The Fight Between Good and Bad Disney-3 1/2

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Hola! Soy Dora, on a serious note, in a few weeks I'm going on school camp so idk when I'll post another chapter but here

3rd POV

Halfway through Home room Ms.Belle got an urgent phone call and had to leave the classroom for a few minutes. Being the responsible class they were, they just quietly talked to each other

Virgil's POV

Remus suddenly whispered to me and Janus and "How 'bout we start a fight" Janus obviously said yes, I wasn't so down though, "Oh come onnnn Anxiety it will not be fun!" Janus begged "Still no" "I'll take your phone if you say no!" Remus fought, "Yeah sure whatever...what is it?" Remus perked up,

"Ok you saw that popular stuck up kid right?"

"Oh yeah the 'Prince' dude"

"Well he's my brother, Roman." Remus started plainly

"You have a brother?!"

"Yes now shush, he is superrr into theatre and is over dramatic so I was thinking-how 'bout we insult Disney in his face!"

"Oh yeah terrible idea Re" Janus agreed

"How are you so onboard with this Jan! Oh wait don't answer that he's your Remus?"

I ignored the angry snek sounds coming from Janus and moved my attention to that Roman dude, he has quite nice I don't know what came over me but I quickly tuned to Remus,

"I say that plays are terrible and Roman says they're not in his own way and from there we start bickering!"

"Sigh ok only because I wanna see your brother get over dramatic, it can't be that bad" I give in.

Still angsty boi's POV

At lunch

It was bad. Like I want to jump in a volcano and melt in it bad. (Idk what simile that was but ok), here's how it went....



"—,it can't be that bad."

"YES!" Remus whisper yelled. Standing up as loud as he could gaining everyone's attention, except for some dude in a tie and glasses who ignored him obviously tired of everyone's bullsh*t (Can you guess who that is) who continued reading his book, Remus shouted-looking DIRECTLY at his brother, "I don't know why anyone would like theatre, it's just a lesson where overly confident and dramatic people can embarrass themselves, the plays here are especially bad! The stories are just soooo boring! Don't even get me start on live action Disney!" Roman stood up obviously offended, "YOU can't even tell the difference between deodorant and food, you can't say anything!" He shot back, Janus not letting his boyfriend get 'harassed' like this shot up, "Oh don't shut up Roman! You're just a stuck up popular kid with heaps of self esteem!" He exclaimed, by now people were recording the fight on their phones. Some kid with blonde hair wearing a cat jumper around his shoulders stood up, "That's not very nice kiddo!" He protested. "Anx don't stand up you said you wouldn't do this aswell!" Janus hissed through gritted teeth, "fine fine I'm getting up-" "Oh well your just as fake as your self confidence!" Remus shouted at Roman looking offended 'Roman must of said something' Virgil thought "Wow not only do are you not a girl magnet but you have a lot self confidence" Virgil snickered "What are you laughing at Hot Topic, it's not like you have self confidence!" Virgil shot Roman a look that just said 'what?' "Aww~ you think I'm hot" he snarked (dunno if that's a word don't come at me) Roman faultered before saying "Back to Disney I'm guessing you don't like it either" He snarled with a tint of pink on his face, "Actually I do thank you very much" 'what?' was heard through the now audience of student recording the scene, "Pfft Hahha you?!" "What is that so hard to believe?" "Disney movies, are the embodiment of goodness and purity, something you would know nothing about!" Roman exclaimed making this weird movement with his hands (ya know when he says he's a prince and brings one arm to his face and the other below it)"We must be watching different movies then," Virgil replied, "cause the one's I know have much more sinister undertones." "How can Disney movies be bad?" The boy with blonde hair questions "I don't know, they are 'practically perfect in every way'" Roman referenced "Why are you only quoting Mary Poppins?" Janus questioned "Because it was a beautiful movie and because I can OK?!" Roman shot at Janus annoyed "O-k..." Janus backed away from the firing area grabbing Remus who was now eating his deodorant with a look that screamed 'it'!'

 "How about I say a Disney movie and you tell us the moral of it" Janus asked "I'm down." "Yes!" "Ok..uh movie number 1...uhh Cinderella!" "Heh! Easy," Roman announced looking at Virgil, "Believe in your dreams and one day...they will come true!" "Sure, just literally wait around your entire life subjecting yourself to the cruelty of your ungrateful ignorant family members until some magical fairy comes along to save you...don't.take.action.yourself! Awesome message" Virgil piped, "She had mice too!" Roman added, ignoring the theatre kid Virgil continued "Not to mention men can't memorise the face of a woman they'd been dancing with all night, they have to rely on a shoe, there go. Men are idiots!"



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