Let's move Bikini Bottom to somewhere else!

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☀︎ ︎September 18th, 2018:

The cast were reunited in Tina's apartment in a way to find a new theater, Ethan was there helping her using his Macbook to search empty places in the city for the show, some people were taking suggestions as Tina was having an interesting look, but unfortunanely there weren't theaters available in Manhattan, as everyone were sad now that there's no hope that the show can continue, but luckily, Wesley Taylor (Plankton) got an idea and he suggested one called ''Mercedes Theatre'' that it was between the 14th St. and Fulton St. and it was available, he told them that the place was abandoned a year ago since a musical called ''Love Dolls'' was closed for low grossing, everyone were wondering about that place in which Tina agrees with Wesley's idea and she decides for everyone go see it, while pack their stuff, and go visit there, she rent a bus so we can go together.

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They arrived to the Mercedes Theatre and it was actually as they expected, it was so huge, the auditorium was more extended, even it has 2 zones (orchestra and balcony) but the seatings were full of dust, some old props were broken and the spotlights didn't work out, it also got a bad smell because of being closed for a long time, everyone were feeling uncomfortable with the place, Tina didn't mind about it, but she was surprised that the theatre was more extended than the Palace Theatre, the bad smell and other stuff can be fixed, so they decided to remodel and clean the place, while they continue, the owner of the theater came in to ask why are they here without authorization, her name was Callie Mercedes, and she went to talk to Tina, Ethan was along with her because it's the co-assistant, Tina explained to her about the situation that happened with the show, about the Palace being remodeled and everything, she was hearing the entire story while feeling bad about what happened, so she decided to let them with a condition, she told them that when the theater is ready and clean, she will come to the first show to see if we are worth enough to stay here, so Tina accepts and they both closed with a deal, as everyone cheer and they start to clean with first, taking off the smell, some people were throwing away the dust from the seats, some others went to the store to buy stuff to fix the props, the spotlights and even painting some parts of the theater that look rusty, everyone started working to make the theater a better comfortable place for them and the show.

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A few hours later, they were half of the cleaning as they were in a small break, Danny was with Christina and Wesley chilling, Ethan has been so busy recently being Tina's assistant so he wasn't there with them, Vasthy, Abby, Oneika, Kelvin and the others were chatting while posting stories about the new place coming soon, Tina and Ethan walk in to see the new results of the theater, and they were impressed by the new transformation, Tina told everyone about the deal she made with Callie, saying that she will let them stay in the theater if they make an amazing show, so they think it wa sa great deal in order to make them stay on Broadway, then break time is over, and they start to continue cleaning until it's ready.

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The day went by as everyone finished, and the new auditorium looks beautiful, everyone were cheering and happy, Tina told them that they're dismissed, and tomorrow they will set up the props of the musical, everyone went for chicken wings to celebrate that they finally found a theater to stay, the cast were happy that they start to cheer with their drinks and start to have a great night, as they were excited for tomorrow for their new home.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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