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I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, the past few weeks have been hectic. From going to court with...'mum' to moving in with dad. Settling in was a lot easier then expected, dad lived alone in a medium sized house so I had a decent sized room fit for my drawing things and other equipment....not dangerous I promise!

"Bye kid!" Dad (Simon) exclaimed as I got out of the car.

"Bye dad..." I replied. Here we are a new school, new people 'fantastic'. Walking through the big doors of *insert high school name* I immediately saw the popular kid. Light brown hair dyed a 'royal' red at the ends slid back only staying there because of hair gel wearing a gold rimmed white shirt, blue denim jeans, white conserves whilst sporting a white jacket lined in the same red and gold at the hems with the word PRINCE written on the back surrounded by girls fangirling over him.

Completely ignoring him I looked at my schedule seeing I had Home room first—"ANXIETY!" I know that voice is it...

"REMUS!? JANUS?!" It IS them! "Guys! I haven't seen you in....FOREVER" I announced. Leaping into my arms they embraced for a second before saying hi to each other...well them saying hi to me and catching up with each other, turns out they're dating, finally it was annoying seeing them look at each other like that completely oblivious to the other's feelings. Anyways, back to catching up, I was proud to say that I now left that abusive environment and officially accepted my sexuality  A/N:Virge's mum was homophobic. "So~you got a boyfriend yet?" Remus teased, "Oh come on I just came to terms with my preferences and you're asking if I have a boyfriend why not ask something like..oh I dunno 'How are you feeling now?' Or 'Is you dad any better?' those would be fine questions not that!" . "You should know by now that'd not how I would Virgin." "DON'T call me tha—." RING RING RING (or whatever) "Virgil slow down and get your books we're not late!" Janus exclaimed, "Wait hold on, you don't even know if we have the same classes?!" "Oh yeah...what classes do you have?" "Uhh Home room at 314 and-." "Ok we have the same home room, let's go, we can figure out the others later!"

The Musical|Sander Sides High School AU|DISCONTINUEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin