"I know what he is," she replied, her hand rising to rub where the pain had been, "I know about that family but I'm not with them, it's a long story how I know them but I'm not here because of them. I thought Marcel was compelling Cami but I figured out yesterday it was Klaus. I confronted him after I came by yesterday, I told him to stop compelling Cami or I'd feed her vervain and tell her what he and Marcel were."

Davina didn't seem fully convinced but she let her fall to the ground with a gentle thud. Picking herself up, Frankie took a cautious step forwards. Though she'd first been surprised by Davina's magic and her anger, she wasn't truly that surprised by anything or anyone she found in New Orleans these days and it quickly dissipated.

"So Marcel wanted Cami to keep an eye on you because you're a witch not because you've got authority issues?" she asked Davina as she approached her friend and pulled her to her feet.

"No I've got those too," Davina replied cockily causing Frankie to snort out a laugh, "but yeah. He lied to me, he told me he was the only one who could keep me safe. He lied just so he could use me to keep control of the witches."

"Fuck that," Frankie snarled, "I've got enough experience in vampires telling you they're the only ones who can keep you safe. If you need help I'm in."

"Okay," Davina said after a nod before turning back to Cami, "I'll stop this is you want me to, but I can unlock every stolen memory and undo every piece of mind control any vampire has ever done to you. When I'm done you'll understand everything and you'll be free."

"No," Cami told her, steeling herself and stepping away from Frankie, "Don't stop. I want to remember everything."

Listening to her only friend begin to scream in pain really wasn't how Frankie pictured her day shaping up to go. It was horrible seeing her literally writhing in agony and when Davina had first started up again the boy, Josh, had needed to grab her arm to prevent her from diving towards her friend to stop the pain she was in.

Eventually she settled down, she and Josh comforting Cami and Davina when they took breaks but otherwise watching on in mostly silence. Josh introduced himself too, she learned that he was one of Marcel's vampires but that Klaus had been compelling him from the day he turned.

Frankie was less than pleased when she'd tried to tell him who she was and she found out that not only did he know who she was, but that every vampire in the French Quarter had been told about her and that they couldn't touch her. While she appreciated the fact that she didn't need to be concerned about one of Marcel's nightwalkers eating her, she wasn't pleased that within days she'd already developed an association to Klaus and the Mikaelson's.

Cami ceased screaming causing both Frankie and Josh to walk back towards her, hopeful that she was getting closer to remembering so that Davina could stop. Frankie rushed over with a glass of water, handing it to her with a furrowed face as she watched her shaky hand grasp it weakly.

"You should start to feel, like, a weight lifting," explained Davina.

"And your cheat sheets are about to make a lot more sense," Josh added.

"They're what helped me figure out Klaus was the one doing this to you," Frankie told her, "I'm sorry I didn't help you earlier."

"It's not your fault," Cami shook her head. She placed the glass on the coffee table with a gasp of surprise as she saw a drawing scattered between some papers. Pulling it out, Frankie leaned over to see a scrawled circle with lines around it she explained her surprise, "I remember why I wrote this. I found a picture of Klaus and Marcel from 1919. Klaus compelled me to go out with Marcel, to spy on him. That's what he said yesterday before he told me to forget."

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