The Closing Announcement

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☀︎︎ July 8th, 2018:

It was the next day, in a normal morning, everyone where arriving to the Palace Theatre for another day of rehearsal, Ethan was walking by in the auditorium with a coffee of Starbucks as Danny starts to give him company, while everyone were still talking to each other and joke around, Tina walks in with some news, in which people are having theories about what news is she giving them, some started to get worried and others were thinking maybe they got nominated for another big awards after they didn't won anything at the Tonys this year (besides Best Set Design), people start to talk it out, Tina was so worried to tell them that it was about the closing announcement, so she decides to say to them later and let them continue with the rehearsals.

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It was 2:00pm, some of the ensemble cast were watching some movies, when Abby and Gaelen were wondering about what Tina was about to tell them, they started to talk about it, Vasthy heard them so she started to join the conversation too, as also Oneika, Jailen, Wesley, Alex Gibby, Kelvin, and Logan, they thought that something is gonna happen with the future of the show, while everyone were discussing, Ethan walks in  wondering about what they were talking about, Vasthy told him about theories about Tina was trying to say, in he was started to get curious, but instead of joining, he leaves to the stage to talk about it to her in person, when goes upstairs of the stage, he saw her talking to Julie McBride and Mike Dobson about the music score, as he interfers to have a talk, he was really worried for her state of mind right now, maybe it was stress or it was something that makes Tina so worried, Ethan does something to calm her down, in which it worked, and she was thankful to him, he asked about the news that is happening, Tina was really nervous to tell him, in which she refuses and she tells him to get prepare for the show, she leaves while Ethan was confused about what happened, because he never saw her walk away like this, so he leaves too to his dressing room to prepare for tonight's.

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After another typical show ends for today, everyone were ready to go home, but Tina stops them because she was now ready to tell the news, everyone start to sit down on the lounge while Tina was nervous to say, so she stayed calm and she finally said it: ''Spongebob is getting closed in September 16th'', when they heard those words, they reacted with a speechless and a sadness face, people were now fustrated and confused about why is Spogebob closing, it was getting big recognition, many positive reviews, and it was spreading many happiness to all the people, why people would decided to close it, Ethan walked away to his dressing room after hearing the sad news with tears on his face because this show was his first Broadway debut, his friend Danny saw him crying, so he came to console him with a hug, as Lilli  came in too, they shared a big Team of Tres group hug because they will go apart, while with the others, they were right now speechless and also devastated with no words about this, Tina was also heartbroken when she found out, this was really the end of the musical.

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