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Frankie had been working steadily for half the day when she heard the door creak open, Elijah wearily padding in and sitting beside her

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Frankie had been working steadily for half the day when she heard the door creak open, Elijah wearily padding in and sitting beside her. Pulling her computer shut and laying it on the ground beside them she turned, tucking her feet up as she crossed her legs and spun to look at him.

"Did you find her?"

"Not exactly," he frowned, "I lost Niklaus. We were tracking her together and then he disappeared, I've tried calling him but he refuses to answer so evidently he found her and intends on speaking with her alone."

"Who is she?" Frankie asked gently, "I've never seen him so- so hurt just by thinking about someone."

"Aurora de Martel, Niklaus' great love. You remember I told you of how we met Lucien and Tristan," Elijah paused and Frankie nodded, "While we stayed at the castle Klaus fell in love with Tristans sister, the Lady Aurora."


"After I lost Klaus today I went to find Tristan, I knew if there was anyone aside from my brother who Aurora would contact it would be him. I wanted to know what he knew of her return and I wanted to know why he had his people tail you earlier."

Frankie did want to know why she'd been tailed but in all honesty she cared much more about finding out about Aurora. The most likely answer about her tail would be that Tristan was high on power and wanted to do something to make his position known to Elijah and it was something she could ask about later whereas with Aurora there was so much more.

"And?" she pressed, "did he know she was here?"

"I'm not entirely sure he did. I listened to his heart as we spoke, while I don't trust him and I do believe that he's working against us to some extent, I don't believe he knew she had arrived, nor that she'd contacted my brother."

There was silence between the two as they thought. She wondered how it would be to have a thousand year bond with your siblings, certainly Klaus and Elijah had a fraught relationship at times but it always settled and they placed one another over the world. After such a long time together was their friendship inevitable, a sibling the only one who could truly relate to everything you'd been through, or was their friendship an anomaly, remnants of the past that they'd not released.

"Maybe they've lost touch a little? After a thousand years perhaps they grew estranged from each other or something. You and Klaus have had decades spent without seeing each other right, perhaps they did too?"

"Tristan's devotion to his sister is almost pathological," he said, "he's obsessive in his love for her. If Aurora has come without his knowing then things are different. He's normally so focused on her that for him to have let her slip, it means he's planning something else. He must be hiding something big."

Frankie sighed, she didn't know how to help in this world of death and betrayal. She wished there was something she could do to help Elijah or to figure out what Tristans plan was or what Aurora's plan was now she was back but she didn't even know where to start.

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