Chapter 7: Predictable Behavior

Start from the beginning

"No need for that, ladies. We're all friends here." Forrest says in a light voice. A voice that was completely different than the one he used with me. This morning he sounded like a prince, not your average province douche bag. 

All the girls laugh except me. I wasn't even aware that he was making a joke. Nonetheless, not only had I managed to catch Harlan's attention, Forrest spotted me right away when I just stared at him with a scowl. But It was so slight, so discreet, you would have never spotted it on my face unless you knew it was there. 

The two princes split up as they approach different girls. The first girl Harlan walked up to I recognized as the brunette who called Felicity a moron.

"Who is that?" I discreetly point to Harlan and the girl who is seductively twirling a brown piece of hair around her finger. 

"That's Taylor Cage." Felicity sighs. "I can't believe she's here. I was so happy to escape the bad parts of my life and all it did was follow me."

I couldn't help but feel a little pity for her. I was here for the exact same reason, wasn't I? I was trying to escape my life. At least Ms. Torrean didn't follow me here. I remember when Taylor told Felicity to shut up because she looked like a moron, they could't be on any good terms. 

"She's a two right?" I ask and Felicity nods. 

"Taylor has always hated me. I don't know what I ever did to offend her." She says sadly and looks down at her feet. It hits me that Felicity is completely clueless. She was oblivious and naive, but that was okay. I liked her because I felt we shared common ground, and I didn't expect to find that at all here. 

I laugh. "Felicity, she's jealous of you. It's so painfully obvious."

Felicity looks up at me with a frown. "Why would someone like her be jealous of someone like me? I'm below her. She's a model and I'm a musician that plays at old woman's birthday parties."

"Felicity," I say sincerely. "You are beautiful and you are talented. Taylor..." I glance over at her leaning into Harlan as he looks around the room trying not to notice. "She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. If you know what I'm saying."

Felicity giggles just as Forrest walks up to us. "May I speak with you... Felicity Corbett?"

She blushes as he takes her hand and kisses it. "Of course your majesty." 

He pulls her away from me as he shoots me a look over his shoulder. I roll my eyes and glance over to Taylor- who is alone. I begin to look for the prince but someone taps my shoulder.

I turn around and Prince Harlan stands in front of me with a smirk. "Hello there, Cordelia." 

I smile, "Is it my turn already? What a shame." 

He chuckles. "Sorry for the disappointment. Were you waiting for someone else?"

I sigh sarcastically and look over his shoulder. "Yes, he isn't here yet though. So I guess I can talk to you to pass the time."

"Wonderful." Prince Harlan grins. "I have these questions I'm supposed to ask you. My mother drilled them into my brother and I's head yesterday. But, they are quite boring and I already know some of the answers." 

He was comfortable around me, that was what I needed. He needs to feel like himself around me, or else we will be caught up in a loop of talking about the weather or how I'm enjoying myself at the palace.

"Can I ask you some questions?" I ask, the request suddenly dawning on me. "You already know so much about me, and I hardly know anything about you. Tell me one of your questions,"

"Occupation." He says automatically, the question drilled into his brain as he mentioned.

"Okay Prince Harlan, what is your occupation?"

He does a small laugh. "I'm a prince."

"Wow, that's intense. Tough business," I say and he laughs. "What else do you like to do? You know, besides being a prince?"

Harlan thinks for a moment. "I always found myself as an artist. Like my mother. But I am not near as talented as her." 

"Momma's boy I see," I smirk and his cheeks go a little red. "Well, um, no-"

"Relax." I laugh. "It's endearing." 

"Endearing?" He laughs. 

"Endearing." I say again with a small laugh myself. 

Prince Harlan goes to say something else but I see his brother in the corner of my eye hit his shoulder. It looked like it was meant to be playful, but I could see the split second look of pain on Prince Harlan's face. "You're five minutes overtime, brother. There are other ladies waiting for you." Prince Forrest says with a smile, but I could see he was gritting his teeth.

"I have it under control, Forrest. Mind your own business, yeah?" Prince Harlan says with another playful smile, but the look of annoyance in his eyes was obvious. 

Forrest gives him a curt nod before walking over to Taylor. 

Prince Harlan gives me an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, Cordelia. I would like to talk to you later. . . If that's okay with you?" He asks, looking down at his feet. 

"Sure, I would love that." I give him what looked like a sincere smile. He bought it and picked up my hand to kiss it. "Oh, and Cordelia?"

"Mm hm?" I ask looking up at him. 

"I wasn't supposed to meet you yet, I just couldn't help myself." He winks before walking off to speak to another girl.

This was way too easy.


[I'm really glad you all like this story! I do read all your comments and I'm actually excited when I post a new chapter and then see all the positive feedback. It's just very nice to know you all enjoy it :)

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