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I never go into taverns or alehouses. Mainly for the reason my father lives in them. As I walk in I am overwhelmed with the amount of men in the room. There are young and old, to men who look like they are in piracy, rich landowning looking fellows, and men just wearing scraps of fabric as though they dragged themselves off the street. The alehouses my father frequents are nowhere near this crowded nor this diverse. The atmosphere here is sourcing with aliveness from men throwing dice, women singing, and the clanging of mugs against each other.

"Is he here?" I ask Beth over the noise as she is already hunting him with her eyes. She takes in the scene and her eyes widen a fraction as she breathes "yes". She grabs my shoulders directing my body so I am angled in his direction and quickly points trying to be subtle. "He's over there in the corner."

I look to where she is pointing my eyes landing on his form. As I grasp it, my own eyes enlarge as I absorb him. He is half in the shadows, but I can make out most of his features. His taut body is lined with muscle in the absolute finest silk and leather in town that covers every inch of his ivory skin. His raven-black hair glistens against the light and his full lips are set in a straight line as though he wishes to be anywhere but here. I observe the rest of him which is also tense as he scrutinizes the place, his tall figure leaning against the bar top. Everyone appears to offer him a wide distance, nobody within six feet of him. Not even the bartender stands close to him. I have never in my seventeen years seen someone look so enticing but intimidating at the same time.
"He is," I lick my lips that are suddenly dry. "Not what I was expecting," I finish.

"You mean the most beautiful man in all of Great Britain," she says softly melting into my side.

"In all of Great Britain? Now that is just preposterous. We never even been to see more than our small town. How could could we even begin to imagine what we have never even seen."

"Oh shush Claire," she waves her hand like waving off a fly. "So what's the plan?"

"I go over and talk to him," I answer squaring my shoulders in my blouse.

"Just like that? He is kinda intimidating Claire."

Very intimidating indeed. "You have a better one?" I turn staring at her.

"Well no. But I hoped you had an elaborate scheme that you would cause such a stir distracting everyone. Then, I would swoop in and his eyes would land on me and we would instantly and madly fall in love and then I could pay off your debts after I marry him because our love will be all-consuming and generous."

I stare at her outrageously. "Beth you must stop with reading all these Shakespeare ballads they are getting to your head."

She shoves me hard. Not expecting the strength of the tiny form of my friend, I trip into the dash who is waiting on the several wooden tables surrounding us. He drops multiple glasses and they shatter to the ground violently disrupting the whole tavern. The crowd turns to stop and leer at me and the man from the commotion. I look back to give Beth an evil glare but she is nowhere in sight. Of course. Feeling one particular's heavy stare on me, I glance up and catch the Beast's eyes on me. My cheeks flame up in response as I quickly avert my eyes.

Flustered, I bend down to help the dash, but he shoves my hands away so I give up at my feeble attempt. I feel the Beast's eyes still on me so I decide this is my shot and without a second thought I march toward's his direction.

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