Chapter 6

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Dexter hurried towards the way they came, back to the car, when Blossom surprised him by dropping down in front of him. Startled, he tripped over his own feet and fell. Holding out her hand, a pink electrical sphere materialized to life above her palm, clearly exuding a sense of danger that was impossible to miss.

His eyes wide with fear and disbelief, Dexter raised his hand towards her in a desperate attempt to stop her, and said whatever his mind presented to him to convince her not to kill him, as she had no doubt done to the hydra. "Blossom, listen to me! We found Brick a couple of yards away in a crater! He's dead!"

He braced himself for the hit, but it was a minute later did he realize the sphere never came. Lifting his head, he found the change that seemed to have been brought about by his spontaneous exclamation. Her eyes seemed to alternate between pure pink and their normal appearances. But one thing was clear on her face that rarely crossed it. Pain.

Pain and tears.

After what felt like a tense moment, her eyes settled to something resembling normalcy, except the tears in her eyes. The sphere slowly faded from her hand. "Dexter..." Her voice was soft, and sounded as if she was using all her strength to hold herself together. "I know..."

Covering her eyes with her hands, she released a few choked sobs. "I know he is..." Although she kept trying to stifle her tears, they just refused to stop.

Dexter stood and attempted to console her. "It's okay, Blossom."

"It's not okay, Dexter!" She dropped her hands and let him see her pain, her regret... her guilt? "He died! He died!"

"I know..."

"No, you don't! He died, Dexter! He's dead!" Her shoulders quaked with emotion. "Because of me..."

"Blossom..." Dexter finally understood the reason behind what he had seen in her eyes. He wanted to say something reassuring, to help, but he just couldn't find the words.

"He died to save me, Dexter... He died for me... You of all people know how much that hurts."

Dexter lowered his head and between them passed a mutual feeling, how it felt to have someone die for you and the pain of both the guilt and the death of someone you held dear to you. Does Blossom hold Brick dear to her? That thought flitted through his mind. She must, or else she wouldn't be as upset as she is now.

"Bubbles, we need to talk!" Professor Utonium wailed, running from the eleven-year-old girl who was slowly walking towards him with her fists tightened at her sides. "Bubbles, just calm down and let us talk through this!"

She didn't seem to speak but she knelt down and her fists glowed reddish-orange. Then she punched the ground. He felt himself go flying, along with all the dead trees around him. For a few moments, he floated there until gravity reasserted itself and he came crashing down. To his dismay, when he fell, Bubbles was just a few feet away.

He scrambled to his feet and did his best to run. But Bubbles was closing in like a lioness stalking her prey until it had nowhere to go.

He raced across the battlefield until he tripped over an unseen rock in his path. He tumbled forwards and came to rest with his face in the dirt. He raised his head and was greeted by Boomer's face, his eyes closed as if asleep. But the several wounds on his face spoke differently.

Almost immediately, he forgot about the dangerous threat that was his daughter. "Boomer... Is he..?"

"Yes. He is." He never expected to hear his daughter's voice. Nor to hear it filled with so much grief and guilt. Wait, guilt? Professor Utonium couldn't believe his ears. What happened to Boomer that would make her feel guilty?

He turned around to look at Bubbles. Her eyes were back to normal, but her big baby-blue eyes were filled with tears. "Bubbles..." He knew he shouldn't but he just had to know. "How... How did he die?"

A sob escaped from Bubbles and her fists just tightened even more. Her head was low and her tears made marks on the dry ground. "Professor... He died because of me..." Then she fell to her knees and covered her face with her hands. "He died because of me!"

Professor Utonium stayed unmoving, unsure what to do. Bubbles seemed to calm enough to tell him. "I don't know what came over me, Professor..." she sniffed. "But when I felt that... surge of power... I thought I could save him..."

"Save him?"

She let out another sob. "The hydra was going to eat him, Professor..."

He froze, hearing this. "It was going to eat me first..." she said softly, her voice still smothered with her sobs. "But Boomer... He saved me, Professor... When I felt that power... I thought I could save him... But when I sliced off that thing's hand and got him out..." Another sob fled from her lips but she continued. She held herself, trying to stop her trembling. "He was already dead."

Her gaze moved from Professor Utonium to the blond boy lying behind him. "He apologized Professor... He apologized because he knew his death was going to hurt me..." Her eyes looked straight at Professor Utonium's black eyes. "He knew he was going to die... I know I should've felt better because he was apologizing for dying... but it just hurts me even more."

"I understand Bubbles," he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. But she shrugged it off and stood up, gazing at him with her tear-filled eyes.

"No." She shook her head slowly. "No, you don't understand. Nobody does." She looked at Blossom, who was sobbing with Dexter and at Buttercup, who was still moving in on Dr. Brisbaine. "Only my sisters do." 


Chapter 6, out! Things have happened, and now, the Powerpuff Girls are starting to break. But what did that mean, do you think? Do they really hold the Rowdyruff Boys dear, if they became the way they did? (─‿‿─)

We're getting much closer now to the bit about self-harm and suicidal tendencies, so I'm obligated to warn you that in about 2-3 chapters later after this one, there may be some scenes were those tags I put on this story live up to their names! So, just throwing that warning out there.

And as for my blog and DeviantArt, I'd certainly like it if you guys would check that out and give me a bit of feedback on what you find there. It would mean a lot to me! ≧◉◡◉≦ 

I'll plop down the links here!

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- BlackAndWhitePersona

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