Soobin; Lunch

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POV: *Your best friend, Soobin takes you out for lunch 😭🥺*

POV: You and your best friend, Soobin, decided to go out for lunch as it had been a long time since you last hung out. Soobin being the gentleman he is, offers to drive and pay, which you can't say no too. Free lunch and a ride- duh. As soon as you get to the food court in the mall, Soobin asks "Where do you wanna eat..?" 

You look at him and reply "I don't care" with a chuckle "You can pick".

 Soobin looks at you, a bright smile on his face, "Really?" he asks expectantly. 

"Yes, really" you reply. 

He giggles as he grabs you hand and pulls you towards the small cafe on the side of the mall. "I've been wanting to come here for so so so long" He says with a smile. 

You look at him, you never realized how pretty his smile is. How gorgeous his eyes are. How sweet his laugh is. How nice he is to you. Are you falling in love? Have you already been in love and are just now realizing it? You don't know, but you hope not. You've been best friends for the longest time, you don't want to risk your friendship for a silly crush that might not even exist. You shake off the feeling you have in your stomach with a laugh. 

"Let's go order..?" You suggest hesitantly to Soobin.

"I can go, what do you want?" He looks at you, with that smile that makes your heart flutter and pound.

"Uhm.. an Iced Americano please" You say with a smile, suddenly finding it more difficult to talk to him. 

"Mkay.." He says, sensing something  off about the way you're talking to him.

He comes back and hands you your Americano as he sits down beside you. He looks like he's thinking about something important. 

"Soobinni, are you okay? You look troubled." You ask before taking a sip of your coffee.

"Uh.. Yea, I kinda wanted to ask you something, and I figure now would be the best time.." He says as he takes a sip of his iced vanilla latte.

"Yea.. throw it at me" You say, ready to get confronted about your odd behavior.

What Soobin says next shocks you. You weren't expecting it. 

"I might like you.. as more than a friend.. but i'm not sure yet.. i still need to think about it."

How did you never see it. How could you not see that you weren't the only one in your relationship struggling?  How were so obliviously blind as to not see that not only you liked him, but he too, liked you back, both of you not being at full conditions with it. 

"I may like you too.." You say back.

He looks at you and says "Do you wanna maybe.. try a real relationship? And if doesn't work out, we can stay friends" with a smile 

"I'd love to" you reply, standing up to give him a hug.




Oh gosh.. a good first story I'd say :) Thanks for reading, give me song suggestions as well hehe 

K-POP ONE SHOTSWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt