Lilli's Departure

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☀︎︎ July 10th, 2018:

The cast where still depressed about the show closing, some people were upset, some where sad, even some were tearing up, everyone worked so hard to make it too far, it wasn't fair for them that a show that got many praise and love is closing due to a unknown reason, Tina haven't tell them the reason why is closing, but she will soon, while in the dressing rooms, Lilli was cleaning and packing all her stuff because she's gonna leave the show in July 22th for Tootsie, she was looking some amazing memories with all her friends, then Ethan and Danny came to her dressing room to cheer her up while they sharing and having new moments together, their trio friendship was more stronger than ever, the ensemble were also sharing her best moments as a farewell for her friend, she was tearing up so much because she will miss them so much, they were like her family.

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While the day goes, the cast were still doing rehearsals, Tina walks in to stop them, because she has more news, everyone started to stop practicing and they sit down on the floor to listen to Tina's new news, she was feeling sad about Spongebob that is closing, but instead of bad news it was good news, everyone were still wondering what is it, so Tina started to talk, it was about the new Sandy, after Lilli is leaving the show in a couple of weeks, she found a new actress to sustitute during the remaining days until September, then the new girl walk in and she was a gorgerous actress, her name was Christina Sajous, she had made some awesome shows on the past, everyone start to introduce each other, she feel touched to feel welcome by the cast, Lilli was excited to teach her all the Sandy moves and songs, so Tina was smiiling at them as everyone start rehearsing, the practice was going great.

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☀︎︎ July 22th, 2018:

The days has passed and it was today Lilli's last day on the show, she was having a emotional moment right now in her dressing room, she walks off and goes on stage to start performing her last show, Ethan was giving her support with a smile, as she smiles back at him, while the show goes on, she was getting a bit closer to everyone, especially with Ethan and Danny during the Hero is my Middle Name scene, it was really so bittersweet for her, after the show ended, the curtain call started and Ethan was saying a farewell speech to Lilli, she was touched by his words as she tears up because she will miss him and the cast, after he finished talking, he hugs her so strongly, she hugs back and the audience were cheering and make an applause to her, it was a beautiful night.

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After the show, Lilli was packing her stuff, her dressing room never looked so empty, except for the furniture of course, because she can't take it out, while watching, Ethan and Danny walks in to say goodbye to her friend, they took pics as they make Instagram stories, after that, she went to the lounge for a small farewell party from the ensemble, there was cake, music, and some emtional speeches, it was so bittersweet, when the party ended, she started to take pics from the stage and went to the last stage door to greet her fans one last time, she was receiving so much love, they gave her gifts, cute notes with words of how Sandy means a lot to them, she was speechless of having the best fans ever, she said goodbye and leaves the theatre to her new destiny.

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