Day 8: Driving + Day 9: Last Name: Wayne

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Waking up, Bruce felt weirdly elated; somehow it was like he was in a good mood. The reason? He wasn't really sure ("It's because of Marinette!" "Shush, don't tell them that! He'll get embarrassed!" "I can hear the both of you.")

Sighing, he sits at his usual seat at the table, and just as he was about to take a sip of his coffee, Alfred pops into his side with a phone in hand. "You have a phone call, Master Bruce."

"A phone call?" he reaches over and takes the phone from the Englishman. "Bruce Wayne speaking."

"Hello, Mister Wayne," a female voice answers him. "This is the Gotham City Police Department and we're calling about your son speeding on a motorcycle."


"Yes," the female affirms. "And he is also sighted with a teenage girl—oh, gosh." she cuts herself off.

'A teenage girl? Jason, I swear—'

"Oh my god, it's the girl who's driving!" the female on the phone shrieks. "And they just went on top of a building!" a building?????? "They're jumping from rooftop to rooftop, oh my god!!!"

The phone call abruptly ends and Bruce is left there just staring at the dark screen, his mouth agape. He swears the if Marinette gets even a single scratch on her, he'll take away all of Jason's guns and leather jackets!


Tapping his foot repeatedly on the ground, Bruce waits impatiently for his two wayward children in the Police Station.

After a few more agonizing minutes of trying to not make a scene and not throw a tantrum like an impatient child, he hears engines revving from the outside and the doors slam open. "We're here!" Jason comes waltzing in with a worried Marinette in tow.

"Yes, it's good that you're here." he smiles at Marinette and glares at Jason. "What were you thinking?!" he practically shouts at his tallest son. "You could've put Marinette in danger!"

Jason rolls his eyes and grumbles. "I would never let anything happen to her; how could you even think that of me?"

"It's all right, Monsieur Wayne!" Marinette waves her hands and bites her lip. "It was me who forced him to go on a ride with me." she looks down and fidgets with her hands.

The brunet clicks his tongue and shakes his head. "You don't have to apologize, I had fun!" Jason smiles widely and ruffles the ravenette's hair (he kind of wants to ruffle her hair too).

"But..." she meekly looks up at him and pouts. (why is she so adorable?)

Bruce pats her head and sighs. "Don't worry, I'm not mad at you." he hears Marinette let out a relieved sigh and smiles. "I'm mad at him!" he glares at Jason from the back of his daughter's head.

"Wah—but!" Marinette panics and flails her arms around.

"Calm down," Jason assures her and pats her shoulders. "I'm not really affected by that." he laughs loudly while Marinette whimpers and pouts.

Bruce lets out a sigh and shakes his head. "I heard you were the one driving," he says to Marinette. "Does that mean you have a US driver's license?" he asks her.

"Oh, yes, I do! Although, I'm going to have to renew it now," she ponders as she taps her chin and looks up at the ceiling in wonder.

"Then," he drags on. "Can I come?" he asks and points at himself with a smile.


"I'm saying, I want to accompany you." he smiles wider. Of course, there's another reason why, but does he really have to tell her that?



"W-What is this?" Marinette looks as him and the card in her hands repeatedly.

"What do you mean? It's your driver's license." Bruce smiles at her innocently. It technically is hers, so why is she looking at him like that?

"But—! My name!" she shrieks and waves the card around.

"What about your name?" he smiles cheekily at her confused and panicked expression. How adorable!

"Name! Duchayne! Wayeng!" she babbles and walks back and forth in place.

Bruce laughs loudly and ruffles her hair. Why is her hair so soft? Don't they use the same shampoo since she lives (temporarily) in the manor now? How come they have different hair texture? "Do you not like it?"

"What? No, of course I like it! It's my driver's license," she says. Bruce could almost hear the word "obviously" coming right after.

"Then, what seems to be the problem?" he asks her with worry. Maybe she really didn't like it. Maybe he shouldn't have meddled in her business.

"Nothing! It's just that..." she looks back at the card in her hands. "Is it really okay for me to have this?" her voice quiet and unsure that it almost made Bruce feel guilty for doing such a thing.

The oldest Wayne softly smiles at her, "Of course it is. You're a Wayne, aren't you?"

The ravenette smiles as at the card and Bruce sees her fingers brush her name. "Yeah, I guess I am." her hands carefully tracing the bold letters... "Marinette Wayne".




Holy shit I just saw two Waynes driving on top of buildings like they're on some motorcycle stunt shit!

[video attached of Marinette and Jason speeding on a motorcycle]

#NewWayne??? #thissobadass #deadass #socool #OnlyInGotham

15k Replies 2k Retweets 3k Likes

Just because my name's Dick doesn't mean I am one @GraysonWayne
Replying to @icantthinkupofaname

@TODDayiLive??? Is that u?????

#whyisshewithu??? #theaudacity #THEBETRAYAL

2k Replies 15k Retweets 4k Likes

As you can see I am not dead! @TODDayiLive
Replying to @GraysonWayne

Oh shit... dat me

#nicenicenice #mehot #yes

8k Replies 25k Retweets 9k Likes

THE Bruce Wayne @WEnterpriseee
Replying to @TODDayiLive

Don't do that again. Please.

9k Replies 20k Retweets 10k Likes


Omg my teachers are trying to make us literature geeks. First they ask us to make a short story for one week and next they're asking us to make our own poem (FOR ONE WEEK ALSO) and take a video of our self doing spoken word poetry with that same poem that we made fml

Oh and I almost forgot! It was my birthday!!! emphasis on was because it already passed? like last September 9. and alsooo I already reached 300 followers (like how??? and why???? lol I love y'all) boardering on 400 like I need 3 more??? on Tumblr lol soooo because of that, we're going to do a celebration!!!!! Like triple celebration!!!!!!!!!! but I won't be getting further into that here... I'll do it in another post on Tumblr :)

My Father From Another ContinentNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ