Hey yall

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I just came here to once again thank everyone for reading my book, we are still high up in the charts and I couldn't be more grateful. Anyways, yesterday we know that Biden was inaugurated into office, and now the states has the first female, black Vice President! When I was watching the inauguration I couldn't stop thinking about this book and insisted I came back to it. Also my parents read my book on my birthday and they are probably reading this chapter too so hi
Did y'all see Melania's huge smile when she left the White House? I've never seen that woman smile, she was probably excited because she can now file for divorce 🥺💕
Also the other story was cancelled because I got my stuff taken away before I got to write anything and then lost all motivation when I got it back lol
It's so great to see so many nice comments, I'm glad you guys enjoy my work.
I hope trump didn't forget Barron, poor boy must've been so tired after spending all that time taking his lady gaga posters and pride flags down
Also I feel like ppl are gonna get the wrong impression from the book it was a joke yes I support lgbtq+
I kinda wanna make this book into a movie like Harry Potter actually I've never seen/read Harry Potter but one day I listened to 45 pages of a Harry Potter Draco fanfic made by someone in 2006 and I think I learned everything I needed to know

Anyways I'm off track, congrats to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, I hope y'all have a great day I might write again soon 💕

Donald Trump x Joe Biden - This time I'm the bottomWhere stories live. Discover now