-Twenty- Miscalculations

Start from the beginning

Lightning struck in the middle of the courtyard. Everyone was momentarily blinded. When the heroes could see again, they spotted four figures on the stairs to the entrance.

"We outnumber them! Techno, Sapnap, Skeppy, and I can take them!" Dream called out. "George, Bad! Back us up! Phil, do some recon!"

Phil took off and began to fly around. It was harder than normal- the storm's winds tried to push him this way and that. He managed to get balanced and swooped around the place.

Tubbo watched him and then turned his eyes back down to the combat which had started. He didn't know the names of most of these villains- there was one with an orange and green mask, one with a baseball cap and headphones, one with a beanie, and Spifey.

Skeppy took on Spifey. They clashed, fist on fist. Neither of them seemed very good at fighting like this. They were fairly evenly matched.

Techno went head to head with the masked one. The masked villain was fast and good with his sword. Techno was barely able to keep up, never mind using any openings.

Dream fought the beanied man. He seemed less able at combat but used his power to his advantage. His weapon, a twin pair of daggers, seemed like liquid in his hands. He got a few surprise hits on Dream when his daggers went right through Dream's swords.

Sapnap went against the man with the headphones and the cap. They quickly realized they were both elementals, and the battle devolved into fire versus lighting. It was very showy on both ends.

Tubbo and Wilbur stood in the back, watching. Bad and George looked for openings and tossed projectiles into the fray- they were somewhat focused. That's why Tubbo and Wilbur noticed first the three figures who teleported into the fray.

The three figures- Eret, Minx, and Niki, flicked in and out before getting a truly solid form. Tubbo got into a fighting stance with his bees. Wilbur followed suit.

Minx caught sight of him and burst into a grin. She ran over, dragging the other two with her. "Tubbo!" She stage whispered, not wanting to draw the attention of the other heroes.

Wilbur tensed at the sight of Niki, but she gave a wave and a small smile. "We're switching sides. Can either of you unlock a door?"

"Uhm," Tubbo said.

"Tommy's locked up- we need to get him out," Eret explained. Tubbo inhaled sharply.

"I can't unlock shit, but Wilbur may be able to use sound waves or something to get it open," Tubbo said, talking just a bit too fast.

Wilbur nodded. "I should be able to do that, at least. Even with my powers fucked up." He looked directly at Niki. She looked away.

"I'm going to take the heroes. You two... stay near." Minx said. Then she grabbed Tubbo and Wilbur's hands, and just like that, they were in the basement. Tubbo blinked until his eyes adjusted to the fluorescent lighting. The door in front of them was large and steel.

"Tommy? Are you still in there, you twat?" Minx asked. Despite the insult, her voice was concerned.

There was not a knock on the door this time.

"Open it, hurry!" Tubbo said. Wilbur nodded and held out a hand.

Sweat beaded on his forehead as he sent vibrations through the door, trying to get the lock. It clicked. He sighed. It used to be so much easier.

Tubbo rushed forward and tossed open the door.

Tommy was passed out on the ground right in front of it. Dread pooled in Tubbo's stomach. He was pale but breathing. He was still breathing. Barely.

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