Chapter Twenty-Four

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Welcome to Reginald's mind. Have fun!

The news was on as me and Rose cuddled up by the fake fireplace. Nothing out of the usual, until they started talking about a man who escaped the law around the time Virgil found out his dad escaped.

The name is what put me off though. Charles Bondevike... I haven't heard that name in years. Ever since high school, actually. I had him in money management in our Freshman year. His wings were still the dark red I remembered them to be. Rose, who had been paying Reginald's family to keep the secret of his true soulmate hidden, noticed his change in demeanor and frowned softly. "Its okay, Regg... I'm here for you. Charles won't come anywhere near you..."

"I'm not worried about me, Rose, I'm worried about the kids. This is Virgil's father- He already attempted to kill our son- Who knows what else he will do!" I wished I had just told him what was happening. Maybe then Charles wouldn't be so cruel.

"Everyone is fine as long as we stay inside, okay Reginald?" I nodded my head slightly. I would die to make sure my family is protected, and Virgil is apart of my family now too. Along with Logan and Patton.

"I'm going to go check on Roman and Virgil. If they have been paying attention to the news at all, they definitely know that Charles is in town." I headed upstairs, finding both Roman and Virgil in their room. "Kids? Have you seen the news lately?"

They were cuddling while watching Princess and the Frog. A very adorable sight, mind you. They were tangled in a knot only they knew how to break. Virgil peaked up, shaking his head slightly. "No. Why?"

"I am sad to say that Charles has made it to Chicago. How, no one knows, but he's here." I saw Roman's wings puff up slightly as he oh so clearly wanted to protect Virgil. Virgil's whole demeanor changed.

"What...? He's here? In Chicago?! Oooh no- I told you he'd find me! I should have just stayed in Nohstalgya! Then everyone would be safe-" Roman opened his mouth to say something, but I took the opportunity.

"You better not be thinking of going out there, Virgil." He looked to me as Roman continued to try and calm him down. "You don't know what your father is capable of, no matter what he has done to you. After you left him to go to jail, he must have disowned you. And that means he will show no remorse for you."

"Oh and you do?" Virgil snapped back, looking like he regretted it.

"I do. That man was only charged with the things he did in his adulthood. Not what he did in his childhood. Your father was even worse back in high school, and he got away with it all because he was feared. He was convicted this time because he was respected."

He nodded, showing that he understood what I was saying. I let the two be with each other, alone, and let my mind wander as I made myself a hot chocolate. What would have happened if I just jumped into his arms? Kissed him all over and had our moment? Would things be normal now?

Things are only going to get worse as time goes on, but is this all my fault? Did he do this just to spite me? I needed the money, and Rose's family needed to fix her soulmate situation. At least Rose still gets to see her soulmate sometimes during Sunday afternoon brunch. It is how they met, of course.

I don't know, I sound a bit crazy. Putting all the blame on me is hardly fair, although I am sure Charles will find a way to do so. Just to make me feel guilty all over again.

And it wasn't like Charles didn't do the same thing I did. Except he played the Rose in that situation. He payed some random girl to marry him, promising her money and luxury. So I should make him feel guilty this time. I'm done having my feelings toyed with. Especially if it's from him, Charles, of all people.

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