When he realizes... Ep: 4

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(A/N) hi readers, I'm baaack. I've got to say, this scenario was a bit hard for me to write. FYI: I won't write a when you realize scenario because you already realized that your crushin' on him. I don't know who made this amazing piece of art but I got it from Pinterest, link: https://pin.it/4nUd36B. Please inform me if you know who made it so I can mention them here. Arigatou.
NOTE: the part were killuas dad explains his love life with his wife to killua is FAKE! I repeat FAKE! Its all made up. I don't know what's the real story.


Killuas pov

Ever since I met (Y/N) I was completely fine. But lately, probably from the beginning of this month, I've been feeling weird around her. But it's not a bad kind of weird.

No not at all! It's a good weird. I'm a bit confused about it.

I hate to admit it but I need some help. I need to know why I feel like this towards (Y/N). I guess I'll ask my old man (AKA: Father) about it.

Of course I won't mention (Y/N).

(Time skip): brought to you by killua modeling for Gucci. "Ok ok great, now use your hands to reveal half of your stomach"  "*nod, shows half of his stomach which reveals his built body*" "*FLASH*perfecto" " hey readers, *smirk* like what you see?" End of time skip)

Still killuas pov

" ....and what about that black haired guy?" " oh, heh, I simply killed him". I've been talking with my dad for a while now and everything is going smoothly.

I think I'll open up the conversation about the main thing I wanted to talk about.

" hey dad, how was your relationship between you and mom before you got married?"

" huh, why are you asking son?"

" u-umm 'I need to think of something quick' I...I'm just curious, yeah that's all."

" my my, no one has ever asked me such a thing. But I'll tell you anyways."

I just nodded, then suddenly a really dark and scary aura surrounded the place.

" look son, if you tell anybody , I repeat ANYBODY about this, I'm afraid I'll have to kill you and the person you told, with no mercy. Because what I'm about to say might ruin the zoldycks reputation.

I just flinched at what he said, and I was kinda scared of his dark aura.

" *gulp* y-yes dad. I promise I won't tell anyone"

My dads aura was decreasing bit by bit until it faded away. He took a deep loooong sigh and started:

Silvas pov

" I met your mother a loooong time ago, maybe like when we were 15. We met in a huge party that was held by my father. It was to celebrate the 50 years of us zoldycks being assassins. He invited all the assassin families we know.

Anyways, I was introduced to your mother by your grandma (aka: my mother). My mother and kikyo's mother where great partners in there missions, so they believed that kikyo and I should be partners too.

They told us to stay with each other to get to know each other better, we both obeyed. Your mother was sooo strict at first. She didn't want to talk to me at all.

But little by little, she opened up and we chatted a little bit.

After that day, my father started assigning me on missions with kikyo. I used to have a weird feeling when they assign me with her.

But it was a good weird feeling. I was sooo confused about it. Not to mention I used to blush a lot around her. At that time I thought I was sick. I was terrified! How could assassins get sick!

You can't imagine how much I was confused at that time! Until one day, the day when I learned what LOVE is came.

In that day I was sooo board, so I decided to go to a nearby town and kill some people. I was searching for people, then I found a girl and a boy around the same age sitting under a tree.

Just when I was about to kill them, the girl said something that stole my attention, she said: " oooh that's why you blush a lot around me." The boy blushed again, then the girl said " but you know, I love you too *smile*" the boy smiled and they both kissed.

I was grossed out by that at first but then my thoughts immediately went back to what the girl said. Is that it!? I'm not sick!? I'm just in love with kikyo? That's why I blush a lot around her.

And after all these years of training on being ruthless and not having friends, and then at the end I end up falling in love. Nononono this is soooooo wrong.

I killed the couple and immediately went back to my estate and locked my self in my room. I stayed up the whole night thinking about love, kikyo, and everything else.

But then I decided to avoid my feelings and focus on being an assassin. But it was sooo hard.

At the end when it was my time for marriage I decided to choose to marry kikyo. I didn't want any other man having her. I just loved her too much.

I insisted on my parents to let me marry her without showing that I loved her, I just told them that she's a strong assassin and I think our family will become stronger with her, and they agreed. Because if they knew who knows what will happen, maybe I'll get killed. And that's it."

Killuas pov

I'm speechless. I'm shocked. I can't believe that SILVA, THE HEIR OF THE ZOLDYCK FAMILLY, FELL IN LOVE!!! THATS INSANE!

My dads phone is ringing now. " hello, yeah...ok I'm coming now." He hung up. " well son, I guess our times done. And don't forget, never tell anybody about this or you know what the consequences are. And never ever fall in love, what I did is a mistake."

What!? What's the mistake in that!? I don't get it, but I'm sorry dad I think I've already did. My heart is stolen by a cute,beautiful, lovely, strong, special girl, (Y/N).

I just nodded, lying to my old man. Then he left and I left too. I went to my room immediately.

Now I get it! I love (Y/N)! That's why I've been acting like that all along. I have to confess to her. No scratch that, I need to!

I need to confess to her before we leave this place, who knows maybe she'll find another guy throughout our adventure. No, I'm never letting that happen.

Because I'm going to get her first. Being an assassin won't stop me, because like I said before, I'm going to decide what happens in my life, not my stupid family!

Speaking of (Y/N), I didn't visit her today. I'll go now.

(A/N) : and donnne, oh my god I'm soooo excited for the next chapter XD! I'll not tell u what it is. It's a surprise! Brain-Chan: "meh, I think it's kinda' obvious." Author- Chan: shut up brain-Chan...wait.....how did you get in here? Brain-Chan: umm I used the door? Author-Chan: okayyy, now get out! Brain-Chan: ok chill, *gets out*" Ok um sorry for that dear readers, anyways here's the question of the day: would you rather lick your shoes or smell killua's dirty socks. Stay tuned~


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