When he kisses your cheek Ep: 8

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こんにちは! (Hello!), I'm back UwU. U guys, I'm soooooo happy 😊! Thank u so much for 150+ reads. This means so much to me ( ^ω^ ). "KILLUAA, GET YOUR BUT HERE." " AGH, OK IM COMING (mumbles: she's so annoying)"
" now thank the readers" " o-ok *bows* thank you so much my dear readers for 150+ reads! Author-Chan and I are so happy about that." " now give them a hug" " tch n-no Baka! That's embarrassing." " DO IT!" "O-ok but remember I'm doing this for the readers not for you hmp. * hugs you guys*" " thanks kil! Bye c ya" "HEY, but you promised me that you'll gi-" " I'll give ya choco-robots later! Now, could you please leave?" " *gives me a death glare* ok bye" " bye".

I don't know who made this beautiful piece of art but I got it from Pinterest,link: https://pin.it/20oS11D plz inform me if u have any idea on who made this so I can mention them here. Arigatou.
Ok now that that's over let's start with the scenario I hope you like it!


Your pov

" YOU FAIL! Agh, this is over cooked." *sigh* This is what I've been hearing until now throughout this phase. It's just Menchi letting everyone fail.

I'm still cooking and killua is beside me doing his work too.

Ah finally I'm done with the pork. Now the vegetables.

I think I'm gonna roast them so they can have more flavor.

" hey (Y/N), how's it going?" Killua asked me while he was working." oh It's good in here" " well, it's not in here. I need some help"

(Killua x reader) boyfriend/husband scenariosUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum