When he does the kabedon (1k reads special) Ep: 13

ابدأ من البداية

AND IM ABOUT TO BECOME DOCTOR SO I KNOW THESE KINDS OF SUFF! This disease is called ummm....flypire...y-yeah that's what it's called. Besides if you want to make sure, ask Gon himself, he always tells the truth."

"Oi Gon, did you swallow a vampire fly?

Gon had a dumbfounded look in his face, but he carried along with them anyways " did I? O-oh yeah I d-did *nods quickly*"

"Baka! Stop acting weird and tell us the truth." Killua said with a kind-of-pissed tone. " yeah, I can see from the looks of Gon's eyes that you're lying. We're not dumb you know" "b-but, that is the truth!" Gon exclaims. "Ok, whatever, if you don't want to train with us just say it! Let's go (Y/N)"

I took his hand and we went to my room. I took one last glance behind me, and saw them smirking and giving each other high fives. Are they perhaps giving me and kil some alone time? Awe~ how sweet of them.

*End of flashback*

"*dodge, dodge, dodge*" "wow, chocolate! You really improved so much! I'm so proud of you. I mean you dodged all my punches and kicks without breaking a sweat!

"*giggles* yeah, I've been practicing my skills so I could become stronger. It's a bit hard though with this leg *points at injured leg*
"Yeah I understand, but please, if you feel pain while practicing, then don't tire yourself out" he came closer to me, cupped my face, and caressed my cheek.
"Oh don't worry about my wellbeing! I'm fine *smile*"
"*nods and smiles*, hooo it's so hot here! I'm all sweaty, *takes off shirt* especially after our training."
Oh my god his BoDy iS ThE dEfInItIoN oF pErFeCtIoN! I can feel my face heat up now. Like seriously killua!? You literally have EIGHT PACKS! I'm starting to get curious of what you do NOT have. *start to fan girl inside head*

"Oi, you've been staring at me for a quite a long while. You ok?" Crap I've been staring at him without noticing! Oh gosh he's walking towards me.

Why am I backing away? For some reason, in every step he takes moving forward. My feet seem to move backward. What's wrong with me!?

I felt something solid from behind me, I think I've reached a dead end. He's coming closer, oh my god what should I do!? My face is all shades of red. *slam* h-huh h-he's pinning me down. (A/N): Refer to the photo at the beginning of this scenario, but imagine him shirtless)

Aaaaaah I can't take this! The image of his abs from up close is soo....so....I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT! I'll just look down, and try to push him away.*push~*

"*in a husky tone* why are you pushing me babe?" (//∇//) I swear to god that's too much!

A-ah I-I think th-that was a-a b-bad idea. As soon as I touched him I felt weak in the knee, I'm all wobbly right now. WHY IS HE DOING THIS TO ME!?

He put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up. He's bringing his gorgeous face closer to mine. "Chu~*" he started kissing me passionately, I closed my eyes, wrapped my arms around his neck, and went with the flow of his kisses.

"(Y/N), I..mmmph..love y-you soo damn much" he said in between our exchange, and put his hand through my hair making the kiss deeper.

"I love you mm-more" we continued our kissing session until we were out of breath and parted our lips away. I hugged him and he hugged back while brushing my hair gently with his fingers.

We loosened the hug and we stared into each other's eyes for a long while. he kissed my forehead and approached the bed to get his shirt and wear it again.

"We should probably get going now, chocolate. It's only ten minutes till the phase starts" "oh really!? Let's go then!" He grabbed my hand and kissed it, before we locked our fingers with each other, making me feel safe.

We decided to pick up the boys from Gon's room, and now we're walking to the battle arena. I can't believe we're in the last phase already! I'm kinda anxious but I'm also very excited! I'm gonna crush you until you yell your mommy's name, last phase *creepy smile*.

(A/N): that's it folks! I hope you enjoyed this special scenario! It's not long enough though *sigh*. Don't worry readers I'm trying my best to make my scenarios a bit longer so they can satisfy your needs *smirk*. Anyways here's the question of the day: if you had the opportunity to travel to any anime universe you want except for Hunter x Hunter, would you take it? And what anime will it be? 'Oops that's two questions*sweat drops*' don't forget to stay tuned for da next chapter, and have a splendid day/night ahead of you


(Killua x reader) boyfriend/husband scenariosحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن