Chapter 13

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Butch's target was Roseford Middle School. Dexter had given him the address and name of the school, telling him that Buttercup was a soccer player on their team.

He landed on the front steps of the middle school, just in time to find a girl was just leaving the school. Upon seeing Butch, she curled a piece of hair behind her ear. "Hi. I'm Daisy."

He turned to her and she smiled coyly at him. Then he grabbed her arms. "Have you seen Buttercup?" His grip was hard enough to leave bruises.

"A-Are you a friend of hers?" Daisy stammered.

"You can say it like that. Now tell me!"

"I-I saw her head to the soccer field so I assumed she was going to practice soccer by herself since she does that a lot—"

"What do you mean by assumed?!"

"Because soccer practice was cancelled today because the coach injured himself in gym! My brother told me so!"

"Where's the soccer field?!"

"Behind the school!"

He let go of her arms and flew off, leaving her staring after him, rubbing her arms. He flew over the large soccer field and using his vision, he scanned the entire field.

It wouldn't make any sense for Buttercup to do a suicide out in the open so she'd be somewhere nobody could see her. Only a few trees were scattered here and there and Buttercup always wore green so it would be hard to spot her.

"This is going to be so hard!" he cried, pressing his fists to his temples. "Why does she have to be able to blend into the trees so easily?!" He sighed. "Okay," he told himself. "Okay, relax. Just calm down. Think this through. Suicidal people would want to be successful and that means she'd be at the... one place that can't be seen easily from the doors."

His eyes scanned the field, trying to account for all the trees and the distances they were from each other. Then his eyes zeroed in on the tree farthest away from the soccer field. He flew towards it and dropped down. She wasn't there. But beside the tree was a small empty orange container.

He took a few steps forward and picked it up. "The hell is this?" He looked at the label. He didn't understand the name; it was too long and either Brick or Blossom would only know what it was. Then he looked up. Somebody was sitting behind the tree.

Pocketing the canister, he hurried around the tree and was faced with Buttercup, her eyelids slowly drooping. "Buttercup, what the hell did you do?!"

But her eyes just closed. "Shit!" he exclaimed, picking her up. "Don't do this to me now Buttercup! Don't do this to me now!" Then he flew off in the direction of Roseford Memorial Hospital. 


Now, this chapter may be a bit short and probably a little improper, considering the pandemic. I'm having issues right now, so it's been a bit hard to be consistent, but I'm trying... (I_I)

So, you know, here's the other links, and I'll see what I can do about the inconsistency.

My (inconsistent) Blog:

My DeviantArt:

- BlackAndWhitePersona

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