't recognize who are all talking among themselves all at the same time that she doesn't even understand them anymore. When had she even gotten here? No, more importantly, what is she doing here?

"E-Excuse me?" she tries to ask in between their bickering, but to no avail. "Excuse me?" she tries again, but the two youngest(?) interrupts her by quarrelling. "Ex—" she tries one more time but this time, the oldest (she thinks he was the oldest) joins in on the two quarrelling and the youngest one begins to pull out a shiny thing from his—was that a knife????!!

Staring at the thing in the boy's hands with horror, Marinette decides that if she doesn't want to witness a possible murder scene, then she better gets moving and do something about the situation!

"W-Wait!" she subtly opens the window beside her and flings the knife the boy has out of the car all in one swoop that they won't even be able to notice she did it (at least a regular civilian wouldn't).

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