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It took Frankie several moments to figure out where exactly she was when she woke up. She was in a bed, that much was obvious, but it took her more than a few minutes to realise it was her brothers bed, in his room, in Mystic Falls. Pushing herself out of bed to her feet, the day came back to her, the crazy stranger Klaus who insisted he was a vampire, and the girl, Katherine or Katerina who had more strength than seemed humanly possible.

Outside she couldn't hear any voices, she cautiously poked her head through the doorway to see if she was alone. Hopefully if Klaus wasn't here, she could at least get her phone from her backpack to call for help. She didn't know what she was dealing with but she did know she needed to get out of here, she needed to get away and call for help.

Katherine was there, but she was laying on one of the couches with her eyes shut sleeping. Tiptoeing past as quietly as she could, Frankie scooped up her bag and board and put her hand on the door to escape before she woke.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Katherine said dryly behind her, "He wants you here for a reason, if you leave he'll just track you down and make you pay."

"Look," she spun on her heels, "I dont know what is going on here but I'm getting out of this freak show while I can."

Wrenching the door open, she tried to rush out before Katherine could stop her, but it was as though there was a plate of glass standing between her and the apartment hallway. Dumping her bag and board to the floor, she leant all her weight against the invisible barrier, unable to even make it budge.

"Why can't I leave?"

Katherine opened her eyes curiously now to look over at her, "Maddox cast a spell, it should've broken when he died-"

"A spell?" Frankie sounded unconvinced.

"He spelled you to sleep three days ago too."

"What do you mean?" Frankie felt anxious now hearing this, "It can't have been three days, you're lying."

"It's Saturday," Katherine told her, deadpan as she listened to Frankie's heart skip, "Why would I lie?"

Frankie sat down on the couch, she didn't know what she could do now, reaching into her bag she pulled out her phone, searching through for her brothers contact when the door opened, both her and Katherine's heads flicking to it in surprise.

"Hello Katherine," a boy said. He was tall and handsome, with blonde hair that was styled upwards and a frown on his face as he looked at her companion that then furrowed in confusion as he caught sight of Frankie, "Who're you?"

"Who're you?" she shot back.

"Two days, I've been waiting, Stefan" Katherine interjected, stalking towards the boy furiously, "I'm supposed to be free of Klaus' compulsion by now. He's supposed to be dead."

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