It Was an Accident (Seungjin)

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Ship: Seungmin (Little) and Hyunjin (Caregiver) 

Category: Fluff

Trigger Warning: Little space

Description: Seungmin slips into little space after a rough day at work and calls his best friend Hyunjin on accident.

Request:   Well they left so :( maybe they will read this but I highly doubt they will. 


To say Seungmin had a rough day was an understatement. He was absolutely exhausted and on the verge of crying. It wasn't his fault that his co worker blamed him for the printer not working, it was her that overloaded it with papers causing it to jam. He could still remember his boss yelling at him, Jimin with a smirk on her face sitting at her desk across from him. 

He was given extra work and wasn't allowed any breaks for lunch. So it was now 9:38 and he had just finally gotten home. His body ached and his stomach growled. He was stressed, knowing he would receive extra work tomorrow as a punishment. He slipped off his stiff shoes, throwing his bag into some random corner.

He dragged himself to his bed, plopping down onto the soft mattress. He was surrounded by his blankets and stuffies, remembering he had his little space box under his bed. He didn't even bother taking off his work clothes as he reached under the bed and pulling the cute box onto his lap. He pulled off the top, smiling at the contents which laid neatly inside. A small collection of DVDs, some crayons and a few coloring books, his favorite sippy cup, and his pacifier. He took the pacifier and put it between his lips which sent him into little space. He set the box on the floor, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

He knew it was too late to watch a movie and he knew there was nothing on TV this late at night that he would be interested in. He yawned and groaned in exhaustion as he held the phone in his hand, trying to find his streaming app. Besides, he knew his phone well enough that he should be able to find it with his eyes closed. Well maybe big Seungmin could, but what about little Seungmin?

He tapped the screen a couple times, expecting to here the soft music of the streaming up but all he was met with was loud rings. He snapped his eyes open to find the call screen up, Hyunjin's name in bright white letters. He gasped and began to cry as he dropped his phone onto the bed. He had made himself one rule while he was in little space, never call anyone. To make it worse, he also happened to have called his best friend; the one he had been in love with forever.

It wasn't that people didn't know about his little side, it was just that he refused to let anyone care for him. He didn't want to be a burden, he hated being cared for because it felt so selfish. He cried harder and harder, the sobs muffled by the pacifier in his mouth. He didn't know he hasn't hit the end call button, instead his hands shook with fear as they tightly gripped a blanket of his. 

"Hello?" A tired yet sweet voice came from the speaker. Seungmin took the pacifier out of his mouth as his sobs quickly became small whimpers.

"It's was an accident! I didn't mean to call you hyung. Please don't be mad I-" Seungmin started as more hot tears streamed down his face. 

"Minnie. Are you little right now?" Hyunjin asked, his voice now more alert. Seungmin suppressed a sob, shaking his as if Hyunjin was next to him.

"No..." he lied. He heard a sigh come from his phone. Seungmin hung his, watching the tears drip and stain the blanket.

"I can hear the lie from here little one. I'll be there soon," Hyunjin said before the call ended. Seungmin cried into the blanket, now disappointed and disgusted in himself. Why can't I just be normal? He asked himself. He grabbed his pacifier and put it into the box even though it hurt him to do so. He pushed the box under the bed and crawled underneath his warm blankets, the hot tears now cascading down the side of his temples. His body curled as he laid on his side as the blankets covered his whole body, hiding him from his softly lit room.

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