Chapter 3

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"You... son of a bitch..."

Buttercup pushed herself off the ground onto her knees, her lime green eyes glaring at the giant beast. Despite her weak body, she got unsteadily to her feet, teetering slightly. Her legs ached badly, blood seeped from her numerous wounds; but these were small mercies.

When her gaze swept across the battlefield, she found splatters of blood on the ground, trees uprooted and lying bare, and large deep footsteps of the beast marring the dead plains.

She glared balefully at the large hydra and spread her hands out in front of her. And using the last of her strength, clapped them together.

The sound made by her palms resounded and manifested itself into thunderclaps that struck the beast across the chest. It roared in agony, but didn't seem to be in much pain.

The last of her energy gone from that final attack, she felt a knee give out, forcing her to kneel. A sharp pain started in her stomach and when she turned her attention to her midsection, her hand came away with blood. "Damn it..." This compelled her to remember that movement was limited.

She raised her eyes to the hydra, its jaws opening wide and a small blue light growing in its cavernous mouth. It looks like I'm done for. She braced herself, waiting for it, unwilling to pull her eyes away or even close them. It was her last stand, and she refused to give it the satisfaction of seeing fear on her face.

Then a battered bloody being slid into view, and with an extend of a hand, a weak green force field encircled them.


He gave her a sideways look, his smirk on his face, but blood seeped from the corner of his mouth, giving away the terrible state he was in. "You thought I was dead, Butt-cup?"

His insult of her name returned her from her stunned disposition, and she cried, "Butch, run!" this blast could easily take her out; she knew that very well. So why should she drag Butch into her predicament?

But he refused to run. Instead, his eyes softened. "I'm not going anywhere."

Then the blue blast shot from the hydra's jaws, and slammed into his force field. For a breathtaking moment, the field held against the large projectile before it broke through the defense.

But it was Butch who took the full brunt of the hit. Not Buttercup. The enormous powered ballistic hit him squarely in the chest, and he went soaring. Had the force field not lessened the force of the hit, at least just a little, he would've been perforated.

"Butch!" Buttercup's eyes followed his flight, and she watched in horror as he slammed into the ground and didn't come back onto his feet as he would have. Hastily, she clambered to her feet and hurried for the motionless boy. Several times, she slid and fell back onto the dirt, but each time, she forced herself to get up and continue going. Going for the dark-haired male lying on the ground.

She knelt over his body, unaware of tears in her eyes. Without the slow rise and fall of his chest, she would've been inclined to believe he was dead. "Butch, you idiot," she managed to choke out.

The light in his eyes were slowly fading, and her eyes glazed over, but refused to let her tears fall. She wanted so badly to tell him he'd be fine, that he'd be alright; but she wasn't stupid. The damage had been done—she knew that. And apparently, he did too. That he wasn't going to make it. And when he spoke, his voice was barely more than a whisper.

"Come on Buttercup. You'd better not cry right now."

She didn't say a word, but merely sat there as his eyes closed, and she knew they wouldn't open again.


Okay, chapter numero tres. For everyone still around to check out this chapter, OMG. I don't believe it, especially with the kind of story this is. Hope you guys checked out the warning that came first and foremost on the description. (^u^)

Remember to mind the tags I've put on the story, so make sure of take note of that! •̀.̫•́✧

Also, I'd certainly like you guys to check out my blog, DeviantArt, and the fiction story suggestion I've put on my last two chapters.

I'll leave the links down here!

My blog:

My story suggestion:

My DeviantArt:

- BlackAndWhitePersona

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