Chapter 20 ➛Shadows of Doubt

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His expression remained blank, however, in his eyes you could see what was truly going on inside him. I wasn't sure if it had been my imagination, but I thought I could see tears forming in his eyes.

''That's impossible,'' he said, his voice trembling slightly. ''She's dead.''

''No, she isn't. It was her, I talked to her,'' I tried desperately, but I could see the pain in his eyes and he didn't believe me in the slightest. ''We need to go find her,'' I tried once more as he remained silent.

He shook his head and pointed at the hallway as he fixed his gaze on the floor. I felt my anger bubbling up as I watched him with furrowed brows. ''Dad, listen to me!'' I yelled. His gaze shot up, fixed on me. And I suddenly realized I just called him dad, unintentionally.

However, it had seemed to get his attention, so I used it to my advantage, if I'd falter now, my chance would be gone. ''I talked to her. I saw Lillian's reaction. I know it was her.''

''How could you be sure it wasn't the Ministry and it wasn't just another trick to lure you out?'' he asked, his expression as blank as ever. ''Because,'' I started. ''I felt a connection. The same connection I felt with you,'' I said, my gaze fixed on his face, and suddenly his features shifted and he no longer seemed able to repress his feelings.

''I'm sorry. But you have to go,'' he said as he walked to the windows and stood there, staring at the distant mountains with his hands joined behind his back.

A flood of defeat washed over me and I realized I would be wasting time if I'd spend any more on trying to convince him. So, I left the office, slamming the door shut behind me in frustration.

My thoughts were spinning the entire time on my way to my room. He hadn't believed me about Naomie. If that wasn't bad enough, he was convinced it was Alyx who had betrayed him, and there was no way he'd let her stay at the castle for a long time after our disagreement.

However, despite my confidence, his words had made me uncertain. Alyx was indeed the only one who knew about the location, so what if he'd been right? What if it had been her?

As if she had heard my thoughts, Alyx appeared around the corner, books in her hands as she walked down the corridor, clearly heading to our room. We hadn't officially started sharing one, but since the first night she stayed with me, she hadn't been in her own room.

She had been reading the covers of the books and hadn't seen me standing in the middle of the corridor until I called her and she looked up, staring at me as she dropped the books to the ground and ran toward me.

She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. I laughed and gasped at the same time as she threw her weight against my sensitive arm. She immediately pulled away and watched me with a painful, apologetic look.

''I heard about what happened. What did she do to you?'' she asked as she caught sight of the sling supporting my arm. ''I got off pretty good, actually. I'm lucky it was just my arm,'' I said tiredly. Before she could say anything else I pulled her to the windows and said, ''I need to talk to you.''

She watched me gravely as I struggled to find words. ''The Ministry knew where we gathered. I didn't tell anyone. Except you, and I don't want to believe it, but...''

She took a step back, hurt dancing across her features. ''You think it was me?'' she asked, her voice low and filled with betrayal. ''How could you think I'd do that?''

I shook my head and tried to grab her hand, but she pulled it away roughly. ''I don't. I knew you wouldn't. But...'' I tried, but she cut me off before I could continue.

''But what?''

''My father thinks you did. I can't change his mind, you have to go,'' I said. ''I don't know what he'll do.''

She frowned at me and shook her head. ''You want me to go?'' she asked with a pained glance. ''You want to get rid of me?''

''No!'' I replied immediately. ''I would never do that, but here, there's no one who can protect you.''

She watched me angrily. ''Why? You're here, you can protect me,'' she said as tears filled her eyes and desperation filled her voice. I saw her hands trembling from the corner of my eye and it pained me to see her like this.

''No, I won't be here for some time,'' I said as I turned to the window, my eyes locking on a soaring bird.

''Where are you going?'' she asked, the anger slowly fading from her voice as she realized I was dead serious.

A sigh escaped my lips as I turned back to her and my voice dropped to a whisper as I said, ''Something else happened at the rally,'' I said uncertainly as my gaze dropped to the ground.

She was still keeping her distance, but I could sense the change of air. She was still angry with me, but she knew what I was about to tell her was serious.

''I met someone who I thought had died. Who everyone thought had died. And I need to find her,'' I said as I looked into her eyes. ''I don't know how long I'll be gone for, and hell, I don't even know if I'll survive, but I do know that this is something I must do.''

She watched me uncertainly as she herself glanced out the window. ''Then I'll come with you,'' she said confidently. I was about to argue, but before I could she had cut me off. ''There is nothing that could change my mind, so spare your breath,'' she said as she looked into my eyes.

I felt a surge of amusement rushing through me at her comment, however, the look in her eyes quickly made it vanish. She had been drop-dead serious.

''Fine, but there's someone else we need to pick up. And if you'll die, I swear I'll kill you for wanting to come with me,'' I said as I rolled my eyes. She replied with a short 'fine' before she stalked past me down the corridor.

It was meant to be funny, so her reply had made me feel foolish. ''Does this mean you're no longer angry with me?'' I asked softly as I went trodding after her. ''Oh, no. I'm still furious with you.''

Grindelwald's P.O.V (Third Person)

A day had passed and he had not run into you since your disagreement. He had needed half an hour to compose himself and restore the emotional walls that you had so graciously taken down.

It had been an unrestful night as he kept rolling over in his mind what you had said. How could you be so convinced to have spoken to Naomie if she was dead? How could it be so convincing for you to drop your suspicions and wariness based on a feeling you had. Had that meant it was true?

He had been thinking about it all night and that didn't change when dawn broke and the first light appeared on the horizon.

He hadn't slept a wink, and so he dressed up and went down to his office. And it was only after an hour as he sat in his chair, a book opened before him, that his eyes closed and didn't open.

His dream was filled with fog and darkness, until at some point a voice rang through the silence, followed by the piercing croak of a bird nearby. Suddenly a person came into view, not much to his surprise it was you, but you looked dirty and had a cut on your forehead, roving the area with tired eyes.

His gaze was fixed on you until, suddenly there was a second voice, one that he immediately recognized. ''Naomie,'' he muttered under his breath as he watched the second figure appear from the fog.

As she watched you stumble as you looked up at her, she sped toward you to catch you before you'd hit the ground, and the moment her fingers brushed you, there was a bright green light and then there was a voice. ''One must die if the other wishes to live.''

It was Lillian. Her high maniacal cackling following her announcement as the curse hit and filled his vision with a green light.

He shot upright. It hadn't been a dream. It was a vision, and he had a certain feeling, it was a particularly dreadful one. 

A Living Shadow ➣Gellert Grindelwald X Reader!Daughterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن