Chapter Two: Hey, Old Friend

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"Y/n-sensei?" Kagome called, making you raise your head from the glass bottle in front of you. You were in the midst of lifting fingerprints off of it when she said your name. "Those two men that came yesterday, are they the same people from this photo?" She pointed to the polaroid photo sitting on your desk beside your computer. 

"Uh, yeah." You said, turning back to the bottle. 

"Where was this taken?" She asked curiously.

"Egpyt," You replied. "I went on a trip with some of my friends. We took a picture together to remember it."

"That sounds cool," She said. "You really don't look much different from then than you do now. What year was this?" 

"I'll take that as compliment," You laughed. "It was in 1989. I was seventeen." You placed the prints you lifted from the glass on the scanner to be put into the computer and walked to Kagome. 

"Who are all these people?" 

"You ask a lot of questions,"

 She smiled. "That's what good scientists do."

You grinned and picked the photo up. "That's Jotaro and Kakyoin. These are the two guys that you ran into last night. This is Mr. Joestar, Polnareff, the dog is Iggy, and..Avdol." You said, pointing to each person, your gaze lingered on the Egyptain man. 

"You hesitated," She pointed out. "Did something happen between you and Avdol?"

"N-no.." You said quietly. "He..died...a few days after this photo was taken. It was an accident."

"Oh..I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories!" Kagome quickly apologized as you set the photo back down, shaking your head as you did. 

"It doesn't. I wouldn't have it sitting there if it did." You said, your hands gliding across the keyboard. "It's a reminder to me. Avdol was the type of person who wouldn't want you to sit and cry over him. He would want us to move on from him, and to use his death as a reminder that everyone should keep moving forward." 

"He sounds like a nice man," Kagome said softly. You smiled. 

"He was. I spent fifty days with him, and if I didn't learn fifty pieces of advice from him," You stifled a laugh, remembering all the things he said to you. "The dog, Iggy, only ever liked him, so it was hilarious to watch Avdol always running after him. That mutt always caused some kind of trouble."

"It sounds like that trip was a lot of fun," Kagome said. You glanced at her before looking back at the photo, then to your computer.

"Yeah. It was fun..."

"Oh hey," Kagome said, standing up and walking to the window. "Those guys are back. Jotaro and Kakyoin, right?" 

You frowned, glancing at the time. "Yeah...I'll be back. Stay here,"

Kagome nodded, and you walked from the lab, down the hall and into the main entrance. "Nitiro-san, those two men that were here last night, have they come in?"

"No. Why do you ask?" The brown eyed woman sid, shaking her head. 

"That's odd. Kagome said she saw them. Are you sure they didn't come in?"

"I haven't moved from this spot. I may be old, but these old eyes don't let anything slip past them." She said. 

"..Alright..please let me know if you see them." You said, looking around once more before going back to your lab. 

"Kagome.." You stopped in the doorway, your eyes searching the empty room. "Kagome? Kagome, where did you-" You looked down, seeing your assistant on the ground. "Kagome!" You ran to her, dropping on your knees beside her and grabbed her shoulders. You pressed your fingers on her neck, feeling her heart beat. 

"Nitiro-san! Call an ambulance!" You yelled. You turned back to the girl, your eyes scanning over her body for any wound or burn. You couldn't find anything. It was like she just dropped onto the ground for no apparent reason. No. People don't pass out for nothing. 

You were a scientist. Everything happened for a reason. What caused Kagome to pass out? Was there a gas leak that you couldn't smell? Did she inhale the luminol? No, she didn't have any irritation around her nose or mouth. Did she find something that was strong enough to make her pass out? She couldn't have passed out from exhaustion, Kagome never had trouble sleeping. It wasn't her bloodsugar; the two of you ate curry and a slice of cake. Why did she pass out?

That's when you saw it. 

Your eyebrows furrowed together, and you moved her head to the side, looking at the wound behind her ear. It was too large to be a needle prick, but too small to be a small bullet wound. There wasn't any blood either. You saw a faint purple vein behind her ear. It was more protruding than the others, making your breath hitch. 

"L/n-san. what happened?" Nitiro knelt beside you. 

"I'm not sure, but there's a mark on the back of her ear. Here, look." You said, showing the older woman. "Notice her vein?"

She hesitated before shaking her head. "It looks normal to me."

So you were right after all. 

The ambulance arrived a little later, and you rode in the back of the bus with your assistant, carefully watching her vitals and her movements. When you arrived at the hospital and she had been looked over, you stepped from the room and pulled your phone from your pocket. 

"Come to the general hospital, and bring Kakyoin with you," You said, hanging up immediately after. 

"L/n-san," A doctor called, making you turn around. "Is there any relatives we can call for Ito-san?"

"No," You said, hands on your necklace. "Kagome's parents died in a car accident after she was born. She doesn't have any next of kin that I'm aware of."

"Thank you for the information,"

"Um, may I ask something?" You asked, to which the man nodded, folding his arms over his clipboard. "The spot on her ear, do you know what it was caused from?"

"We aren't exactly sure, but it looks like a small puncture wound." He said. "Now if you would excuse me, I need to file a report to the police." 

"About that," You pulled out your badge and flashed it to him. "What else did you find?"

He looked from the golden symbol back to you. "There was a black residue around the wound. It wasn't big enough to be a gunshot, so it can't be gunpowder. We've never seen anything like it."

"I'd like a sample of it," You said, slipping your badge back into your pocket. 

"There was also a piece of flesh that didn't match her DNA. I assume you want that as well?" He asked. You smirked. 

"Sure do. Send it over to Toshi Labs. Thank you so much, Sensei." You bowed your head before walking back into Kagome's room. You stood beside her bed, brushing her hair away from her ear. 

"What the hell did you get yourself into?"

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