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***(Cole's POV)***

Four weeks later

Seliel groans from the couch. "Nya, tell Jay to stop shooting me down!"

"I've got this!" Nya hits a button on her game controller and launches a torpedo at Jay's vehicle.

"No, Nya, wait!" he yells.

But it's too late. His computerized jet explodes in a cloud of smoke.

I grin from my spot in the doorway. Looks like I left Seliel in good hands when I left on my mission this morning.

Jay looks at Nya, hurt written all over his face. "What was that for?!"

Nya hitches a shoulder. "Sel's a cripple, Jay. I was just trying to be nice."

Seliel scoffs. "Seriously? I am not a cripple!"

Nya rolls her eyes. "You are, and you will be for the next six weeks."

Jay pouts his bottom lip. "But – "

"Trust me, Jay," Nya pats his shoulder. "The next time you need your leg broken and reset, then are laid up for the next month and a half, then extend your healing time because you try walking on your bad leg, I will be happy to gun down your enemies on videogames." She stretches an arm over her head. "It's the first day of being un-grounded, and all I've done is play videogames. Anyone up for something that's actually fun?" She stretches over the back of the couch, moaning.

"I'll do something with you," Jay suggests. "It's been boring around the monastery since you've only been here for training the past month. I'd be happy to hang out."

She raises an eyebrow. "What did you have in mind?"

"We could go out?"

"Uh-huh. Like, as in, a date?"

"Um...well...it doesn't have to be. But you know I'd always be open for that." Jay grins sheepishly.

"You won't let me forget." She turns to Seliel. "I suppose it's only right to ask you if you want to do anything, given that the only thing on your to-do list is bossing others around."

Seliel scoffs. "I have plenty of good things to do."

"She does," I smile, coming to sit beside her. I plant a kiss on her cheek. "You're grumpy today."

"You left me with these two to keep me company! Nya's just plain a brat, and all Jay ever wants to do is talk about how she won't get back together with him."

"I'm doing better than I was," he argues, blushing furiously.

It's mostly true. Jay is doing a little better since I finally convinced him to get counseling for his depression. I think he realized his need when Nya ran away – he knew it was wrong for him to consider what Nya thought about him more important than her safety.

Unfortunately, he's been full-on Nya-crazy since the whole fiasco, and he's annoying her to death.

Nya does say that she enjoys spending time with him more now. I think it's because she hated seeing him depressed last month, and it just wore her down. Even if he is annoying nowadays, he's still better off than before.

She hasn't opened up to Kai about why she ran from him yet. She also hasn't said anything about leaving Ninjago City since the night everything went down, and I secretly wonder if she still plans on going.

But Nya's here now. I guess I'll just have to keep an eye on her and trust Kai and Skylor to do the rest.

We hear the bell ring for the gate, and Jay eagerly rises. "I bet that's the mail!" he exclaims. "I'm expecting a package. I'll be back in a few minutes." He rushes out of the TV room.

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