Happy bottom

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*trumps pov*
Remember when I said I wanted to be a happy bottom? Well guess what! Francis wants to be a happy bottom and it pisses me off! Now, to think of revenge... I took exactly 20 seconds to think of it, I'm going to find Joe Biden and seduce him to being my top, I don't have time to think over this plan I need to go find him! I run out of the door when I start to feel a pain in my ass.. "ow" I say not really thinking much of it. I head over to the nearest subway to grab a sandwich, I then head down to the subway to go on a train back to Washington DC. While sitting on the train a notice an older man, he was looking straight at me but wouldn't say anything, he had a newspaper on his lap and it took me awhile to realize he was a sick pervert jacking off to Donald J. Trump. I run off the subway and head down to the White House "excuse me sir, you can't be here" says servant one, "But it's me! Mr. President?" I hear some foot steps coming my way, "I'm Mr. President" says Joe Biden, wow he was even more handsome irl
"Hello Biden" I say, "Hello Trump" Biden says through stutters, he could never form a real sentence, I don't know why
Biden invites me inside, I sit on a couch and I continue to feel a sharp pain in my ass, we talk for awhile and I asked if we could hookup, Biden said "sure" because he's a bi icon. We head upstairs when all I can feel was the sharp pain, we start and immediately blood comes out everywhere, I had a hemorrhoid from sitting on the toilet for too long, fuck.
Biden immediately feels disgusted "what the fuck Donald. I gave you a chance and you squirt hemorrhoid juice in me? Get out of here and don't speak to me again!" Biden shouts, I get out of bed embarrassed but also really sad, my one and only doesn't like me... now I must go home...

Donald Trump x Joe Biden - This time I'm the bottomWhere stories live. Discover now