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"Hey Ricky," Frankie called, unlocking the door to the cell at the Salvatore mansion, "I come bearing gifts, you crazy?"

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"Hey Ricky," Frankie called, unlocking the door to the cell at the Salvatore mansion, "I come bearing gifts, you crazy?"

Once they discovered that Alaric's evil alter ego had hidden the white oak stake, the unfortunate executive decision to lock Alaric in until they could locate it occurred. While Alaric agreed readily to it, Frankie was less pleased by the idea and it was only Damon literally trapping her in the apartment that allowed Alaric to spend the night in the cell alone.

"Still me," Alaric replied, "You know you shouldn't be in here. It defeats the point of the whole being locked in a cellar thing."

"Well you still need the basics," she rolled her eyes at him, passing the cup of decaf she'd grabbed for him and dumping the bag she carried to the ground, "Toothbrush, clothes, boring books to help you sleep."

"Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?"

"No?" her face furrowed as she snatched the book he was holding back from his hands, "I grabbed? Oh. . . Damon. Fuck that's funny, I wish I thought of that one."

"At least one of us still has a sense of humour."

"Are you sure you're good?" she asked softly, "I mean you don't need to be kept in here. I told Damon that-"

"No, no," he sighed, rubbing his face with his fist, "This is the right place for me to be. At least until you guys can convince my highly uncooperative alter ego to fess up to where I, or he, hid the white oak stake."

"We looked everywhere," she confessed, collapsing onto the cot beside him, "You, the other you, hid it well."

"What's Klaus gonna do if you can't find it?"

"It's the only thing that'll kill him," here she rolled her eyes, flopping back onto the bed with a roll of her eyes, "so wage war, murder people, you know, Klaus stuff. The paranoid little shit."

"Lets hope it doesn't get to that," he replied sipping his coffee, his face curling into a grimace at the bitter taste of the decaf.

"So did you hear about Damon and Elena's road trip adventure?"

"Why do you say that so gleefully," he asked with a laugh, "It's like you're waiting for me to disapprove."

"I don't know," she laughed out, "Damon and Elena, travelling across the country. Your best mate and surrogate child?"

"I guess I'm just more curious to hear what Stefan says about it."

"Ugh, ever the diplomat," she rolled her eyes, she'd hoped to be able to team up against Damon with him and tease him over the situation, "It was Stefans idea apparently, he thinks she has unresolved feelings for Damon."

"Well I don't think he's wrong."

Her face froze as her phone began to buzz though she shoved it back into her pocket as she caught sight of the name. In the day since they'd killed Finn, inadvertently attempting to kill all of his siblings, Elijah had called her eight times and each time her phone had buzzed she'd pressed it back into her pocket waiting for it to end. She wasn't ready to talk to him, to explain how she'd let her friends kill his brother and attempt to kill him, she didn't want to talk about it and she didn't want to think about it.

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