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I dont know what really happened, the next scene, after the Academy exploded and became chaotic. I do not know how I felt at those times. I do not know if I am sad ?, if I am happy? if I cry? I do not know because at that point I was just stunned and could not move. And the last thing I saw was the smile on her lips before I lost consciousness.

when I woke up I did not know what really happened, it seemed like things just happened so fast when I woke up. As far as I know I am so worthless

I do not know why that? why she still needs to disappear. I hate it! I hate myself because I could do nothing to help her. I feel fcking worthless that time!

I was devastated! I drunk myself at alcohol all day and all night! I couldn't maintain our family business so Crimson took that. And the Familgia Clan in Underworld society is already gone.

The news spread quickly especially in Underworld Society that Familgia Clan is already out of the ruler.

they are no longer disturbing with the four Familgia because they know what they can do so they immediately approve of leaving the Familgia Clan in The Underworld society as the one of the ruler. And Familgia Clan swear that The four Familgia will never getting involve at The Underworld Society. Just don't disturb the four Familgia agenda. i also heard that Dont Disturb Familgia Clan is in there Rules.

the years passed and I still can't forget her even though she left me. Because even now I still believe in her promise.

I know i need to fcking wait but I just cant but i dont have choice.

"Why so gloomy Zeus?" I ignored the disturbances that are here in my condo again. What are they doing here? "C'mon don't ignore us Zeus" Gin complained.

"why are you even here? I already declined" I said and stare my phone.

it's been 4 years and all of us graduate our college. oh except to Gin and vince because they failed their last sem.

But the girls and Gray, Crimson and me are already graduate yesterday. Crimson and I took Business Ad.

Jade already with her Mom. And about her Mom, She's already cure. Jade helped her Mom. And She took a Business Ad. because her Adoptive parents inherit to her the Family Buss.

Crimson and I inherited the family business. and we divided that in two. But he still building his own business which is the club. He loves club that's why.

Gray is already a Graduate at Medical and he said he will took a Exam to be a Rheumatologist Doctor.
Same with his Sister. Shane. She's already Graduate Medical and planning to took a exam to be a Psychiatrist Doctor.

Naylin Graduate at London. and I think she took is Tourism.

Aurora is going to Russia. She already Graduate Business Ad. and planning to take care of there Business in Russia

And Last Airene. After the ceremony yesterday. She look hurry to get out in School. And I heard she's in Barcelona right now. And Aurora said Airene planning again to flight to comeback here and flight to other country again.

"Is someone chasing Airene?" I ask to them.
They look at me like 'Wth you dont know bro'. So i just stare them deadly.

"Her crazy Man is chasing her. And look Airene is afraid" Hindi makapaniwalang sabi ni Gray. Whatever.

I go back to reading this paper in front of me. "And also. You really need go in Royal Mansion. To celebrate our Graduation. If you not come---" I already cut Crimson "I already said I will not come" I said with determined voice. after that he stand up and ready to go.

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