Chapter 2

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Gray. Such an odd color for the sky. Bubbles lay motionless on the ground, staring at the gray sky high above her.

She'd given her all—even more than her all—and as a result, she had overexerted herself and left herself lying in a small pool of her blood, the warm crimson liquid seeping from wounds on her arms, her legs, her head even. Her lustrous golden hair had worked free of their hair ties and was now splayed over her shoulders, in a ruinous state that Bubbles would never have tolerated if she even had it inside her to care.

But then again, gray fits this... Bubbles thought dismally. I have to admit... I thought I'd live a life longer than this... But not all heroes do... She closed her eyes, blocking out everything around her, all the chaos, all the pain, all the suffering.

It's better to forget it all... To let it all go... It'll hurt much less to just forget...

And when she opened her eyes, she felt... nothing. She felt empty. She'd accepted her death. Accepted that all the memories she'd made, and all the memories she planned to have, would be nothing more than a long-forgotten dream.

That's why it didn't faze her when the hydra took her in its claws. That's why it didn't shake her when it brought her up to one of its mouths.

But it did startle her when a cobalt blue flash streaked across her eyes, and a bruised and bloody Boomer stood on the scaly arm of the beast, an electric sphere crackling dangerously in his palm.

Then he slammed it into the beast's wrist. It howled in pain, and its clawed fingers immediately let go of Bubbles.

For a brief moment, she felt the sensation of falling, and then there he was, falling above her, his hand outstretched, reaching for her. "Bubbles!"

It was at this sight that all of Bubbles's emotions came roaring back, and she reached for him. "Boomer!"

He caught her hand and pulled her to him, holding her tightly to his chest. His shirt was caked in blood and a strange feeling took hold of her, as if Boomer was dying in front of her very eyes. "You're hurt..." she whispered.

"So are you..." She could barely hear him. "Bubbles... I'm sorry..."

She felt tears streak down her cheeks and she wished so badly for them to stop, but they only seemed to flow more than ever. "For what..?"

As if in answer, he abruptly pushed her away. Her eyes grew broad, her tears falling through empty space. Behind him, she could see the hydra's claws.

Instantaneously, his true motives flashed in her mind.

Her mouth opened to scream, to scream for him to stop, to scream for him not to do it, but no words came out. He struck her in the chest, sending her falling faster than ever, and it seemed as if time slowed, just for them.

Boomer gave her a gentle smile, tears pooled in the corners of his eyes. Bubbles could do nothing but reach for him, as he had done for her, before time reasserted itself and she hit the ground.

She stared with horror as the hydra carried him up towards one its mouths, its quarry showing no signs of resistance or escape.


Here's the next chapter. If anybody's still reading this, I'm honestly impressed. After all, my own relatives think I'm being a bit... mm-hm. But on the note of my story, this is going to become a bit more depressing in the next chapters, but I swear, the ending is on a better note. ( ゚д゚)

I know I've been saying this a couple times already, but make sure to check out my blog and DeviantArt. In here, I'll also disclose another part of that fictional story I've got, so tell me what you guys think of it.

I'll leave all the links here!

My blog:

My fictional story:

My DeviantArt:

- BlackAndWhitePersona

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