Chapter 8

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The Powerpuff Girls were back in school after two days of staying at home. Although they didn't feel ready to face it yet, Professor Utonium insisted they go to school, because it would help them cope with the fact that the Rowdyruff Boys were dead.

When the girls entered the classroom, it was absolute silence. No one had spoken a word before they came in, and no one spoke a word now as the Powerpuff Girls drifted to their desks. Everybody knew how much the Rowdyruff Boys' deaths affected the Powerpuff Girls; they had the two days of absence to prove it.

The silence in the room was suffocating as the Powerpuff Girls sat in their respective seats, but neither one hardly seemed to notice. Then a girl walked up to Blossom. "Hey, Blossom?"

Blossom raised her eyes at the girl, but they still seemed strongly grief-stricken. "Hm?"

"I just want to say sorry," she said. "You know, for the Rowdyruff Boys."

"Thanks, I guess." Her voice sounded hollow, as if she was dead inside.

"Are you doing okay?" the girl persisted. "I mean, you look like you've been through a wringer."

"I'll be fine," Blossom said, but she didn't sound fine. "It's okay. Don't worry about me."

"Um... okay... I guess." The girl returned to her seat, but Dexter, who was still seated, observed the Powerpuff Girls' lack of... anything really. It was as if there wasn't any life in them at all. He shook his head. He'd been trying to think of how to bring the Rowdyruff Boys back but he didn't have a clue how.

He, Dr. Brisbaine, and Professor Utonium had already discussed any possibilities, but they didn't have an idea how aside from recreating them from their core ingredients but that idea had already been set as scratch. There was only one solution Dexter could think of and he didn't like it. They'd just have to wait and see if the Powerpuff Girls can get over it.

It's not going to happen, he thought. I don't need to observe any longer to know it won't happen.

Classes had finished for the day and Dexter was hurrying for the bathroom. The stalls on the floor of the chemistry lab were either occupied or out-of-order, so another floor was really his only option. He was so hasty, he failed to notice the sign on the door.

He opened the door and stopped, immediately forgetting what he needed to do. In front of him, Blossom held her arm over the sink and a pair of scissors in her hand. Her arm dripped with crimson blood. Beside her were her sisters, their arms covered in cuts much like the cuts that were on Blossom's arms. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

His entrance seemed to have startled them, and for once, a flicker of emotion appeared in their eyes as they turned to face him.

"Dexter," Blossom gasped.

"Have you lost your minds?!" Dexter lunged forwards and snatched whatever sharp object the Powerpuff Girls had on themselves. "Are you trying to kill yourselves?!"

"What does it matter, if that's how it's happening or not?!" Bubbles snapped, stunning him. "We weren't even supposed to be alive anyways! We were supposed to die out there, Dexter, and... and look who did!"

"That doesn't justify anything! Do you think this is how the Rowdyruff Boys would've wanted it?! For the three of you to be punishing yourselves like this?!"

"How would you know what they wanted?!" Buttercup screamed. "They're dead, Dexter! What part of that do you not understand!"

They were irrational, disturbed, and absolutely out of their minds. They didn't even care anymore, if they were the Powerpuff Girls or not, and that the whole of Megaville looked to them with more trust and respect than anyone could ever have. They were aching inside, and seemed to believe that harming themselves was the solution.

With a death-grip on the blades in his hand, Dexter rushed out of the bathroom and hurried to find a student, a teacher—anyone. Just anyone who could help him with these girls.


Here it is! The self-harm part of this story! Don't say I didn't warn you! Again, I'm obligated to point out that according to Wattpad's rules, this story is rated Mature, and that it has elements of self-harm and suicidal tendencies, so if you are not of age or unable to stomach it, then stop reading now—or keep reading at your own risk. (︶^︶)

But anyways, about Dexter, it seems he'd stumbled upon something he wasn't meant to find. What are you going to do now, Dexter? How will you fix something like this at this point? It seems like the deaths of the Rowdyruff Boys have hit them harder than anybody ever expected.

Also, please check out my blog and my DeviantArt! I want to hear what you think on what I've got there, so if you have the time, please give it a peek! ^_^

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- BlackAndWhitePersona

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